Friday, June 23, 2017

Reason Versus Sense Experience ~ Friday, 23 June 2017

Do not close yourself off from possible future events by creating mental categories that restrict your choices and limit openness this renunciation is the ascetic's path of denial and hardship only misery shall follow the fool who asks to be treated special as their right not privilege to proscribe a circle around their own body to describe a boundary as to will a force field to protect them from harm such madness guides vegans to believe animals as sentient beings who obtain the same rights as humans without cause but by proxy defense we give voice to our fears that when they encounter mistreatment and neglect we note their suffering and interpret their screams as horror in the face of murder or slaughter to put it politely to save face before death and if we were to face such wretched conditions for Death Row prisoners our vehement protests would never go unheard for to slaughter humans like other animals as we are animals all of the same kingdom we must preserve their right to a good life equal in value to our own and therefore must desist from wholesale consumption of animals for food no matter the flavor the aesthetics of scent nor nutrient value and thus the argument stands with reason not sense experience as guide

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