Monday, January 28, 2019

Disobedience ~ Monday, 28 January 2019

I used to eat in an Italian restaurant with sawdust on the floor 

until I was let go after a difficult breakup with my girlfriend 
sad and brokenhearted, taunted by a couple of former co-workers, 
entertaining for their mean-spirited natures, who also felt the door 
decidedly shut tight after bankruptcy closed the music store for good 

to say they got payback is an understatement, since no one could defend 
ordinary people, simple Americans, from the arms of bankers 

entering and taking away their livelihood, spoiled California brats, 
angry at the world, dressed in black, in their twenties, average, dull, rotten wood, 
taking up space inside their brains, really, not worth mentioning how unkind, 

intelligent morons insist their kind must act, stupid, banal, hopeless, 
not an ounce of wisdom, vindictive in spirit, spitefulness made them blind, 

as other co-workers were decent and moral, sheepish, but not thoughtless, 
needless to say, they felt sympathy for pain, unlike demonic cats. 

Inside the restaurant, I found refuge to write poems based on my life, 
though my experience was limited, I wrote about what I then knew, 
as I grew in my art from hunger and sorrow, I learned my way through craft, 
listening to others read their own poetry, I made the Muse my wife, 
if I took up the pen after selling my kit, the drummer still played beats, 
as words took on rhythms and lines formed out of rhymes, the nocturnal moth flew 
not towards the candle, but toward the new moon, no matter how plum daft 

ridiculous that sounds, but the moth plumbed the depths of my sorrows, the pain 
eclipsed by the shadow, hidden inside my past, endless stream of defeats, 
simply beaten down, time and again took its toll, no one knew how badly 
time could trip up a child when they don't get the rules printed in the playbook, 
as time wore on, I made my own rules by writing poems sometimes madly, 
under the influence of alcohol or drugs, even sober, the hook 
ran through my veins, to write, my addiction to words overwhelmed my young brain, 
at twenty, I went mad, locked up for ten days in a sanatorium, 
nothing deflects stigma in the eyes of others, my parents brought me home 
to Germantown, outside Memphis, where I began to recover my sense 

within the suffering, though it took thirty years, my past delirium 
inside the stigmata of post-adolescent insanity, my hands 
took to writing in blood, the horrors of childhood, trapped underneath the dome, 
however high the sky, unless as astronauts, we can fly past the dense 

skein of atmospheric pressure, the peer pressure I felt would not subside, 
after I quit drinking and doing drugs, my mind, like desert sands, 
winnowed its way past neck to bulb tumbling, after a fashion, down to rest, 
drinking and drugs, crutches for broken discipline, makes cripples of the weak, 
under the influence, I had no perspective to put things in context, 
simmering on the stove to boil, it took a while before I learned to seek 
the real as genuine experience, my past, my childhood could not hide, 

over the years, I learned to clean the dirt and grime off the jewel of conscience, 
non-judgmental study of myself and others allowed me to regard 

the future and the past with unconditional positive regard, love 
however misguided a mission was my goal, I sought noncompliance 
each day to overturn the rules in the playbook, a shy boy finds his gun, 

failure to obey wins the war inside my mind, the decision was hard, 
little does an artist know, as a child, to fight, or find a cove, 
only revolution wins wars, as rebellion ends in defeat, no fun 
only to lose, rebel foot soldier of the arts, my Muse tells me to win, 
resolve global crises with the pen, with these words, cleanse my childhood of sin. 

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Flowers ~ Saturday, 26 January 2019

Lester flew into rage whenever he felt fear, 
ease up on the throttle, he flew off the handle 
sensing a cold shiver run down his back, how queer 

flecks of light put him off balance, like a candle 
left quietly alone attracts his attention, 
enter the underground, a hidden extension 
under a casino, where no one knows to go, 
removed from the blueprints, a place without shadow, 
silent and still, tunnels and chambers hide his prey, 

dug out and sealed above from below, a dank lair, 
unidentified space, whence nothing good or fair 

makes it back to daylight, everything cold and grey, 
allow Lester to have this domain, where girls weep, 

left alone for so long, they don't know when to sleep. 

