Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Lucid Dreaming ~ Wednesday, 11 October 2017

After the collapse of socialism the rise of social media proliferates widely how do global changes of such diverse nature project onto the scene as if invisible forces tending machines engage the populace with new experiments as schizophrenia articulates our loss of contact with the real for the virtual feel recent gaming cadres invoke with drone warfare collateral damage

Antonio watches as missiles go awry off target to attack people not intended in the piloted strike our apparent failure properly to assess the likelihood of harm inflicted by Marines eager to end conflict abroad and return home to their own flesh and bone aircraft projectiles bomb civilians in their homes who have no time to deal limited in vision with their impending doom who survives will salvage

Aspirations to live as non-combatants in their own insomniac troubled landscape between lucid dreaming and hell on earth while their nightmare terrors often fly past to reach another post an intended target Antonio watches his home and family taken out by a drone coming back from his job as an interpreter he stands stock-still and stares keys in hand as he drops the roses for his wife he bought at the market

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