Sunday, September 30, 2018

Cāritātis ~ Sunday, 30 September 2018

When sparrows in fall gather teeth chatter
how little death matters when we get together
even the stars seem cold distant without a care
no one seems to notice you there with cup in hand

shiver all day and night as winter approaches
people pass as you stand cup in hand just waiting
as if you were a stop sign we could just ignore
rebels in tweed jackets walk past without a glance
rivers of blood could flow but nobody would show
one ounce of concern for your health or happiness
wealth is their one focus to spend their days feasting
shudder to think you feel cold hungry neglected

indeed without status only the sparrows know
no one shows an interest in your case or your needs

forgotten even by your family you spend
a lifetime on the streets begging strangers for money
left on your own since small you make bad decisions
last thing you need is snow as the days get shorter

get yourself together and head to the border
ask yourself if this land is your land and my land
take a moment to look at your future right now
how it will be just more of the same everyday
even the lottery would save your sorry ass
really only as long as you know how to play

their game of managing wealth and having status
enter college study law become a lawyer
enter into practice earn tons of blood money
take your share drive a car buy a boat sail away
how you long to just drift along on calm water

catch a wave learn to surf have fun for once in life
how you long to have fun make friends throw a party
ask yourself if you care a lick about others
those less fortunate than you charity cases
those very same people who were competition
even for a measly quarter nickel or dime
really even you don't care so why act so dumb

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Quixotic ~ Saturday, 29 September 2018

When you seek the answer to the meaning of life
however much you long to know what is unknown
even perhaps to some unknowable to minds
nevermore limited in perspective whose sight

yet still undiminished by age cannot see past
organized religion a crime against mankind
until their eyes close shut to envision all time

set to occur at once in a single moment
enter the mind of God as we imagine Him
even this single drop of rain in a monsoon
kills the impossible quest for ultimate truth

take a second to walk inside a glass mirror
however difficult the same holds true to gain
entry in a black hole your perspective flattens

as you approach the speed of light you discover
nothing but the surface strength gravity conducts
slipping past the surface requires you move faster
when you approach the speed of light than light itself
even this seems absurd beyond understanding
really in this moment can we begin to see

totality simply beyond comprehension
only infinity makes sense when used in math

to imagine the world as if humans never
hovered with light friction over the whole planet
earth without a park bench dedicated to Georges

maybe if you began to think like a mountain
every aeon you rise until you disappear 
and the point of it all being without meaning
nothing but language games to express this motion
if the world were without humans we may know life
not from the inside view but as souls without words
given our need to know everything in this world

only meaning beyond language evades our minds
for words rewire the brain to operate with words

language haunts our systems controls our very souls
in thoughts that organize the world like an essay
for to engage reason seems ethical by choice
ethics however laughs sardonically at truth

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Nostalgia ~ Thursday, 27 September 2018

I was born in Mumbai before they changed her name

Wishful thinking I could have stayed in India
as if I had a choice as a newborn infant
silly rabbit tricks are for kids not dumb babies

Baby baby baby you sure made a big noise
on the day you were born as if the world revolves
round you with riots in Greenwich Village you took
New York City's finest by storm the boys in blue

Indeed didn't know what hit them the gay parade
no one ever knew of now run the streets in June

Maybe if I were born elsewhere to someone else
under circumstances I could control myself
maybe if I weren't born to archers of the sky
born to shoot their arrows to chase after their prey
after a better life for their children two sons
ignorant of better or worse as foreigners

Baby baby baby you knew nothing of home
ever since you were born nobody seems to care
from where you hail from what distant land you travel
only to mark you as foreign an immigrant
remember your father and mother and brother
even when they give up on you in your ventures

Take a chance on the son of immigrants who care
honestly not a lick for their renegade son
evidently too much trouble as a black sheep
yes little firestarter you stole you lied point blank

