Sunday, October 5, 2014

After the Race Is Run ~ 2014.10.5

If I could do it on my own, I would
without any help from anyone else
but the art of writing is no longer
a solitary act, as it involves
everyone whose interest it is to dream
to succeed without fail, a social act
but rarely an act of revolution
more likely an act of pure reaction
based on likes and dislikes, not unbiased,
without a whiff of objectivity
unless pretentions assume such a stance,
a position of mauvaise foi, bad faith,
I am what I am not and I am not
who I am, a pact with self-delusion,
a life in the closet, not just for gays,
but for anyone with their own secret,
their worst secret reveals a soul sickness,
a soul composed of mind and viscera,
the viscera that informs our conscience
which in turn informs our experience,
but if I hold a pen in my right hand 
and imagine a thought will end up down
on the page in black ink, I fool myself,
for I get lost in the words, in language,
in the games we play as writers of verse
or prose, as the letters jumble themselves
in anagrams or acrostics or both
to form anagram acrostc sonnets,
and I see eight-letter words as I read
and jot them down for later to puzzle
out a six-letter word in relation
to the first for an octet and sestet
or two quatrains that pose to the reader
a problem and a sestet to conclude
with or without a solution whose wit
resides in a rhyming couplet, how lame
my horse on the racetrack with a shotgun
blast to the head I end her suffering
but before I shoot I see a squirrel
and think look at that squirrel on the tree
how strange its life must be and I am lost
as I walked away from my broken horse
on a racetrack, lame with a shattered leg,
as I become distracted from duties
I don't care to perform, I shirk the chance
to act with care, responsible for life,
to take life, to choose death in a moment
when another's needs are greater, I must
not go off and quarrel with a squirrel,
or open my dictionary to find
a definition, etymology, 
and origins of words upon the page, 
No! I must shoot the horse and end a life
to choose death over lysergic acid
and its hallucinatory powers
for the squirrel is me lost in a maze,
which is simply a maze, not a labyrinth,
though we call it a labyrinth for we know
not the difference between the two, lazy
lions dozing in the sunshine, a zoo
where a bull-headed man stubbornly asks
why is this sword for me, I harm no one,
the shame you feel disappears when I do
apparently in death you choose to care
for me as if I were like a lame horse
on a racetrack, but you cannot efface
the memories of my absent presence,
the shame you feel rises from deep within
missing from your daily experience
you cry when a bullfrog eats a horsefly.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

"Stand Me Now And Ever in Good Stead"

Monster in the closet, || monster under the bed
Isolated from touch, || inside the labyrinth
Nightmares inside my head, || nightmares, the cart upset
Old father, in Corinth, || old artificer, clutch
Tightly your leather purse, || tightly, keep hold the reins
Architect of mazes, || architect of desire
Ultimately, these strains || undermine at the source
Realize cool blue fire || reaps infernal blazes

Asterion, my son, || Ariadne hates lies
Trust in me, your father, || trust not in the white bull
Realize, he who dies || remembers not the sun
Icarus felt the pull || into sea foam lather
Understand the mythos, || understand the rhyme scheme
Minos, love is a dream, || mythical Knossos

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

"Let Us Glorify the Living" ~ 2014.2.4

Truly, to fear death is absurd
most of us don't know how to live
If you think that being alive
is the same as living, you're dead
already, one foot in the grave.

Truly, the problem is not death,
we glorify the dead in print 
with the cult of celebrity,
the obituaries remind
readers, one day your time will come.

We all give payment to Charon, 
the ferryman of the rivers
in Hades, in the Underworld,
for he takes the obol, a coin,
from our mouths, a symbolic fee.

The price we pay to accept death
is nothing in comparison
to the fact, we give this one life
very little heed, the body
as temple is quite laughable.

Until you see a corpse appear
more beautiful in death than life.
Sadly, none of us take the time
to breathe in life as a challenge
only mountain climbers accept.

Why do I fear life more than death,
the media brings death to us
like a cat who drops a dead mouse
at our feet, they show us a world
where death is more significant.

Everyday we accept changes
we did not create, didn't choose,
didn't protest, didn't resist,
little by little, we accept
how others envision the world.

