Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Hypocrisy ~ Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Picnic a word only a Black person may use
in the double standard reappropriation
carried out on the streets as opposed to classrooms
nickle and dime the man a brother what's the word
in good company speak not the word while at church
created to oppress the word divides people

Nothing sends shivers down my spine as when I hear
in a grocery store someone casually
give a brother a nudge and say you my the word
give me a break even my friends at the venue
egg me on by saying that very phrase to me
remain calm non-Black man you're not Invisible

Casual like no one cares if you speak poorly
as if America were a country crippled
simply because the word exists without just cause
under circumstances the Atlantic Slave Trade
actually brought hate in holds of cargo ships
love by Christian traders came only at a price

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