Criminal from the get go in the eyes of parents
held to higher standards as if from Nairobi
as if from the old world from the mother country
nobody in Kenya met the prodigal son
guaranteed to succeed or fall flat on my face
ever since my father passed away my mother
decided to make clear I was not worth her time

How do I find my way back to the promised land
endlessly I wander the earth in search of peace
remember to scatter my ashes in the sea

Nobody in Goa remembers this devil
as this devil cannot remember his homeland
maybe if I return to suffer culture shock
even the nostalgia will dissipate with time

Dreams ~ Thursday, 27 September 2018

I was born in Bombay before they changed the name

When I was three months old we moved to Middlesex
after three years we moved to Kew Gardens in Queens
since flight controllers worked in towers at airports

Boy howdy you could find my dad working his shift
only I was too young to visit the tower
restricted from children under this tall to ride
never did I visit his place of work to see

If the planes flew better because my dad worked there
nobody took the time to tell me how stressful

Boy how my dad worked shifts day and night night and day
only I never saw him happy around us
my brother and I were unwanted distractions
bed to sleep for night shifts during the daylight hours
ask two boys and their friends to keep quiet they learn
yes we learned how my dad had a rotten temper

Boy how did I survive childhood after we moved
eventually to Southern California
for here in paradise my father found his ship
on the inside of rum bottles for this was home
real life nobody knew what happened in our house
even my closest friends didn't know the abuse

Take an alcoholic and his Catholic wife
hold two children hostage until they want to leave
even now I wonder why I'm such a failure
yet still while I struggle to succeed to finish

Creating each poem line for line step by step
how my life turned around after each big success
after college marriage divorce I still survive
no one in my family talk with me anymore
grateful to my girlfriend who sees me chase demons
even if the only way I'll ever be rich
depends on my winning the lottery as fate

Throws stones at unworthy sinners until they die
however I run mile after mile just to reach
each small goal to enter the Boston Marathon

No one will ever know what happened in our house
as my family denies any knowledge of facts
made-up as in stories they say that I tell lies
even in poems I speak truth to ignorance

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Lethal ~ Tuesday, 25 September 2018

Nico sings sad ballads in a room full of smoke
inhale the ecstatic loops of her rhapsody
caress the cigarette between her lips with eyes
ordinary enough to hide behind a desk
tonight suckle the drug traced to your addiction
imbibe drink after drink until the sun ascends
notice in the mirror how dry your yellowed skin
even your hair looks dull with or without pomade

Nothing lasts forever you tell your reflection
only the image knows better than you how long
time allows you to live before your allotment
is up when they measure to cut the cord you hold
caught up in the moment of early adulthood
even if you believe Nico will save your soul

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Hollow ~ Thursday, 20 September 2018

From within a dark cave, I wait for them to come.
Reason states I should leave but my guts tell me stay.
Only the shadows keep me warm with company.
Monsters inside my head cast shadows on the wall.

Walls weep beside old pews broken to provide fire.
Inside this mountain crypt I hide amongst the bones.
These deceased priests pretend to know what is holy.
Humans imagine God to witness the divine.
Inside my damp grotto I live amongst dead souls.
Nobody knows desire like lustful hungry ghosts.

Ancient as the mountain, the church misty with tears.

Down the walls spring water filters into a stream.
At least I get to drink the cleanest of waters.
Religion as above plays no part in my life.
Kissed by atheist fools before bed as a child.

Children need religion like the holes in their shoes.
Adults entertain thoughts of the divinity. 
Very few people know the meaning of their lives.
Even the priests above work hard to know of God.

I sit inside the cave and meditate on death.

Waiting to figure out the real meaning of life.
As I appear to priests as an old Buddhist monk.
Indeed I once studied the tao beyond all thought.
Taoism and zazen were my two companions.

Forget about all that, once I met the angels.
Only just like mermaids but with huge wings instead.
Reason provides answers to such clear deceptions.

Tragically I wait here for them to flutter down.
However beautiful in appearance they weep.
Elegant in their gowns, Greek goddesses from myth.
Mythology informed my childhood of false truths.

