Sunday, January 31, 2021

Domestic Terrorists ~ Sunday, January 31, 2021

I met this kid, Rusty Spanner, at school.

Maybe it was his strawberry blonde hair,
entertainingly wavy and unkempt;
tragically like Heathcliff, he looked a fool.

To look back, we had nothing in common;
however, trouble followed us to dare
in our boredom to act out. Not exempt,
stupidity as criminals, our shame.

Kids act out in good families. Almonds
in my eyes, I was lost hoping a friend
deliver me from evil, the bottle.

Rusty's dad had a bad temper, no end
under the sun to beat with a buckle;
still, Rusty survived childhood without blame;
to say that I was not accountable
yesterday for what happens tomorrow...

Shame and guilt are Catholic inventions;
playfully created at the table
as humanity accepts their mistakes;
no longer liable once the sorrow
numbs any sense of joy, these conventions
eclipse the soul with conscience and deceit;
remarkable our hearts hammered with stakes...

as children we were bloodsucking vampires;
to slay the wrongdoer with wooden love.

Such violent beatings made us liars;
caused us to stray, while the forensic glove
held the evidence at arm's length. Conceit
of self to save our skins came at a cost;
of course, pure consciousness is our one tool
left when flayed by the knife, how I was lost.

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Spleen and Ideal ~ Saturday, January 30, 2021

Benedict Ion says it well, "To bless the land
enters a relationship with the Lord, Our God;
nothing less than consecration, to dedicate
entire swaths of terrain to build a church, a bland
decidedly bizarre use of fertile soil, worth
its weight in salt, to keep us from digging the sod,
consecrate, consecrate, consecrate, consecrate,
to make sacred the sacred earth, dig our own graves."

In French, Benedict reads Charles Baudelaire, his birth
over two centuries ago, shows how his verse
necessitates recitation like Joyce in June.

Sanctimonious smile, he recites from a hearse
as it makes its way up the path, the women swoon
yet some titter like birds, when he proclaims, "God saves";
some realize he quotes Johnny Rotten, the punk

in the tartan bondage outfit, naked cowboys
talk sweetly as blasphemous priests bugger lovers.

"Waste not, want not..." Benedict throws out scraps, the junk
establishment decides the poor can have to own,
leave something for the poverty-stricken, old toys
left soiled from years of use, worn blankets for covers.

"To bless the land," Benedict says, "for whom, for priests
otherwise known as bachelors for life, who groan

blissfully in their beds after long days of talk,
literally thousands of words spoken each day,
enter into silence only at night; to walk
simply one mile in their sandals, we learn to pay
service to lip service, honor the King of Beasts."

"The ghost of anarchy shadows the waxwing slain,"
he spoke of Nabokov, a name none could pronounce,
exact reference noted within some poem.

"Land of Hope and Glory" played from the hearse. "Denounce
artists as priests of blasphemy, ask the golem
not to speak of silence, crimson rivers the rain
drains in sewers, but to ask us for a brain."

The Butcher of Hyde Park ~ Saturday, January 30, 2021

Social media warps my mind. I think
of all my friends and followers, yet know
crossing the street, I know next to no one
in my own neighborhood. Red roses stink
after a week, left in putrid water;
light and hope, fresh air and clean water show

murderers, care is equal to the sun,
equal to balance the darkness with light;
death is inevitable. His daughter
insists to kill the monster in the cave,
a man, half-bull, half-boy, kept in the dark;

what kind of people are humans? We rave
as lunatics while we watch the dogs bark,
reality, a shouting match, a fight
pretending we need to be heard. Our lives
slip away as memories to review.

Maybe if I repost the past ... it's gone;
yet, I no longer feel the set of knives,

muscle from bone to carve away the lean,
indubitably, the fat becomes glue,
nothing but horses to adhere the pawn,
demented with anxiety and fear.

I'm no longer myself... I've become mean,

thoughtless for the needs of others, to care
however selfish a crab I've become,
insistent on my needs, I cannot share
nothing with anyone. I've become dumb,
kiss the world goodbye... I can't shed a tear.

Nothing to Fear ~ Saturday, January 30, 2021

I've not tried gay love, yet. What I've heard: rainbow ๐ŸŒˆ flags and unicorns ๐Ÿฆ„ appear.

Virtual media created the icons. Emojis are to blame.

Energy redirect: when the world ๐ŸŒŽ fails your soul, champion your own life.

