Monday, January 21, 2019

Butter ~ Monday, 21 January 2019

Television and film make mischief of our lives, 
even the media of so-called journalists, 
liberties taken when they edit a story, 
elements go missing from the full storyline, 
violence, injustice, travesties of justice, 
in hindsight, our vision perfect, twenty/twenty, 
still our judgment is off, affected by the news, 
in truth, we lack foresight, the dimwitted brother 
of titanic forces, but still we have some hope, 
nothing enters this world unseen, unobserved, 

as the bombings go on around the world, hot spots 
noted too dangerous to visit for travel, 
despite the warnings, flares shot in the sky, we go 

for pleasure, illusion, for fun from all the pain 
in this life, the sorrow, suffering, delusion, 
left to figure it out from what images give 
mindlessly, ignorant people, addicts of bliss, 

mental hopscotch, to leap over the lies, arrive 
at the right conclusion, not to jump like soldiers, 
kill the enemy, kill the other, kill yourself, 
even suicide brought on by the news, no trust 

made with the universe, whatever you call "God"
in faith that we must find against reason, critique 
simple facts presented to move beyond the lies, 
consider our anxious minds like a candle flame, 
how one moment, so still, the next, so erratic, 
if knowledge cannot help our lives to remain calm, 
even as danger stands before us, many forms, 
faces of the devil, simply mirrors ourselves, 

on the one hand, we fill our minds with garbage truth, 
for the forces of hate seek to destroy, to burn 

our souls even before we have a chance to see, 
understand how gossip, hearsay, half-truths, and lies 
reveal our acceptance, our part in the hatred, 

lift the veil of mischief from your eyes, see beyond 
Information given in the present as truth, 
vainglorious, boastful people seek to demean 
even the least of us who wield power, butter 
sticks held high like swords, the children know little. 

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