Time measures my grey beard a foot every two years.
Only I have no way to measure its full length.

Creatures divine appear in a field of bright light.
Only through these beauties do I know the meaning.
Meaning comes slowly so not to confuse the mind.
Even after I die, I will rest in this cave.

Fascist ~ Thursday, 20 September 2018

Petit bourgeois hipster listens to the Wailers
in a huff he sharpens the small axe a symbol
constant in reminder of his love of reggae
noxious little man grinds the blade over a stone
in his mind he defends ancestral peoples
cargo from Africa from violence and harm

Cream-colored unlike boys darker than black coffee
ridiculed as a child for his skin tone he felt
empathy from his dad mom sister and brother
although cousins poked fun at him they respected
mother father sister brother uncles aunties cousins
yet a young man learns hard lessons from his family

Count on nobody else to help fulfill your dreams
on American soil nobody cares a hoot
for the barefooted man on the street in winter
for they know he is mad lost his mind in the snow
even if they have cash they distrust their instincts
enter into a pact to save the homeless man

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Hypocrisy ~ Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Picnic a word only a Black person may use
in the double standard reappropriation
carried out on the streets as opposed to classrooms
nickle and dime the man a brother what's the word
in good company speak not the word while at church
created to oppress the word divides people

Nothing sends shivers down my spine as when I hear
in a grocery store someone casually
give a brother a nudge and say you my the word
give me a break even my friends at the venue
egg me on by saying that very phrase to me
remain calm non-Black man you're not Invisible

Casual like no one cares if you speak poorly
as if America were a country crippled
simply because the word exists without just cause
under circumstances the Atlantic Slave Trade
actually brought hate in holds of cargo ships
love by Christian traders came only at a price

Magic ~ Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Pick a word any word like a card from the deck
in the dictionary there are thousands of words
can you say just one word that won't offend someone
now be careful even the word picnic offends
in ears that hear racist intent in language games
can you say the one word without starting a fire

Neighbors on the Southside know the word for riot
in case of fire break glass remain calm don't panic
given the financial disparity seeing
green on the other side of the fence the divide
enter the language game at your own risk welcome
race relations as to hide discrimination

Chicago is either Black or non-Black people
honestly I don't care if you think I'm racist
assume what you deny about yourself instead
nothing comes from the word as if from Bible quotes
given to see beyond your nose takes a preacher
even if positive systemic change occurs

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Impressionism ~ Sunday, 16 September 2018

Pick a *i**er to lynch while we set our picnic
in the park on Sunday with Georges on the island
create a work of art hang a loathsome black man
*i**er did you whistle at my wife like a wolf
innocent we prove you guilty under this tree
court decisions count not in this jurisdiction

*i**er this length of rope decides your fate justice
is blind to our actions we own our towns and laws
given by us grant us the right to end your life
guaranteed punishment for killing a black man
ends in a hung jury we created the law
remember that ethics a life of principle

enters the world in books written by men of worth
transgress our privileged world filled with entitlement
however and you'll meet your ghost at a dead end
infringe on our lifestyle and disenfranchisement
calls out like sirens of the sea as police
stranglehold another brother who cannot breathe

Programmed ~ Sunday, 16 September 2018

Pick a *i**er to lynch this word picnic means this
inside of black culture and black experience
continue to use words that offend disrespect
*i**er *i**er *i**er a word I cannot say
instead I use the phrase the *-word embarrassed
creatively to speak a word as an artist

not because I am white but my Portuguese name
is a dead giveaway I am not like other
greedy Europeans trying to flee their past
gutted with shame and guilt as descendants of hate
even though we all hide behind our history
reparations denied slaveholders set slaves free

art and language as art set poets free to speak
resistance against lies truth against ignorance
transcendental reason cannot exist with hate
in our FCC world no one speaks uncensored
shit fucking expletives spew like cum from her mouth
take it for what it is I'm a starving artist