Not that I would know love. Married once and divorced. Once bitten, twice shy ๐Ÿคญ, fear

Obfuscates all values. Trauma in a dark brother and cousin

Tortured me with their touch, they tickled me to death, my soul died ๐Ÿ’” out of shame.

To them it meant nothing, just fun ๐Ÿ˜œ and games ๐ŸŽฎ for boys ๐Ÿ‘ฆ. How ๐Ÿค” could I take a wife?

Resort to violence: my answer to trauma, as a child, I was blind.

If I could remember everything that happened out of Catholic sin...

Ever to blame the Church ⛪, teachers of trauma games♟, priests and nuns and deacons.

Despite their disavowal, the Church ⛪ is not to blame for my situation.

Gay love ๐Ÿ’— ๐Ÿ’— appeared with AIDS in my adolescence, sinister as demons ๐Ÿ˜ˆ.

As the news reported, it was the plague for some, even a crustacean.

Yes, I was a Cancer ♋, the worst sign in the sky. Crawling sideways, I find

Love ๐Ÿ˜ป finds me. The queer smell, mother is warm, then cold, oilsheet on a wet bed.

Outsider to the truth: I speak of what I know, what I don't know ๐Ÿคท is joy.

Violent objections, demonstrations of faith ๐Ÿ™, I know not what you know.

Even so, as a crab ๐Ÿฆ€, a pair of ragged claws can never get ahead.

Yet, to hear silent seas calling ๐Ÿ“ž me like sirens ๐Ÿšจ to scuttle across floors.

Even that made no sense when faced with life's choices. I sought love ๐Ÿ’˜ as a boy.

Terrible as it seems... I was a latch-key kid, there was no room to grow.

What was it like to grow in Huntington Beach? It was like Paradise.

Huge imported palm trees ๐ŸŒด, pumpjacks dot the landscape for oil ๐Ÿ›ขlike dinosaurs ๐Ÿฆ•, 

Ancient creatures feeding modern automobiles ๐Ÿš˜, the Age of Fossil Fuel.

To get around South Coast, we had to learn to drive, cars were necessary.

I've lived in Chicago for nearly twenty years. Transit systems are cruel,

Vulnerable places to co-exist as harsh environments vary.

Energy redirect: From tropical climate to a bull market price.

How the weather changes every twenty minutes, anything happens here.

Every night ๐ŸŒ™ on the news, we learn of car jackings, smash and grab burglaries,

Armed robberies of banks, drive by shootings, murders turn into cold ๐Ÿฅถ cases.

Rough town where two million people live in terror as victims of their fear.

Disparities over decades go unresolved, the market creates crime.

Restless youth with nothing to look forward to, no vacations with snow skis.

Ask around people know but no one says a word, I see phantom faces...

I watch the evening news, images on TV. My friends don't watch the news.

No one to bear witness, no one to testify, no one to take the time.

Burnt-out on the city during this pandemic, why even be social?

On my phone, I give up Facebook and Instagram, Twitter as well, unreal.

Waste of time ⏲️, isolate, hide away from others, these days become racial.

Find myself reading ๐Ÿ“š books again with poor eye ๐Ÿ‘sight, reading glasses to steal

Lingering coals of heat ๐Ÿ”ฅ burning in the fire ๐Ÿ”ฅ pit. I cannot sing the blues.

As I look back, my life gradually slips away, out of my grasp ๐Ÿ‘Š,  the past

Generates energy ✨: into the universe these molecules return,

Silent as cosmic dust. I am nothing but breath, hot air to some. I speak

As poets in the past evolved within language, the mother ๐Ÿ‘ฉ tongue ๐Ÿ‘… to cast

Nothing but the idea of demons ๐Ÿ˜ˆ into hell, the world ๐ŸŒŽ of make-believe.

Demons ๐Ÿ˜ˆ and the Devil ๐Ÿค˜,  sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll... I gave it all up, spurn

Unenchanted ideas in our disenchanted reality for weak,

Non-binding energy. I am not gravity and not frivolity.

I became serious when my sense of humor is harmful. I conceive

Correctly that my tone is ill-received by ears and eyes, right in the gut.

Ordinary people laugh in self-deception, the harm changes others.

Rightly, I laugh as well but my self-deception laughs at me in a rut.

Nothing but reflections, images and shadows, echoes from my brothers.

Still, I have seen the light flitting across the room, unharmed by gravity.

Appearances in space and time, phenomena before thoughts in the mind.

Precious little time left to wake ⏰ up before death but this mind is the same.

