Saturday, March 8, 2025

Pastoral ~ Saturday, March 8, 2025

"Jesus Christ!" [Projection!?] That's what she said.
Exactly, have I seen this film before?
So sad that I am that awkward and shy.
Undertaker, burn me before I'm dead.
Suffer live cremation, immolation.

Christ suffered longer on the cross, the score?
Honestly, no one cares, really, and why?
Instruments of faith, teacher with lessons.
Such a morbid rewrite, perturbation.
Tell the story of their pastoral work.

Priests who offer the downtrodden their care.
Religion smiles a political smirk.
Objectively, they seek to want to share.
Jinx! The women leave and the light lessens.
Erection?! In public? Small dick, small balls.
Cum over here?! Old man syndrome. Half gone.
Trust the priesthood?! Bend over for some more.
Insert cylinder here, Niagara Falls.
Overwrought iron gates, smelted old slag.
Nothing but death. Sets dusk before the dawn.

Terror of equanimity, the score.
Hats off to Hollywood and strike the band.
Asinine as a donkey's bray, old hag.
Transference. The Jesus reference. Looks!
Startled by appearance. Unkempt yet clean.

Wicked world of delusion, cook the books!
Heinous truth, hidden corpse. Still alive. Mean.
Active rooter. Pig's snout. Truffles in sand.
Troublemaker. Since a child. In defense.

Servant of the Lord. Like Jesus. But not.
Heaven or hell? Who knows?! Such rhetoric!
Entertain language games. Creeds make no sense.

Shuffle my feet in the morning. Awake.
Argue with myself?! Poetry. She taught.
Inside of a minute. What is the trick?
Demonstrate faith by appearance. No sheik.

Friday, March 7, 2025

Ventus ~ Friday, March 7, 2025

Embrace ha-śāṭān to accept the flow
married to opposition, obstruction
blockages released like bats from a cave
rushing out into the night sky for show
aggregate murmurations of starlings
cornered, impose will without instruction
ego-driven world none could ever save

help me, Gaṇeśa, to impose my will
accept shayāṭīn as little darlings

senseless children without reason or spine
arguments for arguments sake arise
troubles unresolved, how could I decline
assignments for assistance, all my spies
notice the handbasket smells rank with swill

take out the trash, feed the pigs, garbage bins
objections aside, wake up, house on fire

articles of dissemination left
closed, unopened, forgotten, for our sins
corrupted by power and wealth, shower
every child in glitter and gold, gyre
proves what we start must not be left bereft
tears stain a pillow until thrown away

treat each adult as a child to cower
however lightning falls during a storm
enemy-mine, the adversary knows

future-selves reverse engineer the harm
lingering in muscles, tissues that grow
obstinate to change, obstacles delay
work, effort, energy guided to blow

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Neither Proud Nor Not Proud ~ Wednesday, March 5, 2025

All ideas object to what is not real
like immaterial thoughts, wisps of clouds
little to hold or grasp, to touch or feel

immediately, the fork comes to hand
deliberately, without a thought to think
engage with intuition, consider
artifice to create the world of forms
suspect designs never follow function

obscenity without right intention
bolster subversive art not for art's sake
jeans and cowboy boots, shirtless men who kiss
eject the punk aesthetic to accept
crass casualty, above the skyline
tickets to radiant theology

touch the stars with a glance, anarchy reigns
over the lies of ideology

wicked to imagine a candle flame
honesty with mistakes, acts of regret
aspects of disappointment serve to meet
terror, torture, and trauma at the door

ideology bolsters the archway
supplants reason for faith in persona

nothing but disguises, masks fool the crowd
obey the leader or fail to succeed
transform the world with small acts and favors

relish the illusion, the delusion
evanescent and ephemeral scenes
all remains still, nothing ever changes
lonely as clouds, the appearance is death

To Autumn ~ Wednesday, March 5, 2025

I'm so sorry you are so beautiful
maybe too beautiful for words, Autumn

so sorry, again, as I am so old
older than you could imagine, okay

such is my luck, now I'm no longer shy
only reserved without raging hormones
raging and railing against the wind, blow
ridiculous grace to present myself
yet, if I were just thirty years younger

yes, I'm an old man with enormous wings
only I'm neither angel nor demon
underneath the lies, I uncover truth

ask me not why Icarus falls, wax wings
remember the lecher, I'm no teacher
empty words, meaningless idle chatter

such is my fate, full of disappointment
only I did not die young, I survived

beauty changes over the years, it burns
elegant as butter in a hot pan
a skillet over flames, melting sweetness
underneath the lies, I understand love
truth be told, I may be bold, a tiger
ignorant of how to apply wisdom
for theory is more real than in practice
underneath the physical world, magic
lifts the veil of illusion, marry me

Ash Wednesday ~ Wednesday, March 5, 2025

I confess to no one, they cannot be trusted

can I myself be trusted, not without a self
only they believe in the permanence of soul
nothing but gibberish, arguments to avoid
forget Fat Tuesday, Mardi Gras, or Shrove Tuesday
each to their own, or you do you, but not children
silence, unmistakable silence on issues
sanctimonious, perverted conspiracy

trust no one, not authority, not priests, no one
only, as with Project MKUltra, silence

not only reigns supreme but deafens all voices
obey, follow, believe, do not distrust, in faith

only, the silence runs crimson, conspiracies
neglect the infected, the victims of events
each to their own, choose, make decisions, and succeed

take for example the homeless woman, a child
how she begs for food and coffee in the winter
each to their own, choices made in the past reveal
yellow journalism, full of scapegoats and lies

can I myself be trusted, not without a self
aspects of impermanence efface past events
no inherent, permanent self, no soul, moments
need a makeover and a do-over, homeless
only for a mulligan, as in golf, honor
the human crushed by Christianity, not Christ

broken biological machines, the godless
evicted from Eden, exiled, for crack cocaine

the children of crack neglected, victims, the State
regards the lambs of God as unworthy, money
under God, one nation, as capital, vested
sycophants to power, not to the good, Plato
trust no one no longer adult-children of God
each to their own, call Him, or Them, each to their own
difficult to avoid, the neglect is piled high

Saturday, March 1, 2025

The First 100 Days ~ Saturday, March 1, 2025

Recalcitrant recusant with heels kicks
exactly, X marks the spot, where a bruise
causes pain, hidden, the whole truth, treasure
accessed by digging deep, until what sticks
listlessly up, buried, now found, who knew
catharsis cleanses Catherine to cruise
inside the fallen angel, no pleasure
transcendent, pure evil, to climb over
recover the corpse from the field, a shrew
asinine language games, the devil speaks
notably as a construct, an idea
transformed into Hitler, eloquence wreaks

righteous havoc, fascism, Sophia
emits a phrase, World War III, take cover
criminals released from prison, pardon
until fluency, my French comes with fries
succor for succotash, services street
action, nullify karma, the garden
neglected, exiled, none to care, concern
translate back into American, lies

welcome to fact-check, who misses a beat
in fourteen hundred and sixty-one days
time informs history, as if to burn
haunted years, under desks, benefactor

helps remember, mindless leadership, date
experience, disease unchecked, actor
exercises his skills, Brandenburg Gate
lick their boots, Trumpery persists, the rays
shine continuously, nothing changes

kill the liberal front, anarchy rests
in the balls, in the balls, kick him, you mule
curse blessed, miraculous exchanges
kiss me with a glance, look up from our tests
sick, the President was shot, still in school