Friday, September 14, 2018

Satan ~ Friday, 14 September 2018

Before you dance with the devil,
make sure Jesus is on your side;
unless you want to learn
how to tango in hell.
Know your adversary.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Accuser ~ Wednesday, 12 September 2018

Before you fuck with the devil,
make sure Satan is on your side;
unless you want to learn
how to tango in hell.
Know your adversary.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Embedded ~ Monday, 10 September 2018

Sitting meditation has but one single point
in the interests of time I shall be brief and speak
to the point in question for time itself is brief
though it appears as if without end eternal
in fact time itself is as brief as a candle
no one is safe as soon as the candle is lit
given life a wick burns slowly from tip to base

meditation allows us to sit in the fire
enter the flame to melt the wax around the wick
diminished by a breeze the flame won't extinguish
indeed within this life we extinguish the flame
to melt the wax we need to sit calmly and breathe
as we sit thoughts pass through the mind without reason
to try to stop these thoughts is a futile attempt
in understanding mind as waves in the ocean
only cease at the shore to return whence they came
no longer useful thoughts dissipate to the sea

how thoughts become like salt to permeate the sea
as with sea so the mind but the waves continue
such an assault obscures the need to see the sea

beyond the waves beyond the surface of vision
unless we see beyond perception beyond sense
talks to understand thoughts become idle chatter

only sparrows can hear such words as meaningful
no one else in the world can make sense of chatter
even language gets in the way to see beyond

sensations the surface of the ocean the sea
indeed the mind as time occurs in one moment
no one can understand the mind as eternal
given our own finite existence but the mind
left still beyond body beyond all sensations
even as we approach the mind as infinite

placed along the tangent we never reach the ends
only the finite length of the wick of a life
in deep meditation stills the waves of the mind
no longer to seek thoughts to answer these questions
troubled minds become calm as placid as the sea

Discontinuous ~ Monday, 10 September 2018

While walking in the rain Mr. Gabidar sees
his reflection below in a shallow puddle
instead of his own face battered beaten grey old
light plays tricks on his eyes so he sees a young man
elegant clean-shaven with the Handsome Demons

washed-up back in the day an amateur drummer
aspiring full of hope to make music like notes
left as an equation on a cluttered blackboard
killing time an old man waiting for death to suck
in his breath as a cat sits on top of his chest
never certain when life comes to an abrupt end
guessing if he worries it comes to no purpose

indeed a defunct band with an ironic name
nobody understood way back in the 80s

to fast-forward the film of a life abandoned
haunted for thirty years while bandmates learned music
entertaining others with professional style

rain falls over his hat and overcoat he walks
arguing with himself over his past choices
in no way affecting any level of change
no Mr. Gabidar couldn't care less again

Mirrors found in puddles taunt Mr. Gabidar
raving mad lunatics walk the streets in the rain

Gathering up his thoughts to write a novella
about the Minotaur trapped inside a small boy
but his lack of control as his own consciousness
in the growing body of an immigrant's son
dawns in time in the mind of this ancient creature
as he faces his past while he acquires language
reason creates logic to overcome past dreams

since Mr. Gabidar writes only poetry
ever so poorly that this work of prose fiction
even weaves tapestry slowly over these warped pages
shuttles threads of the weft in the shed of the loom

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Mysticism ~ Thursday, 6 September 2018


Because I could not say goodbye to you that day
even as my brother and our mother had done
could not arrive on time for your open casket
as they say it matters and it does not matter
under circumstances outside of my control
search me why nobody checked your car's battery
even as everyone left in another car

as communication breaks down a family
talks with muted cell phones and arguments later

leave it to my mother to speak truth against love
even she could not hold back her anger my aunt
acted as a witness and my girlfriend observed
shouting and arguments as my mother revealed
that my brother let me become a troubled child

that I was not worthy of their concern as time
heals all wounds they observed me in conspiracy
even as depression and madness took over

pretend your son is not your son pretend to hide
and if he disappears do not complain your loss
simply accept the loss and move on let the past
triumph within darkness your deceit is complete

who single-handedly destroys their own sibling
even if their fortune demands a sacrifice
relief comes late in life as the body changes
even my own madness transformed with discipline

pretend your own sister is not observed by nuns
as schizophrenia inhabited her mind
severed from family living in a convent
the toll anxiety played against my mother

as she watched her own son slowly go mad inside
where no one can find you to help offer you life
as a consolation prize I won amnesty
yes the family leaves me completely alone


