Wednesday, September 16, 2020

A Skeptic Looks at the Weather ~ Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Thank you for making me make myself heard,
heard above the din of thunder, after lightning
answers the prayers of our despondent earth,
no one realizes earthquakes, fires, tsunamis,
kith and kin of hardship and tragedies, speak

yet go unheard by citizens of planet earth as if
only their needs need be met by their maker
until the virus trying to destroy the population

finds a better method to complete destruction
of the wayward species of mammals, askew
regarding their orientation toward eco-culture

ministrations to realign their accountability in
acts of commission, acts of omission, acts of
kindness gone awry when good intentions
involve harming others or the planet, benign
neglect occurs, even malicious acts happen,
granting the earth a special office with God,

maybe you believe, or maybe you don't believe
existential arguments for the proof of God,

maybe you need a different type of proof, as if
arguments solidify faith, but faith is a concept
kings, queens, and other royalty take on faith,
exactly because faith needs faith to overcome

measures of resistance by nonbelievers, as if
you and I knowingly ignore arguments written,
saints be praised for their work to save a soul,
even my own from eternal damnation, as if my
life were worthy of grappling with faith in God,
for heaven's sake, Mary, if only I had accepted

heaven, hell and the Afterlife without question,
endless discussions with Asa, a man of faith,
as I understand him to be, all this speculation
reads badly, for I cannot accept the unknown,
demonstrate how prayer works, I cannot hear.

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