Sunday, November 26, 2023

Rotten Eggs ~ Sunday, November 26, 2023

There was a moment
how I felt a wince of guilt
even though a smile
really crooked, bent
emerged on my spiteful face

when I learned, I built
a reserve, a mile
surprisingly deep, a trench

as for such a space

mostly for the hate
obsolete in this new age
my bad, I felt need
even at this stage
not to bottle what I bleed
this fate, my workbench

how I seek revenge
old emotions, without love
when I heard, the child

I knew, my challenge

from her stomping on my head
eggs, I felt a shove
little girls gone wild
to say, she lost both her legs

as gangrene, she said

when her mother spoke
if diabetic coma
never such words broke
caused the air to 'fa'
each note sung broke rotten eggs

old man, not worth salt
for now, by default

given, karma is a bitch
under the old guard
ignorance, a stitch,
looped in time, saves lives, lies hard
to accept, my fault

even if I paint
vengeance, in blood, on the wall
even though, we know
nemesis, a faint

thoughtless idea of the Greeks
how could a girl fall
oblige me to blow
undue dust into the pan
given the horde speaks
horrid lies, to see

as beyond all idle talk

stories give us glee
make-believe to squawk
if awkward, brown sparrows scan
life as pointless words
eggs blame little birds

Friday, November 24, 2023

Enable the Drunken Silence ~ Friday, November 24, 2023

How we did not know
inside memory is born
springs as the release
set to trigger slow
yet mechanical events

Foreseen with forlorn
insight without peace
troubled with childhood distress

Shut up within tents
how we never know
intensity guides spectrum
forget that we all grow
troubled by the hum
signals the need to depress

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Agnieszka ~ Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Too little, too late,
or, how to retire on beans,
or, work her to death;

leave nothing to fate
in this world, since money talks;
the old woman cleans,
though, beneath her breath,
little prayers, does she recite,
even though, she walks

through lives, without blame,
other's houses; beauty fades,
on her own, the shame

lines her face; she trades
advice on money, despite
the fact, she has none;
except for her son.

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Natural-born Birthright ~ Saturday, November 18, 2023

If you cannot say,
for God's sake, anything good,

yes, of course, say less;
of course, you must pay,
under penalty of law,

court costs, as you should;
as you cannot guess,
no one else should suffer harm;
not to see a flaw
of character, begs
the question of acting slack;

say, toward the dregs,
as you see they lack
your ability to charm.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Pet Peeves ~ Wednesday, November 15, 2023

This life, as I see
haunts me moment by moment
if I get upset
still, I pay the fee

lift the veil to face my pride
if I act unbent
from what makes me fret
each moment, I sit and wait

as if, my ex-bride
senses why I pain

I must let go and enjoy

sounds drive me insane
each noise bangs a toy
each chalkboard, fingernails grate

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Sapphires in Silence ~ Sunday, November 12, 2023

The point of this is
how metaphors describe sense
exactly with rhyme

pretend the pop quiz
on rhetorical questions
is how a good fence
not only lends crime
this thought to save us from harm

or how suggestions
for removal begs

the question to examine
how thought stands on legs
in times of famine
standards fail, sound the alarm

if cannibals eat
such thoughts become meat

Wake-up Call ~ Sunday, November 12, 2023

Upstairs, my neighbor
prepares her girls everyday
stomp, stomp, stomp above
try, as to ignore
as rambunctious trampoline
if floorboards could say
routinely, we shove
stupid children to the sky

my, my, my the scene
yes, I must let go

noisy from day one, no fun
everyday the flow
inside my head, none
given in advance, I cry
how to keep the score
but not care to stay
obviously, love
requires that much more

Lies ~ Sunday, November 12, 2023

To know the truth is
oxymoronic, at best

kill her with kindness
nothing but kismet
ordered but hidden, unknown
western thought will rest

their laurels and guess
how right they were, they are blind
even having sown

the fields with a plow
revealed in language as words
until we can show
the whole truth, the birds
haunt the bush, sparrows unkind

if the hidden stays
still, nothing dare sways

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Omniscience ~ Saturday, November 11, 2023

Did I imagine
if I let you go, you would
decide to come back

I see the engine

in bits, all taken apart
maybe if I could
ask for an eight-track
guaranteed to rock your world
it would be a start
no one knows, I cry
everyday, all these mistakes

in a heartbeat, try
for a moment, breaks

I saw no red flag unfurled

The Ethics of Schadenfreude ~ Saturday, November 11, 2023

Is it my own fault
still I own up to the fact

if I act badly
to show lack of tact

might make others feel gladly
yet, with my mistake

only if I yield
within to other's pressure
no joy comes to pass

forget the deep fake
as I offer you dark hype
until the treasure
lifts from the sand, cast
thoughts to the stereotype

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Loud, Naughty Neighbors ~ Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Manifold in type
as a passage into Hell
no one suffers worse
in terms of Dark Hype
forge a sense of happiness
or moments to dwell
long to end this curse
doubt the Devil will soon dance

if to second guess
night is not daytime

to imagine pain as joy
yes, thought is a crime
pretend God, a boy
escape this sorrow, no chance

Monday, November 6, 2023

Greet Not the Egret with Regret ~ Monday, November 6, 2023

I wait for my turn

as keynote speaker to tell
my story, my tale

Each day, I might learn
recovery is too hard
in the past, I fell
cast aside, too pale
as if love were just a word

No one drops their guard

I am now alone

as if I once had a choice
may all be as one

Enticing a voice
restless as a child unheard
insistent and strong
callous to forget
as loud as pre-dawn birdsong

Nothing new, regret

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Cobainicide ~ Sunday, November 5, 2023

Next door, the boy with blonde hair, with blue eyes
eventually, got us all to listen
xenophobic claptrap radio crap
transmission, half-baked lies between fat thighs

demonic possession, easy excuse
obey unknown forces, her lips glisten
or, did he get sick of feeling the slap
residential, behind closed doors, abuse

take an ounce of dysfunction, makes you think
how the sweet boy next door blew out his brains
even years of drug use cannot foretell

beautiful heroin addict obtains
overarching social presence to sell
yesterday's news as history, let's drink

Shotgun Solution ~ Sunday, November 5, 2023

Just blow your head off
until I die, I am next
still you're my hero
too fucked up, why scoff

bugger the oblique angles
lift the lid, so vexed
of course, love---zero
with tennis, who needs to win

yes, she wears bangles
old, stolen, fenced gold
until I'm dead, gone, long gone
rest in peace, live bold

heroin eats bone
eats marrow, eats faith, eats sin
as my hero, dead
death no longer means

orders from above, all lies
fuck, patch up your head
fuck, it's not worth beans

Friday, November 3, 2023

Fairness Is Unfair ~ Friday, November 3, 2023

Fairness is a pie
apples are in abundance
inside, razor blades
rest, as if to die
now, we work ourselves to death
each day, off-balance
seek out fair pay grades
sense equality, the mean

if I calm my breath
sitting on the floor

abundant spirit is mine

poverty, a door
if wealth is a fine
even God cannot be clean