Pretend to get upset and yet I know better. I know this mind is clear.

Everyday I wake ⏰up to find myself alive and well. It is a game...

A game ๐ŸŽฎ of acceptance, take the good with the bad, there is nothing to fear.

Reading ๐Ÿ“š books like Borges, like James Joyce, like Milton, they all slowly ๐ŸŒ went blind.

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Sorry... ~ Wednesday, January 27, 2021

No offense but,

                        What have I to discuss

            with sparrows in a bush?

                                    I know nothing!

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Embrace Miracles ~ Tuesday, January 26, 2021

I am sorry if I offend in words

as in deeds. I cannot abide, in faith;
my eyes observe actors upon a stage,

sparrows chatter hidden like little birds;
ordinary people don't understand
reflecting on a mystery, the wraith
realizes a specter in a rage,
yellow in room without light, absurd

insight, the ghost is dead, death is at hand,
foreign to the living, unlike the sick...

I watch, I cannot help, I'm of no use,

obviously, I cannot bear the thick,
fortitude of the rude actors, a truce
forgives no one, forgets nothing. I heard
entertainers cannot see past their nose;
no rest for the wicked, or the weary,
desperate to fit in, for the choir,

indeed only listen as to oppose,
not just words but the deeds of the teacher;

work transforms people to reject dreary,
objects of dysfunction for a higher
regard. Status figures highly in lives
drunk with power, masters to the preacher,
sadly forgotten, but in name he thrives.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Gravy ~ Sunday, January 24, 2021

What we soaked up with slices of Wonder, uncritically, without contradiction, no one to speak out against the gravy, the misinformation, the blatant lies, fed to us, to children, we ingested what adults thought was right, from our parents, from politicians, and from our teachers. We knew no better, they knew no better. We followed in their footsteps, honestly, knowing nothing and teaching our children the same lies, the same misinformation handed down to us from so-called adults. They worked but were mindless little children who never grew up, eating and drinking, fucking and having children with no thought as to how they themselves were raised as kids, what went wrong and what was right way back when, before we were born and spoon fed gravy, the ignorance passed down generation to generation until the dam breaks. It was about time for the dam to break. We looked on in horror as police killed with impunity, while their own conscience melted like butter in the gravy boat. We were all in the same boat equally. Equally accountable for gravy, as each side protested to prove their point, to show the government and the people both sides of the protest, the argument and the rebuttal, the counter-protest. And then they stormed the Capitol Building, thinking they would start a revolution, but it wasn't even a rebellion, nor political disobedience, just gravy, criminal acts called gravy. Who wants to ride the Gravy Train, we lost our souls to the chuck wagon of gravy. Call it what you like, gravy is gravy. And we're all accountable for gravy. Even if the gravy smells so damn good, even if the gravy tastes so damn good, even if the gravy looks so damn good, it's got to stop because it is not just. Gravy is bad for everyone involved.

Saturday, January 23, 2021

A Serious Issue Ensues ~ Saturday, January 23, 2021

Arises from the sea, a tsunami...

"Serious?" ~ "Yes, a serious sea, Sir,
exhibits a show of strength to display,
rambunctious and rollicking as a free
imagination, a captain gone mad,
outwitted by the sea, his mind a blur,
under the weight of ship and crew, to say,
'Serious?' begs the question, 'What to do?'"

"Shoe on the other foot, Sailor, too bad,
Ensign, 'What to do? What to do?' I laugh
at your distress! Where is Captain Attar?"

Sailing after his quest, he grabbed a gaff,
iron hook rusted on board, no matter,
red alert, the bell raises, bugaboo.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Madness ~ Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Yesterday, I woke up to an alarm,
of course, I needed to be somewhere soon,
until I arrived at the location,

anxiety undid the good with harm,
rest assured, I did arrive there on time,
even though it was in the afternoon,

obviously, it was my vocation,
not just to care but to worry as well.

Take the bus or the El train, it's no crime,
however you look at it, being poor,
except people take exception to trash.

Reservations against pain and squalor
indeed move people like a lightning flash,
gripped by that morbid phantom in a cell,
hovering in their brain to fear the sight
twisting poverty in with their disgust.

Perhaps you are above all that, or caught
as the average person lacking the light
to know better but to act otherwise,
human frailty, we each possess, as trust

orbits within circles, battles hard-fought,
rich with family and friends, colleagues and dates.

Ask yourself if you wake up just to rise,
relatively early from bed to catch
eastern sunlight creeping across the sky.