Autumn leaves tumble, bleed green, yellow, orange, red 
under the canopy of stars, the firmament. 

Lester Mo reads tea leaves in a porcelain bowl, 
eccentric, slightly strange, syncopated beats thread 
concentric circles, arcs tyrannical, cold, cruel, 
timeless, hardboiled killer, loveless, bent card dealer 
endless blues riffs endure the obscure permanent 
ubiquity stardom offers the murdered soul, 
rickety bicycle thieves, in short sleeves, eat gruel.

Languish, besotted fools, drunk on lust, to feel her 
adolescent body in his hands, pedophile, 

stupidity rises as caution falls to dust, 
observe the young woman, Lester offers a smile, 
trembles before her hand reaches out for a drink, 
trusts his ability to distract and confuse, 
infatuation lasts a lifetime, turns to rust, 
stupefies the drunken, intoxicated twink, 
envy of her father makes him concoct a ruse. 

Lester the molester gets away with murder, 
errors wash from the walls, blood disappears in fire, 
revolting, criminal behavior in the dark, 
reeking urinal stalls, filthy toilets, ardor, 
entry into backdoor card games, behind locked doors, 
under an underground basement, hidden desire, 
revolves around backroom deals, matches strike a spark. 

Lester keeps her hidden in the bowels of the earth, 
even if the police search the whole place, the floors 

parquet, pristine, perfect, reveals no entryway, 
elegant casino, even the owner knows 
crumbs about the tunnels and chambers under gray 
hollow cement ceilings, sinister sex slave shows 
entertain pedophiles and defrocked priests, the birth 

lavatory of sin, stupidity, error, 
avarice, stinginess, the world without a soul, 

little does anyone know about anyone 
else, Lester thrives on this lack of knowledge, terror 
slithers through serpentine tunnel routes, enter gloom, 
in darkness, underage sex slaves emerge, a troll 
nicely watches over the young woman, no fun 
even for a fierce troll, Lester enters the room. 

Refuge ~ Saturday, 26 January 2019

This is the beloved community, sangha, 
how together we live and grow in harmony, 
each person in balance with purpose, our dharma. 

Buddha, dharma, sangha, the three jewels, as karma 
evades deep reflection, mirrors our irony, 
leaves our community in strife, seek the sangha, 
only here can we find repose, the mahatma, 
venerable great soul, cast out for simony, 
evades deep reflection, tortured by the dharma, 
dharma, as law and truth, revealed by the Buddha. 

Consciousness appears as the only tyranny, 
only this mind, we bear together as sangha, 
meditation, the cure to endless samsara, 
make believe to suspend disbelief, clarity 
unveils the hidden world with eyes on the dharma, 
nothingness, emptiness in our cupped hands, mudra, 
in the training of mind, we hear a symphony, 
to maintain this posture, we uphold the dharma, 
yet, we expect nothing in return as sangha. 

Monday, January 21, 2019

Butter ~ Monday, 21 January 2019

Television and film make mischief of our lives, 
even the media of so-called journalists, 
liberties taken when they edit a story, 
elements go missing from the full storyline, 
violence, injustice, travesties of justice, 
in hindsight, our vision perfect, twenty/twenty, 
still our judgment is off, affected by the news, 
in truth, we lack foresight, the dimwitted brother 
of titanic forces, but still we have some hope, 
nothing enters this world unseen, unobserved, 

as the bombings go on around the world, hot spots 
noted too dangerous to visit for travel, 
despite the warnings, flares shot in the sky, we go 

for pleasure, illusion, for fun from all the pain 
in this life, the sorrow, suffering, delusion, 
left to figure it out from what images give 
mindlessly, ignorant people, addicts of bliss, 

mental hopscotch, to leap over the lies, arrive 
at the right conclusion, not to jump like soldiers, 
kill the enemy, kill the other, kill yourself, 
even suicide brought on by the news, no trust 

made with the universe, whatever you call "God"
in faith that we must find against reason, critique 
simple facts presented to move beyond the lies, 
consider our anxious minds like a candle flame, 
how one moment, so still, the next, so erratic, 
if knowledge cannot help our lives to remain calm, 
even as danger stands before us, many forms, 
faces of the devil, simply mirrors ourselves, 

on the one hand, we fill our minds with garbage truth, 
for the forces of hate seek to destroy, to burn 

our souls even before we have a chance to see, 
understand how gossip, hearsay, half-truths, and lies 
reveal our acceptance, our part in the hatred, 

lift the veil of mischief from your eyes, see beyond 
Information given in the present as truth, 
vainglorious, boastful people seek to demean 
even the least of us who wield power, butter 
sticks held high like swords, the children know little. 

