The soul is a louse between your fine legs
however much you scratch you can't kill me
even if you mousse me, I am your crab
selfish shellfish got nothin' on my eggs
obviously the view from here is good
under these conditions I'm here to stay
love and friendship forever baby doll
if you share my love, I don't mind the least
still I am small but mighty, if you stab
at your nether region, you have no call
leave it alone girl, a sliver of wood
ordinarily irritates my bae,
unlike a splinter, I'm tough to remove
special hiding places I love to find,
especially when you're wet, feeling high
biatch, I'm your trigger, I'm here to prove
every love letter in the world is true,
truth being the lie to enter your snatch
weed your heavenly bush 'til it's shorn clean
earthly delights still shall I find to grind
everlastingly on your puss, goodbye
never needs to be said, you are my queen
yet one day I know our love will turn blue
over голубое сало, I catch
undertones by a look I read in eyes
resolute to get rid of your best friend
figures you would go visit a doctor
in anguish and despair, I bite your thighs
no way to stop me burrowing down deep
even if the doctor kills our babies
let our love last, our memories not sleep
extricate me against my will, my love
given I am a crab louse, your soul gave
sexy a new meaning with killer bees