Yesterday, I woke up as if to scratch
only the surface of the real, to cry
under the covers, these character traits

only reflect the ego and my mind,
nothing and no one no longer made sense.

To step into the river of my thoughts,
hundreds of people were waiting to find
entrance to nirvana if I could see

right through the veil of illusion, a fence,
immense in scope, along the border, rots,
given the lack of care, witnessed for years,
humbled by neglect, marked with graffiti
to tag an ephemeral space by name.

Phantoms of my past continue to haunt
aspects of myself, hidden, full of shame,
terrified by my past, years I was gaunt,
helpless, without a clue, and full of tears.

Monday, January 18, 2021

Analytic Philosophy ~ Monday, January 18, 2021

Why is it that the real is what it is?

How did the physical world come to be?

Yet to ask such questions gets us nowhere.

In fact, metaphysics won't make drinks fizz,

So, what's the point of asking such questions?

Is it useful when a kid climbs a tree?

To say, "Look at that, that thing over there."

This too is metaphysics, this gesture.

Help us! Do you have any suggestions?

Asking is natural and yet mundane.

To marvel at how complex the world is.

To see a beautiful bird, like a crane,

Hover before taking flight, ain't show biz,

Even TV shows feel like a lecture.

Reasonable people see the body,

Engaged in an objectification,

Arguments for and against can be harsh,

Lift the veil, the chassis isn't shoddy.

If anatomy makes things seem profound,

Studying a corpse is no vacation.

Wondering about that bird at the marsh,

How innuendo evolves in a word.

Ambiguity in a single sound,

To say "bird" means both a girl and a crane.

If context creates perspective in verse,

To meet in one form, never shall the twain.

In Donne, excepted, for his universe

Symbolically, laughs at the bawdy bird.

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Justice ~ Saturday, January 16, 2021

If life is unfair, a roll of the dice,
fairness may be inherently a trick,

loaded dice to win a game of craps, strong
in body and mind shows muscles aren't mice.

Fight for what you believe, fight for your dreams,
enter each battle ready for the thick

indefensible scrum, to find the wrong
side winning every time, does power make might?

Unfair is life, to hear civilian screams
never-ending, on a loop in his head.

Forgetting what he saw or heard, the real
art of war, to sleep soundly in his bed.

If he wakes up screaming, what does he feel,
reality slipping into the night?

Thursday, January 14, 2021

A Trick of the Tale ~ Thursday, January 14, 2021

Confidence is like a foreign language,
on set, either you use it or lose it,
nothing worse than bombing on stage, before
family, friends, total strangers, advantage
if but one point, then game, set, match, or deuce,
different strokes for different folks, suffice it,
even today, to say it's in the score,
needless to say, the winners, they got game,
created by society, the ruse
evens out the playing field not one bit.

Guarantees, out of the question, to lose
advantage in tennis, determines grit,
muscle and brain in tandem, leaves no bruise,
even those without it, pass down their name.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Pigmentation Be Damned! We Are All Africans! ~ Sunday, January 10, 2021

I met Salman Rushdie, after the Queen knighted her South Asian subject,

met him while selling books at Harold Washington Library Center, here

entering Chicago, a long-term bookseller, at least, that was the plan.

The librarian called him, "Sir Salman," instead of "Sir Ahmed," affect...

Salman sat in a room signing hundreds of books, no small task for a man,

a writer, an author, a target of hate crimes, of politics and fear.

Lift the veil of the cult of personality, not a god but a man,

maybe I was confused, full of misperceptions, delusions, illusions,

after he signed the books, he asked me a question, "Where was I from?" The plan,

not to engage with myth, legendary figures, I said, "Bombay," knowing

Rushdie's mother gave birth to him in that city of millions. He asked me,

under duress for time, if I was a Muslim, with my short beard showing,

so I told him the truth, I grew up Catholic, a Goan, he could see.

Here our conversation ended, he signed my book and left, my confusions

in the book trade, authors were people without fault, disciplined like Buddha,

endless days of writing, confined to a small room, in solitude, alone,

an imagination, worlds of their own making, characters formed from mind,

from experiences with people, animals, their karma, the dharma,

the law of his conscience, hidden behind a veil of suffering and joy,

even as small boy, I knew the right from wrong, I went astray, a bone

rejected by the earth, a bone to pick with God, I could see, although blind,

truth found in metaphors, figurative language, lies held up to the light.

