Saturday, May 29, 2021

Below the Belt ~ Saturday, May 29, 2021

The soul is a louse between your fine legs
however much you scratch you can't kill me
even if you mousse me, I am your crab

selfish shellfish got nothin' on my eggs
obviously the view from here is good
under these conditions I'm here to stay
love and friendship forever baby doll

if you share my love, I don't mind the least
still I am small but mighty, if you stab

at your nether region, you have no call

leave it alone girl, a sliver of wood
ordinarily irritates my bae,
unlike a splinter, I'm tough to remove
special hiding places I love to find,
especially when you're wet, feeling high

biatch, I'm your trigger, I'm here to prove
every love letter in the world is true,
truth being the lie to enter your snatch
weed your heavenly bush 'til it's shorn clean
earthly delights still shall I find to grind
everlastingly on your puss, goodbye
never needs to be said, you are my queen

yet one day I know our love will turn blue
over голубое сало, I catch
undertones by a look I read in eyes
resolute to get rid of your best friend

figures you would go visit a doctor
in anguish and despair, I bite your thighs
no way to stop me burrowing down deep
even if the doctor kills our babies

let our love last, our memories not sleep
extricate me against my will, my love
given I am a crab louse, your soul gave
sexy a new meaning with killer bees

Friday, May 28, 2021

Acceptance ~ Friday, May 27, 2021

Embrace the negative
in a hug full of our forgiveness
of others and ourselves
to create a positive world 

Thursday, May 27, 2021

"We hurl slander, he lifts us up" ~ Thursday, May 27, 2021

To speak
of peaks

sloping into dales
piercing the eardrum
even as we speak
as we hear nothing
kingdoms tumble down

of crowns
for clowns

try not to
hinder the

encounters confront
vermin on the street
in alleys he waits
livid with vengeance

hunter of evil spirits
in doing good, his duty
marks him purveyor of wrong
selfish, hateful, malicious
entity of the dark realm
little do we know how wrong
foolish medieval priests were

Dies irae (Part Two) ~ Thursday, May 27, 2021

Solve first the paradox of existence, why life on this lonely planet

under circumstances beyond any control, beyond all certainty

cause and effect give clues to the arrows of time but specious reasons

kick balls and watch them writhe in pain, riddle unsolved, try to fly past this net

Stuck in language, nation, religion, politics, souls grounded to country

humanity rises beyond the naked eye, yet returns casualty

involved in its success, deprived of basic needs, stars are but distant suns

their warmth is nought but hope, starvation, poverty, please accept the challenge

Arguments pro or con become caught in the nets, fly past, watch your son die

needlessly we suffer, we neglect attention when we need vigilance

dance, drink, drug and party, while India builds pyres, the dead don't lose no sleep

Determined to control weather changes the game, the power to take a chance

insult to injury, we add rub to the mix, but the rewards we reap

existence solves itself, there is no solution, no paradox, revenge

Dies irae (Part One) ~ Thursday, May 27, 2021

Monsters hide behind masks, beneath triggers, anger bursts dormant volcanoes

erupts beneath shifting tectonic plates, lava boils burning flesh ashen

anger consumes monsters, mouths spew forth hot lava, sulfuric in temper

naked behind their masks, faces empty, joyless, sorrow nobody knows

People wear disguises, masks hidden in plain sight, dramatis personae

encounter characters within farcical roles: heroes, monsters, villains

obstacles obscure paths, no possible success, failure as solution

people setup hurdles, create adversity, laugh at soldiers fallen

laugh at ludicrous death, stage play in jest we act, masks shed tears, dogs whimper

ears prick up, man's best friend, dogs see beyond our masks, whine in salutation

Solutions to problems hard-earned, hard-fought, hard-won, still failure with no aid