I was never as bad or as smart as Hamlet

sadly to say madness simply made me silent
as a church mouse and small in the vast universe
yes I affirm the past and confirm the future
the Magus of Hyde Park a marathon runner
holds no status other than as human being
even as the ego grumbles under its breath

family and the past mean nothing anymore
under circumstances beyond my own vision
trust became an issue as did money and hope
under my father's house alcohol reigned supreme
reason did not exist nor did understanding
even as I studied philosophy logic

indeed was a tough egg to crack but I did learn
still the rest of the world may or may not adhere

as logic is a game whose rules confuse others

shake off the yoke of youth and accept adulthood
even as a passage into the death cycle
race against the devil and his minions who run
in step to chase my soul to grasp as a plaything
of course the devil is a serious matter
under circumstances beyond Satan's control
silence offers me rest while I breathe in Spirit

minions glorified step alongside my own stride
as we pace mile for mile the length of the whole route
the marathon takes place in October a month
that treasures its demons and the blues musicians
entertaining demons as a sound distraction
remember the deceased and pray for their lost souls


Descent ~ Thursday, 6 September 2018

Mumble Bunny stumbles
      and falls
                                    underneath this stairwell
                                          Mumble Bunny sits glum
            muscles develop sores
                  and start to ache from pain
                              beginning to get up
                                    he feels nauseous and sick
                  left all alone at home
                        he knows he cannot cry
      even if his mother
            were home she would just laugh

But his father would hit
      his sadistic young bride
                        under the false belief
                              she would change for the best
            nobody knows whether
                  she were wicked before
                                    noticeable changes
                                          in her demeanor took
                        years off her appearance
                              they say she ages quick

Sinister forces leave
      Mumble Bunny alone
                                    to fend for his own life
                                          while his parents relax
                  under the canopy
                        of a huge umbrella
                                    maybe they forget how
                                          children cannot take care
            beyond basic functions
                  of their own special needs
                              left alone on his own
                                    Mumble Bunny makes do
                        ever the resourceful
                              young lad he calls the cops
                                          swooping into action
                                                they arrive just in time
At six Mumble Bunny
      cannot know adoption
                                    needlessly allows boys
                                          and girls without parents
                        denial of services
                              if the child is at risk

For in this case as luck
      would have it the police
                              as merchants of the peace
                                    who both serve and protect
                  legally they could do
                        nothing but take the boy
                                          limp as a wet bar towel
                                                straight to the hospital
                              sentiments among men
                                    being few they leave him

Doctors observe the child
      see to his injuries
                                          only they discharge him
                                                after taking x-rays
                  wonders never cease for
                        Little Mumble Bunny
                                    nobody asks questions
                                          as to why a small boy

Tries to catch a cab home
      uncertain where he lives
                                                however the cabbie
                                                      has no other offers
                        even his dispatcher
                              tells the taxi driver

Simply to just hang tight
      maybe some passengers
            take a shine to the kid
                  or recognize the boy
                        and take care of the kid
                              or buy him some dinner
                                    if he wants a soda
                                          get him a root beer float
                                    remember why childhood
                                          gets a bad rap 
                                          causes our memories
                                    to disappear the good
                              and the bad no matter
                        whether the harm he feels
                  still remains deep inside
            hidden away secret
      even when no one else
knows what the boy suffers