Monday, January 14, 2019

Hidden ~ Monday, 14 January 2019

As if I really care why you get so upset, 

Bring it all down, ground it in the real, the pain 
leaps out, like the devil from the flames, in the rain 
even tears disappear, you begin to forget 
silly things, eye glasses on your head, to regret 
slivers of time no one remembers, in your brain 
endorphins flow, my dad got mad over the drain 
disposal getting clogged, the plumber whom he met 

literally, countless times before, we lost track 
if my dad beat me up, or it was my brother, 
for the plumber, routine calls required a lack, 
emotion only played a role when the other 

objective in his life, other than to fix pipes, 
rested on discretion, to salvage a child's hopes.

Karma ~ Monday, 14 January 2019

The funny thing is...
  1. A love of spicy food. 
  2. An apartment with one toilet. 
  3. A medical condition, IBS.

The need to rush into tiny rooms to alleviate the pain and pressure felt within the bowels is intense. Those who have never suffered such conditions may laugh, as I did, as a rebellious young man, self-medicating on hallucinogens and marijuana. The laugh's on me at fifty. What was the point being born a Goan?

Friday, January 11, 2019

Portal ~ Friday, 11 January 2019

Affirm the day, say it's okay, yes, yes, double, 
for to affirm the past before it becomes past, 
forgives our present state of affairs, to affirm 
intransigence before intransigence occurs, 
refuse to disagree and refuse to agree, 
make the best of being alone and alone time, p
to compromise others and with others is wrong, 
however, wrong or right, success involves defeat, 
extreme viewpoints may fail to find false believers, 

doubt seeks solipsism, more alone time with time, 
as snuggle bunnies go, a clock won't warm the feet, 
yet, solitude swallows the sparrows in the bush, 

sweet like dark chocolate, so bittersweet as first love, 
adolescent longing for self-affirmation, 
yet, infatuation frustrates the avant-garde, 

if, to look back, accept both mistakes and conquests, 
take failure in full stride, keep moving towards death, 
stillness is death, also, not just la petite mort

only first love remains, not sacred or holy, 
kiss goodbye childhood dreams, accept maturity, 
and death comes either way, accept or don't accept, 
yes, yes, to orgasm like Molly Bloom is rare, 

yet, to ejaculate all over the blank page, 
enter the world of Joyce, as an adolescent, 
seminary versus semen, sparrows chatter, 

yes dear, teeth in a jar, gummy, suck face, kisses, 
eclipse the sun, darkness at noon, midday, mid-life, 
something to look forward to, poverty and love, 

doubtless true love follows heartbreak as remedy 
or poison for sorrow, divorce is no monster, 
unless lucky stars shine underneath children's beds, 
behind the closet doors, fairytales lost in books, 
led into temptation, evil delivers most, 
eternal hell, heaven looks down with downcast eyes. 

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Blunder ~ Thursday, 10 January 2019

Press the reset button, start all over again, 
reset the whole system, start from the beginning, 
eject from the cockpit, the plane is going down, 
system failure, massive system failure, reboot, 
success was the carrot, never a real option, 

take a moment to breathe, take a deep breath, inhale, 
hold the breath, then exhale, resume the procedure, 
exhale, let the air out, as if from a slow leak, 

restart, right from the start, right from the beginning, 
emit a sound, a cry, to let the others know, 
silence, unlike stillness, does not mean death, stillborn, 
enter the world knowing nothing but how to breathe, 
take a moment to breathe before you see the light, 

before you travel space and time in a light beam, 
under no uncertain conditions do you speak, 
take a moment to breathe, remember you need air, 
take a moment to think, to remember the past, 
on this planet, you have no memories, erased, 
nothing to weigh you down, no burdens, left behind, 

