Thursday, August 12, 2021

Feathers ~ Thursday, August 12, 2021

Her failure to fulfill her promise to become a doctor, a lawyer or an economist since she was South Asian in the United States was a major letdown for her family and friends as they relied on her to make a good living, earn lots of accolades, and become a mother but she did none of that, instead she lost her mind and found God in wisdom, the wisdom of language, of words, of poetry within philosophy, she studied religions to help solve the problems of conflict management, she did this on her own, in a small apartment off a tiny paycheck cleaning other people's houses with a small team of strong Polish women, although she didn't speak Polish, she picked up words and phrases here and there, she got by with little more than her wits, courage and fortitude to grow as an artist of thoughts, an engineer of dreams, an architect of hope.

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