What does it mean to truly live?
I imagine my every dream
fulfilled: to play the drums again,
to teach yoga, run marathons,
climb mountains, have a family.

Unless I sacrifice mundane,
quotidian means of living,
work itself is a form of death,
if the work is not meaningful,
truly significant to you.

One day, I will learn how to live,
I will this, my resolution,
a decision I cannot break,
for life is more precious than death,
let us glorify the living.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

"Gibberish (I Learned in College)" ~ 2.2.14

In fact, I can't be sure of anything,
Nothing beyond our physical worldview
Treats non-scientific, speculative
Empirical evidence as certain,
Really, none of it makes logical sense,
Perhaps, we rely too much on science,
Rest assured, certainty as objective
Exegesis of our vision as text
Takes on new meaning in terms of spirit,
As language and reason cannot fathom 
Transcendence without equivocation,
Isolating what is illogical,
Ontologically corrupt and impure,
Neatly within brackets must needs save time.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Queen Removes the Thorn ~ 1.21.14

Terrible is the blemish that shatters our window panes, 
Rips the stars from the sky, hurls ancient light in explosive
Ordnance, flees our homeland, sees on TV the destructive
Ubiquity of violence, and laughs for art explains
Beauty as detached in her observations, for the brains
Littered across washed cobblestones reveal the devisive
Engagement of sectarian warfare, the constructive
Solution to civil strife, disarm the men whom hate trains.

Understand the future of our island is in the hands
Left to those with wrists still attached, prosthetics can't perform
Surgery with stillness and precision, the cancer stands
To win against surgeons trained to remove this perfect storm,
Entitled to conduct herself as a lady in lands
Removed in language and culture, the queen removes the thorn.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Monsters ~ 1.17.14

The monsters weren't under my bed, they were hiding inside my head. With no way to flee, they kept watch while searching for an escape hatch. If I were a painter, I'd draw you a picture (without a flaw) of a monster waiting to flee, but as I never found the key to artistry, they're locked away behind steel bars without a say in the matter. If they could help me describe, instead of just yelp like a beaten dog, I could write their way out into bright sunlight. But my monsters are neurotic and hang out with a psychotic demon in the lobes of my brain, you'd think this would drive me insane, and it has before, long ago, they don't fit in with my ego, but times were tough and in the past, I learned to tie them to the mast (the trunk of a conifer tree) on a schooner and let them be. Let them ponder their evil thoughts in a mind that cannot be bought. 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

"In this life..." ~ 1.5.13

I've made mistakes, mistakes I can't correct, / people I've hurt, mom, dad, brother, and friends, / people who will no longer talk with me, / I can't blame them, I too feel such remorse, / for living this life, not knowing the rules, / staying true to what was once in my heart, / covered over with shame, guilt and sorrow, / a fine layer of dust, dust upon dust, / year after year, until the light goes dim, / no one tells you how to clean up past wrongs, / they tell me to forgive myself, move on, / and get on with my life, but the cycles / circle like a gyre, to which I return, / I meet the same conflict over again, / I learn the same lesson since the first time, / but everything changes, nothing remains / the same, so how can I improve myself, / how can I help others if I can't help / myself, can I trust I won't lie and cheat / just to get ahead in the business world, / my karma faces me like a brick wall, / I cannot scale its height, like a mountain, / the snow-capped peaks gleam with a clear conscience, / I've carried the weight of my wrongdoing / for so long, my body slopes mis-shapen, / I try to accept my faults, past mistakes, / shortcomings, and not dwell inside my head, / full of arguments with others unseen, / angry for so many years, I can't stop, / I don't have the tools to replace the pain, / I live as honestly as I can bear, / the burden of life is too much for me, / much of the time, I just want to give up, / to quit this world, end this life and be done, / but I was there at my friend's funeral / after she successfully hung herself, / her dress and make-up, her open casket, / she would not have chosen any of that, / her mother wailing, her little girl gone, / it was her second suicide attempt, / I've witnessed the after-effects her death / had on her family and friends, so young, / so beautiful, so full of life, now gone, / I knocked on her front door that afternoon, / either she was alive, or she was dead, / (like Schrödinger's cat), her death still haunts me. //