Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Elephants Wept ~ Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Real-cool to red-hot
each word of rhetoric blows
a wind cool-fire-blue
listen to their plot

cool to the touch, absolute
oval, the plot plows
over where tusks grew
listen to their memories

tusks sell ivory
objects of glory

remember not to salute
each dictator born
despite the graveyard

hold on to the truth, the scorn
of the dead and scarred
trust in our trophies

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Guerrilla Communication ~ Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Vanilla cupcakes
awaken as gorillas
needing to argue
if they get the shakes
leave gorillas well alone
leave bland vanillas
angling all askew

creative slant proves no point
unless for a bone
puppies act all sweet
crackheads never had a choice
all whitewashed, the beat
kids all have a voice
even though they smoke a joint
smoke shows who be fakes

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Toast ~ Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Two slices of bread
warmed lightly in the toaster
of course, I am sick

stomach flu, in bed
love is two slices of toast
if on a coaster
caution: did we click
even after fourteen years
say less, lest I boast

of course, I love you
for that is all I can say

bed to bathroom, flu
resides here to stay
even after all the tears
an old man can cry
disappear and say goodbye

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Zest ~ Sunday, February 18, 2024

This poem I write
how can I tell you, I feel
insane in my brain
silently, despite

people, all the time, around
orange peel, I steal
every drink you drain
maybe because I love you

I can feel the ground

wobble, like a quake
remember the SoCal rules
if you bake a cake
take some to the fools
everyone knows you're my boo

Friday, February 16, 2024

Crepuscular ~ Friday, February 16, 2024

I draw in the sand

designs of beauty and grace
ready for the waves
as if brain to hand
washes away without a trace

images time saves
neatly in the bank

thoughts disappear within art
how once the sun sank
even in the dark

slippery when wet, now gone
ask me when I start
nothing but a lark
dusk, nothing lost, nothing won

Quicklime ~ Friday, February 16, 2024

I give up on dreams

give up on success, on hope
if say, at my age
visions of dry streams
environmental neglect

understand the rope
pulls my fiercest rage

onto the soft earth to sleep
needless, weak defect

designed to do what
reasonable blanks cannot
end the painful cut
answer the onslaught
merely without a trace, sweep
sense beyond the screams

Thursday, February 15, 2024

ΛCDM ~ Thursday, February 15, 2024

I will never be

winner of the Nobel Prize
if the stars shine down
leave a gift for me
let it be a big surprise

not just a let down
even though the stars
virtually don't exist
except inside bars
reason is sexist

but with you, I won't argue
except when I'm blue

Sunday, February 11, 2024

A Penny for Your Thoughts ~ Sunday, February 11, 2024

What did I do wrong to deserve this life
how many times have you asked yourself this
a question that questions your past actions
this hard scrabble world creates lives of strife

does all this struggle, stress and hard labor
indeed improve integrity, remiss
duty requires compliance, factions

I insist, work to bend the rules to win

demonstrate to others, cut with sabre
objects within reach, the power to harm

works to our advantage as a false threat
reach deep within, you will find, not to charm
on many levels, works better than sweat
noticed from fear, anxiety, the sin
given from birth is washed away by tears

tear me apart, limb from limb, do I care
of course, pain is unequal to pleasure

drives in character push away the fears
each day, day by day, but for years, decades
serve the masters their due, receive your share
each day, you see others seek out treasure
reach deep within, you will find, your own gold
vision is key, as is patience, life fades
each day as memories hide from the eyes

take a moment to breathe, to grow, allow
history an obol, in its mouth, lies
invented to enchant even a cow
suffer other's wickedness, remain bold

life is for celebration, enjoyment
if to live so long and never to kiss
for sooth, what do you seek as attractions
each day, consider how your light is spent

Utter Failure as a Poet Day ~ Sunday, February 11, 2024

tell me the
even if it's a lie
really, it's okay

as a poet
is pathetic
licensed as poetic
under ™ as ®
read trademark as registered trademark
even if you don't get it

as many of us don't get it
sex that is

a try hard wanna-be

omg what does that mean
even if you wake up in
the middle of a

as to write/recite this poem
yes, you fail but not as a poet

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Object of the Game ~ Wednesday, February 7, 2024

In five billion years
nothing today will matter

for the sun will die
if so many tears
virtually make their way
each cheek grows fatter

bless your hearts, the sky
insane, in fact, as it sounds
leaves not much to say
lets galaxies merge
in a slow process, they mesh
only to converge
nothing new, more trash

yet, to deal with, on what grounds
even space rubbish
as a form of art
resists emotions, how smart
save the whales, go fish