Sunday, June 2, 2019

Song for My Father ~ 2 June 2019

Dear Dad, 

     It's Father's Day again, nothing 
even remotely to celebrate, nope, 
as you are still in a little tin box, 
remember, you died, and I never got... 

Dad, please, don't interrupt me while I write, 
...and I never got the chance to let grief 
deliver me from this life and your death. 

If I never got the chance, it's my fault, 
that I am to blame, that I made mistakes, 
still, it's not everyday your father dies. 

Forget that you told me to keep working 
at my new position at the bookstore, 
that I didn't know what to do, to ask 
human resources for time off, to leave 
everything to come visit you dying, 
reasonable, as I look back, hindsight 
succeeds at achieving perfect vision. 

Deliberately, I stayed away, as far 
as Chicago is from Huntington Beach, 
yes, I chose love two thousand miles away, 

as we have accepted, I was to blame, 
given the circumstances, no cash flow, 
a trip to California seemed absurd, 
in the eyes of my brother, I lacked sense, 
no one can return me to that moment, 

not that I would want to return, five years 
on and I live with my actions, demons 
taunt my soul in a living hell, I run 
hundreds of miles each month, never to reach 
in time to say goodbye, to embrace you, 
no, I am the wrong son for emotions, 
given my background, I am the king crab, 

even as a boy, I could not process 
virtual simulacra for feelings, 
enter my dissimulation, pretense, 
nothing anyone could then understand, 

remember the Seventies, no one knew 
even a thing about child disorders, 
maybe autism wasn't discovered, 
or maybe, I was just so damn special 
that I acted out all the time, bad kids, 
even they need love and understanding, 
left with your fists, the art of the boxer, 
yes, your favorite sport next to soccer, 

touched me with hands that lacked all affection, 
only my older brother, golden child, 

challenged you in friendship, I was a cause, 
even now, lost inside my head with words, 
left to my own devices, my silence 
entered a realm no one could touch or hold, 
berated by family and some classmates, 
reason overwhelmed my brain, while feelings 
attained a perpetual state of frozen 
tundra, the hell across which I now run, 
entering the marathon, year after... 

no internal dialogue again, please, 
on this matter, I stand firm, I'm tired 
pretending you, mom, or my brother talk 
endlessly to me while I run, I'm done 

asking for forgiveness, you never cared, 
still mom preaches "accountability," 

yet I stopped calling long ago, no more 
of the past will I bear as a burden, 
under this weight, I have lived much too long, 

are you cognizant of these words I write, 
remembering my father for others, 
even for myself, I seek out the best, 

suffering for so many years, the tears 
tumble meaninglessly while I run miles, 
if you cannot accept my sad attempt, 
little can I do to apologize, 
little can I do for a man of dust 

in a little tin box, I've never seen, 
never saw you inside your closed casket, 

at the memorial service, I stood, 

left with my anger at my own brother, 
instead of laughing at circumstances 
that are actually funny in hindsight, 
that we were left behind, in your old car, 
even you hadn't driven for six months, 

take a moment to breathe, to laugh, to scream, 
in that moment I wished I could be calm, 
no spark would ignite a dead battery, 

believe in morbid irony and laugh, 
on this note, I must dance in remembrance, 
xenophilia, a crowd of strangers 

rejoice around my acceptance of death, 
even I am bewildered by the thought, 
maybe gastroenteritis killed you, 
even diverticulitis killed you, 
maybe it was just cancer and weight loss, 
believe me, you didn't need to lose weight, 
even if your body didn't know that, 
remember, you died, and I never got... 

yes, I never got the chance to grieve tears 
over your body, living or in death, 
underneath the facade of life is pain, 

death brings up pain, sorrow and suffering, 
in life, it takes time for me to process 
emotions, death is a challenge I fear, 
death taunts me with demons as I run miles, 

again, I beg for you to forgive me, 
no longer a Catholic, but Buddhist, 
discipline and practice, I must accept, 

I train half the year for the marathon, 

never have I told you this, I run miles 
ever striving to stride better, to run 
virtually effortlessly, a game 
endless in endeavour to attain peace, 
remember, you died, and I never got... 

guaranteed you were in a better place, 
only that you died and were cremated, 
thank you for letting me speak my mind...bye.

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