How in disappointment, I walked away to do my job, ever so coy,

ever so rye, I drank up the experience like Bourbon, mother's milk.

Queen Elizabeth was not my thing, royalty. Their association,

ugly with history, with Partition and death, tearing apart the silk,

ever so durable, how unaccountable, Mountbatten, our nation,

ever so divided by their own treachery, their greed, as if a right,

no longer so confused, Rushdie chose royalty and fame over justice.

Killing Salman Rushdie is no longer the game of fatwa, is that why,

needless to say, he asked if I were a Muslim, his safety in danger,

if I could know the fear, the courage he displayed in public, Augustus,

Gaius Octavius, adopted son and heir of Julius Caesar,

how does an emperor look back on his empire, Rushdie did not seem shy,

the reservations held by so-called introverts, I was but a stranger,

ever so close to death, he walked lightly on earth, but this was his empire,

devoted to writing literature, essays, novels, he was kaiser,

how South Asian writers understood their status, their position in kind,

ever so dubious was his tenable reign, not tenuous or slight,

realizing my place as a poet displaced by migration, I find

South Asia, a construct in literary terms, united by a blight,

of cancer incarnate, the devils fled our lands and set our world on fire.

Under circumstances beyond any control, murders, bloodshed took place,

to hold accountable the King and his empire may appear misguided,

how does ethics fit in to history, mishaps, misshapen by progress.

Asian born but not bred, my family fled Bombay for London, just in case

stupidity is mine to bear at three months old, I did not get to choose,

in all respects, I am American by right, as a youth, derided

as not American, a British citizen until thirteen, profess

no nationality, unless under duress, such is humanity.

Subjects of soil and earth, I return unto death, heartbroken, born to lose,

unless the lottery, I should win, stoned to death, I shall not hold my breath,

but accept my status as a non-resident, such is my origin,

just as my family left, I shall return, back home, to India, let death

entertain the boundaries, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, the dust bin

created by migrants from ancient Africa, seeking prosperity,

to survive as nomads, wandering the whole earth for food, security.

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Green Love Song ~ Saturday, January 9, 2021

I sing the song of earth and breath, of life

seen and unseen, sung and unsung, of sights
invisible and visible, of songs
no one hears, songs of love and songs of strife,
guaranteed to prick up your ears, your tears

tumble and fall down cheeks, as your heart fights
hunger and thirst, for food and drink, with tongs
ephemeral light burns with wood and coals

since before sun and moon produce dark fears
of childhood lost and adolescence gone,
no one cares of problems, of growing old,
growing useless, or obsolete, the pawn

of chess, no better and no worse, the bold
forthright queen knows battles, those are her goals.

Eclipse sun with moon, darkness fills the land,
as queens wage war on the soil of green pitch,
remember brutal pawns all look alike,
to hear a song, to understand how sand
harbors no ill will against sleeping tides,

as they roll over shores, sewing a stitch,
no larger than a thimble in its wake,
descending the long slope back out to sea,

brides of princes become queens who fight brides
recognizant of pawns with swords, these men
earn their living dying for their country,
as the breath of earth leaves their souls, women
take turns washing the corpse body, to free
humanity of its need to drink tea.

Of wars for tea and leaves to drink, the queens
fight in broad daylight, or darkness of night,

little keeps them away from a battle,
if wars must be fought, battles won, they fight
for king and country, feeding the cattle,
eclipsed by sun and moon, within their means.

Glue Trap ~ Saturday, January 9, 2021

This world just makes me want to scream,
how annoying the stars,
in the darkness above the dome,
sparkle like a dream.

We accept our status inside,
of course, we closed the bars,
reminders of no place to roam,
life at home is a hell,
different, this is where we reside.

Just as astronomers
understand galaxies beyond
sorrow, photographers
take images that make us fond.

Must I ring a doorbell,
ask for a change, or a passport,
kiss this boredom goodbye,
even if I could leave, I'm stuck,
stuck in a last resort.

Maybe if I chew off my leg,
even if I could cry...

Why this rat trap glue, what the fuck,
as I try to escape,
nobody hears me as I beg
to find release, mokแนฃa.

To liberate me from this birth
of science from doxa.

Silence, the void, what am I worth,
catching bats with a cape,
rats ignore a rat in a trap,
even if I could leave,
a vow made is a vow, a map
made to help us believe.