silly mess, this whole life, halfway done, realize, 
time watches you decay, from inside your body, 
ask to know the meaning of life, of truth, the good, 
rest a moment, values don't fit the big picture, 
the frame is much too small, the spectrum much too wide, 

ask to begin again, silly question, just ask, 
left too late for the train, must wait for another, 
little matters just now anyway, no one speaks, 

or should I say, they speak, but they don't understand, 
versions play out like ska, like a game, like reggae, 
enter the game of dub, version partner, your voice, 
remember not to speak, it is impossible, 

ask for a do over, unlike a game of golf, 
games with a mulligan are rare, second chances 
are unheard of, begin at the start, start again, 
in this life, just have fun, if that's not an option, 
nothing will ever make sense, collapse the system. 

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Worthless ~ Wednesday, 9 January 2019

Like this world, or this life, makes any sense at all, 
it's total malarkey, chickens running around, 
killed already, heads cut off, rush to no purpose, 
evidence the body seeks the will to survive, 

the whole point of being alive is to enjoy 
humanity in all its splendor, endeavour, 
if we act like chickens, we are as good as dead, 
still we rush toward death as if towards success, 

wonders never cease, so we speak in platitudes, 
ordinary speech makes the time go by faster, 
reservations to wait for a table for two, 
little wonder the world doesn't just disappear, 
disappointment around every corner, to win 

or lose matters little, rich and poor know the score, 
real world symphonic sound, the cosmic elements, 

take your time, the bus waits for nobody but God, 
help is just three buttons away, you just need ask, 
in this world, encounter everyone on ladders, 
seeking a better life, never happy like fools, 

little worthwhile to gain or obtain, happiness 
is only worth your while for a fleeting moment, 
fortunately, this world has got your back, sorrow 
eventually follows, property turns to dust, 

monsters abound in masks just like normal people, 
answers to the horrors of our humanity, 
kiss or kill, love parades its hatred of others, 
enter the abhorrent vacuum of our nature, 
simplicity makes things complex, hard to follow, 

as we grow older, age grants wisdom to ignore, 
nothing to seek but bliss, the folly of madness, 
yesterday, we were kids, but tomorrow, we're stiffs, 

sugar is sweet, the blues pours slow like molasses, 
empty the jar to start again, start all over, 
nothing much to worry about, just buy some more, 
sugar comes cheap, just like bottom shelf alcohol, 
everyone thinks they know better, until they're dead, 

ascertain the reason we're hooked on licit drugs, 
the government only cares about Schedule I, 

all the rest, nicotine, and other quick fixes, 
legal to everyone to grow old, sick and die, 
legal tender, cold cash for Congress to shut down. 

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Night Hawk ~ Sunday, 6 January 2019

Frank, Frank (also known as A Little Too Frank, Frank) rankled legions of fans with harsh, unforgiving, aggressive lyrics based on Southern History. Nothing stood in the way of Southern White Lynch Mob, keeping musical tastes on the edge of hip-hop, funk, and 70s punk, though Frank hailed from Harlem, ridiculous in style, some thought they were Fishbone, although comparisons with other local bands neither inflated, nor deflated their fan base, kinship and crossover occurred with certain bands. After their first album, "Nice Day for a Picnic!" left critics all agog at the band poking fun, slyly referencing white supremacist groups overtly hateful speech rhetoric, the band gained klan based active members to follow their road shows. No one knew what to do about the men in hoods on the edge of the bar, listening intently, weirdly, to an all-black musical group, but Frank noticed something real strange in how these men were chill, a little, too chill when he sang, "Pick a *i**er." Something the fans picked up on, too, but nobody asked the men in white hoods to leave or not to stand literally on the perimeter, to add insult to injury in the centuries long, tumultuous struggle for global, civil rights. To Frank, they paid to hear the band, like everyone listening to the show did, so, no big deal, right? Exactly at that point, a huge cross burned outside. Taken in some contexts, all publicity's good, order and chaos seek each other to balance old blood feuds, but the men in hoods carried shotguns. Frank nearly freaked out, how did security let right-wing hate-filled klansmen enter clubs with weapons, answers he didn't want to hear, responsible, not just to his bandmates but to endangered fans, killjoys weren't in the plans, but Frank, Frank knew better. Frank bantered on the mic, walked around on the stage, realized he stood near the main power supply and decided to pull the switch, everything went nearly black, except light from the huge cross outside. Kiss the day goodbye, Frank knew his band would not last.

