Wednesday, January 25, 2017

A Phone Conversation ~ Wednesday, 2017 January 25

Satan!? Nothing doing...are you seriously trying to tell me that people think I believe in "the adversary"? How humorous people are when they need to feel entertained by scapegoats, their imagination precedes their dignity. Am I supposed to laugh at their childish mischief, as if nothing could come of this feckless type of misrepresentation? I am a senator who hails from Illinois, am I to take this as a joke, light-hearted, like no one's out to get me? Tell me you didn't see this in a newspaper, the media have had their claws at the ready since I was elected. As if I have to prove to the public again I grew up Catholic, in a Franciscan Church, confirmed during high school. Nobody can disprove the calumny once said by a news broadcaster, as if slander were truth and I, Satan, himself.

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