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Death of a Patriot ~ Thursday, January 7, 2021

Today, I woke up, brushed my teeth, and saw
our moment in the sun, we were to storm,
deliberately attack the Capitol,
and I was ready to defy the law,
yes, we were there to break the law, I knew

I was born for this day, for we will swarm,

will they expect us, the impractical,
obvious nature of revolt, to fight,
kill, if necessary, without a clue,
even the media will be surprised,

undermine the government and disrupt
privilege, entitlement, all but disguised,

by politicians, all who are corrupt,
righteousness on our part, I am the light,
under the heavens and above, alone
standing at the footsteps, the one honored,
humbled since birth to rise above others,
even the enemy, tossing a bone
decisively to our troops overcome

massively by monsters who dishonored
yet again our compromised trust, brothers

to battle those politicians who hate
even the symbol of our presence, dumb
even to speak of our rampage, we came
to disrupt the legislation process,
how could I know, today, I'd die, how lame,

after I was shot dead, I must confess
no crime against humanity, my late
deceased body that they tried to revive,

slept like a child for the first time, my death
answers no questions, tells no lies, my breath
welcomes this final duty, to survive.

Monday, January 4, 2021

Karkinos ~ Monday, January 4, 2021

And oddly enough, a crab claw,
      as a form of protest,
Never before seen, raised so high,
      driven up like a fist,
Despite my curiosity,
      adverse to such interest,

Only, look away, still I saw,
      millions of crabs enlist,
Despite their numbers, they were one,
      along the beach, the shore
Drew a large crowd of passersby,
      no one dare stop the crabs,
Let them show their ferocity,
      the crabs seemed to want more,
Yes, the crabs seek no more reform,
      in revolution, the knife stabs,

Endless revolutions, they won,
      never a loss in war,
Not even one casualty,
      even if you believe,
Our fantasies are metaphors,
      these crabs do not love gore,
Under such an admiralty,
      if crabs fight to receive
Guaranteed malignant tumors,
      despite crabs as symbols,
Hate associates crabs, the norm,
      end cancer with gimbals.

Code Name: The Dead Sea ~ Monday, January 4, 2021

And so, Morty called together the troops to discuss what needs must be done with them, "the legislators, one for all and all for one, so down with one and all of them, but not to kill, not to do grievous harm, but to destroy property and assets, to let them know, symbolically, we care, and that we disapprove of their methods of resolving problems with solutions that does nothing but make money for them, so take away their incentive to work for themselves under the pretense of law, justice and order, as they know nothing about whom they represent and govern for in a crisis, we band together to destroy bad guys, the legislators, the senators and representatives, down with property and down with assets, but do no physical harm, no murder," and so, Morty dismissed the troops. "Do good."

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Separate But Equal, Stanisล‚aw ~ Saturday, January 2, 2021

The sun never rises and never sets,
heliocentric understanding knows
each new day is never new but the same.

Sure, one revolution makes a day, bets
uninsured by the house to our beliefs,
never does the sun stop, the flower grows

nevertheless while the sun shines, a game
engaged in growth and rest, still we insist,
vision is not to blame, we watch the reefs
each in turn lose color, our thermal heat
rises year after year, yet years take days,

revolving on an axis, as we beat
in summer the heat, in winter the grays,
sun in motion itself, never resist
each urge to make sense of separate events,
sun is sun, earth is earth, in a system,

ancient in observation, but our time,
needless to say has been short, commonsense
decisions rule our choice to continue

never to see phenomena, since Lem,
erroneously charged with one false crime,
viewing the natural world as default,
each phenomenon is separate, blue
rivers flow reflecting the sky, the lie

set before us, to see past illusion,
even our beliefs are muddled, the sky
takes the form of a dome, our delusion
seeks a simple solution, without fault.

Friday, January 1, 2021

Ein Achtzehnter: On Duty ~ Friday, January 1, 2021

Behold the butterfly's beautiful dance,
eccentric, erratic without logic,
hovering here, now there in fields of shrubs,
obtuse angles, their wings soar in a trance,
lift, weight, thrust, drag help defy gravity,
descend, ascend, transcend, flight is magic.

Beguiled by beauty's charm, our Boy Scout clubs
ensnare hundreds to pin and earn a badge,
arrange, with no sense of depravity,
untold numbers under glass to display
the dead, these young men killed with mustard gas,
yes, they lose color, their faces turn grey.

Under orders from above, to amass
no less dead than our own, so on the cadge
fighting is fierce, while war tears asunder
our love for fellow man, we shoot to kill,
limited by rounds of shot made to spill
dead men's souls, butterflies, full of wonder.