Friday, January 4, 2019

Reverse Dunk ~ Friday, 4 January 2019

Behold the beholder of beauty, eye to eye, 
even when no one else sees your self-deception, 
heaven and hell scan minds, read thoughts, root out the lie, 

only speculation drives metaphysics, spy 
lurid visions of men waiting in reception, 
doctors' offices are perfect to meet the eye, 

to catch a thief, police secure and lure with fly, 
hold the rod with both hands, fish read interception, 
even the pass-rush game covers mouths with the lie, 

behold The Scream, also known to some as The Cry
even a language game fakes a misconception, 
hold your own forgery at arm's length from the eye, 

only an abortion asks a fetus to die, 
lift the sanctions to harm to aide contraception, 
diminish the chances problems rest with the lie, 

evade the reporters' questions that make fish fry, 
reporters ask questions as to shift perception, 

offer a man a fish, he starts to taste the lie, 
finish the trout problem, poke ethics in the eye.

Beauty screams the actor seeking some attention, 
endure his Joy on screen while Love proclaims his creed, 
assess the damage done to disrepair the tree, 
understand the Eighties, a Killing Joke, to feed 
the disaffected youth with disregard, once free 
yesterday will portend omens with memories, 

eye with displeasure past conquests as wise mistakes, 
yes, wisdom suffers, as owl and moth hide from light, 
eye with contempt reason, logic demands systems, 

trenchant criticism denies dreams' reveries, 
oblong objects to pass without lateral fakes, 

eye the drone camera ready to shoot at night, 
yet, this operation catches the thief place gems 

eye to eye with tigers bored in their detention. 

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Iustitia ~ Wednesday, 2 January 2019

The world's a funny place because nobody cares, 
heaven knows, at least, not until it's much too late, 
even then, nobody watches the evening news, 

wishful thinking someone will find you in this well, 
only nobody walks around on private land, 
really, just the police, by then it's much too late, 
little anyone cares if they don't watch the news, 
don't you know, everyone has their own excuses, 
seems easier to plead the fifth than bear witness, 

a court of law judges innocent and guilty, 

forget justice, no one knows how to interpret, 
understand, and mete out due process of the law, 
notice how the police rarely get convicted, 
not that they are above the law, as is the case, 
yes, with ambassadors and foreign diplomats, 

politics plays a role in ethics where justice 
lacks means to contravene, power as politics, 
as means to override a verdict in one court, 
courts of appeals can strike down a verdict to free 
even the most heinous criminal by mistake, 

because of an error made presenting a case, 
even attorneys make mistakes from time to time, 
call it imperfection, call it fatigue, call it 
anything but justice, unless politicians 
undermine the system to get somebody off 
scot-free, without taxing the system, so someone 
escapes custody when they committed a crime, 

nobody gives a damn until movements are born 
out of the mistreatment of persons of color, 
blind as justice portrays herself in works of art, 
only the status quo represents the people 
denied of due process in a world gone astray, 
yes, the blindfold is real but watch out for her sword, 

create a character with sword and set of scales 
and blindfold this person to see what they do right, 
reason demands logic, think a caricature 
evades truth when static, put her into motion, 
systems fail when people put carts before horses.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Swagger ~ Tuesday, 1 January 2019

"Caution," the street sign says, no one pays attention, 
hither and thither, boys play football in the street, 
in daylight or until dusk, we play two-hand touch, 
let the cars come and go, without apprehension, 
dreams of stardom, beyond our dull comprehension, 
religion means nothing but rest during the week, 
enter Church on Sundays, sit in a pew and slouch, 
nothing means more than our beliefs in suspension. 

After school without rules, we run our block rampant, 
torment older neighbors with yelling and shouting. 

Pretend we give a damn, maybe apologize, 
laugh when we get inside, our hypocrisy, lies, 
answer to nobody, even parents doubting 
yesterday's misfit kids could become President.