üpfenstägen, time stops, drops dead before the grave, humanity remains

crass casualty befalls chance with impunity, monsters devour our stars

killed by happenstance, fire friendly or otherwise, heroes die, villains lie

Shallow in graves for dogs, not men nor women, death wears no mask, no disguise

hides in plain sight, unseen, yet not invisible, but ubiquitous, scores

injured by right, a wrong, death awaits patiently, collects masks to bury

to burn, Dies irae, the Day of Wrath, anger consumes monsters cruel lives

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

The Kilnmaster ~ Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Without certainty, doubt creates the need
in faith-based dogma, ideology,
terror in politics, truth in show trials,
human rights a laughable joke, a nod
of the head, a wink of an eye, to hang
undesirable elements, leggy,
tall blondes obviously excluded, trolls,

cretins, and intellectuals to burn,
effigies unnecessary, the hung
remember nothing, their bodies, ashes
tranquilly blown away by a light breeze,
absurdity allows survivors born
in faith to believe they are better men,
needing the silence of the dead threshes
the populace to seek religion, browse
yesterday's books of wisdom and foment

diabolical revolution, God
observes within each mind, diamond cutter
urges brilliance yet subjects prefer smoke,
blinded in judgment by what they forgot,
time allows reflection as a sentence

criminals who spend time alone bother
reason to know why the snake is a snake,
entering the vision of God in mind,
asked why they committed their crimes, they dance
entranced by the movement of light, to mend
sorrow by connecting the dots long past

troubled no longer by the need to act
honest or dishonest, the felon leads
enlightened souls to peace with an edict

nourishing the spirit, while the mind loads
endless red clay bricks to fire in a kiln,
entitled to comprehend why they bleed
diamond cutters reveal how thoughts align.

Monday, May 24, 2021

An Unsympathetic Narrator ~ Monday, May 24, 2021

In a station of the Metro,
neckties, silk, Italian neckties;

as I was in Paris while on

spring break, (a stupid place to go,
the weather being cold and grey,
although, I knew French,《 Quelle surprise! 》
this friend of mine brought a moron
in terms of language and culture;
on top of that, he lost his way,
needless to say, his bride left him;

of course, this lovable hick flew
far from home, Europe on a whim;

to say my dislike of him grew,
harbinger of a disaster,
ever to remember this trip...).

My first vacation in Europe...
even if I simply forget
the bumpkin from the hills who let
reason take a backseat to loss,
of course, I couldn't give a toss.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

The Stone Buddha ~ Tuesday, May 18, 2021

The Stone Buddha cannot say yes or no,
hard to the touch and rough, it cannot feel,
even its heft makes it appear weighed down.

Stones cannot talk, cannot think, feel, or blow
their nose. Why bow and pray to Stone Buddhas?
On the surface, they appear wise. Appeal
not to their sense of compassion. They drown
even a happy heart with gravity.

Buddhas of stone cannot speak to sanghas,
underprivileged communities who pray,
determined to find truth or die trying.
Difficult is the role Stone Buddhas play,
harder still the work of marble crying.
Ask not what tears fall from depravity.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

The Water Dragon ~ Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Fratinil Fratinilofish Budim
runs a nation of godless atheists
and his favorite meal in the whole world is
the Filet-O-Fish sandwich with no cheese;
if he doesn't have one sandwich daily
no one in Luccia eats for a week;
indeed on every street corner, we smell
liquid fish guts flowing down the gutters.

Fratinil Fratinilofish Budim
resolves problems through liquidation plans,
as no one in Luccia wants to die
the people suffer indignities but
if we demand our rights at a protest,
nobody knows how but food disappears;
indeed, we know the terror-famine well,
leave the stinking streets to the guttersnipe,
or loud-mouthed punks, self-righteous skinny brats
feeling their way through the dark like the blind
in search of sunshine inside a cavern;
stupidity has no survival skills,
how we live day-to-day makes the Lord smile.

Budim is President, Prime Minister,
ugly merchant of surreptitious deals;
deals that make us rich selling state secrets,
if not our own but of other nations,
murder is not above his evil deeds.

Slow Piano Music Plays ~ Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Seventh grade, we played music in band class,
learning as an ensemble orchestra
organized by the teacher-conductor;
we worked to play concerts. I must confess

Playing music was my first love, a dream
in triple time tempo, a bolero,
as we danced just as fast into old age,
no one knew time doesn't walk at a stroll,
only four decades ago, I watched tar

Move, sweet as molasses, after college;
upset the apple cart, music as queen
settles on who succeeds, a straight arrow
in flight hits the target, center bullseye;
creating music in band was a joy.

Playing "Hill Street Blues" and watching TV
leaves me homesick to return to the pain
absent in wisdom, sentimental songs
yearning for foolish days, friendships long gone
since I moved east to Sweet Home Chicago.