Monday, September 3, 2018

Creative Visualization ~ Monday, 3 September 2018

The year twenty twenty offers perfect vision
however if voters expect perfect results
even a perfect world can't cure myopia

yes the best is always yet to come but to get
even through the front door we must knock to see if
another possible world where we imagine
right-wing politics own up to their fascist roots

trouble is left-wing groups deny their communist
worldview as too extreme in practice when theory
even across blueprints dismayed both architects
noting concrete buildings in Soviet era
tried and true housing plans and false historians
yesterday's true bright minds with foresight in vision

to conquer the problem of civil war bloodshed
worrisome issues like forced starvation torture
even dictatorships without end and bread lines
noble as a concept each communist dream failed
to realize theory and practice don't align
yet back to the blackboard with more talk of praxis

only the fascist dream fell apart after war
forecast domination to spin on its axis
for nearly thirty years and disappear behind
every little splinter faction across Europe
restless to gain control over the continent
silly neo-Nazi rallies take place in Germany

pretend we could solve world hunger poverty
even weather patterns that only forecast doom
realize the future where we all help others
for to allow failure as an option to choose
even as such choices came from bad decisions
children and young adults make early on in life
terror anxiety trauma and depression

very much set out sights too low to rise above
in our need to succeed we seek to redefine
success in terms of self instead of with others
indeed competition hasn't any losers
only winners who train against their past results
not to outdo themselves but to correct mistakes

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Oculāris ~ Sunday, 2 September 2018

I am nothing to you unless the sea watches

as each tremulous wave passes on the surface
majestic and noble the ocean roars and laughs

nothing bothers its tides the rise and fall of love
on the surface of life history discusses
the causes of movements similar to physics
however the heart knows when love is just a game
in the big picture time itself quivers slowly
nothing matters but space full of dark energy
gravity cannot draw two bodies together

that repel each other as we observe each day
over and over time and time again these games

you play I play as well but to others it means
only a waste of time and energy of love
understood by just one and no more than just one

under the sea you can find me these ruddy claws
nobody wants to eat captured and thrown away
libraries fill with shelves full of poetry books
even librarians don't care if you steal them
still dust gathers atop the rows and rows hopeless
save me pleads every book from going unnoticed

these games you play I play as well but just as games
however no one cares when the wind doesn't blow
even the weatherman will never say no breeze

see when a tornado rips up a town destroys
every little structure in its path but still cuts
a swath like the reaper in a field at harvest

when the time comes to build again we will restore
again and again home after home until all
the townsfolk find shelter once more from the forces
channeled by God himself in a fit of anger
hungry for his people to pay him attention
even the townsfolk know who enters a union
seen as holy by God he shall not break that bond

Illusion ~ Sunday, 2 September 2018

I have all that I need all that I need I have

Have I the conditions to satisfy the self
all that I need I have I have all that I need
veritably the self needs nothing more than love
even these conditions being met the self asks

Asks what more do I need what more to feed the soul
love seems never enough the soul burns evermore
left alone I become desperate for the soul

That burns burns evermore never ending the flames
have I met the one flame to quench all other flames
asks the self in torture happily set alight
the flames of hell consume the soul in this lifetime

I need all that I have all that I have I need

Nothing could be more off the target than this phrase
even when conditions for happiness are met
even then the soul burns in hell in this lifetime
discipline is needed to perform the functions

Asked by the self inside hidden quiet silent
left alone I wonder why am I here today
love comforts to smother the flames within the heart

The heart surrounds itself with other hearts beating
hearts restless to consume like lions in the bush
ask the heart why the self all alone continues
to seek out other hearts to consume in its flames

I want what I don't have what I don't have I want

Noble is the river of blood coursing through veins
even today I ask myself why I would want
everything evermore like a star deep in space
desperate all alone ready to disappear

I don't have what I want what I want I don't have

Have I entered this world to consume other hearts
asks the self in judgment mouth bloody with rivers
veritably the soul knows when it sees itself
even a mirror casts but a mirror image