Tuesday, May 25, 2021

The Kilnmaster ~ Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Without certainty, doubt creates the need
in faith-based dogma, ideology,
terror in politics, truth in show trials,
human rights a laughable joke, a nod
of the head, a wink of an eye, to hang
undesirable elements, leggy,
tall blondes obviously excluded, trolls,

cretins, and intellectuals to burn,
effigies unnecessary, the hung
remember nothing, their bodies, ashes
tranquilly blown away by a light breeze,
absurdity allows survivors born
in faith to believe they are better men,
needing the silence of the dead threshes
the populace to seek religion, browse
yesterday's books of wisdom and foment

diabolical revolution, God
observes within each mind, diamond cutter
urges brilliance yet subjects prefer smoke,
blinded in judgment by what they forgot,
time allows reflection as a sentence

criminals who spend time alone bother
reason to know why the snake is a snake,
entering the vision of God in mind,
asked why they committed their crimes, they dance
entranced by the movement of light, to mend
sorrow by connecting the dots long past

troubled no longer by the need to act
honest or dishonest, the felon leads
enlightened souls to peace with an edict

nourishing the spirit, while the mind loads
endless red clay bricks to fire in a kiln,
entitled to comprehend why they bleed
diamond cutters reveal how thoughts align.

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