Friday, November 9, 2012

Underlying the Event

If you believe there's a reason,
you'd be half-right, like a half-truth,
a well-told lie makes us all believers,
a happy wife is one left in the dark,
a happy husband speaks with a forked-tongue,
the serpent did not deceive Eve,
why would Satan not want to envision
the beauty of Eve in her nakedness,
why would he need to tempt her with the fruit
of the tree of knowledge, is the devil
just a pawn of the great storyteller,
the three crones at their loom, the tapestry
they weave allocate each human their lot
in this world, whether they be rich or poor,
short or tall, fat or thin, loved or unloved,
famous or infamous, born or stillborn,
we know the sun casts long shadows at dawn,
but others the darkness swallows at dusk,
you see the ocean surface but the depth
remains hidden, uncharted and unknown,
such is the meaning of the universe
for those who contemplate the mystery
who dwell upon the sheer absurdity,
there is nothing more important than death
otherwise all sufferring is endless
and all life becomes interminable,
to believe is to choose, so choose wisely
for the heartfelt truth of this world is love,
and to love with an honest heart is truth,
don't let anyone tell you otherwise.