Saturday, August 6, 2022

The Disoriented ~ Saturday, August 6, 2022

There, passed out in bed, awake for twenty-four hours

haunted by bad dreams, strangeness from the summer heat

ended up awake, disoriented and scared

Difficult to say, to wake from bad dreams, time scours

inside memories, to solve problems, blockages

simply removed, wait before dying in the street

obstacles occur, then I wake up, unprepared

really to move on or to get up out of bed

in this world, weakness begs the question, stoppages

ends the flow function, how to break through a clogged drain

not to fret over the distress and stress of life

therapy is cheap, all talk, no breakthroughs, the pain

exhibits in dreams, dysfunction in daily strife

dig me a tunnel, quiet the thoughts in my head

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