Monday, October 3, 2022

Vengeance Is Mine ~ Monday, October 3, 2022

To pretend to need a messenger to inspire

obligatory services bound by a oath

puppets entangled in the mire of their masters

remember people, as adults to stoke desire

energy rebounds under carbon-plated shoes

transformed into bounce, a spring to each step, those loath

every day to wake up to global disasters

nothing lost, nothing gained, to flip the room inside

defined perspectives turned inside out, long queues

train around corners, Depression-era bread lines

obtain memories, survivors remember days

not so long ago, of ruthless men without spines

enter history, before hydrogen decays

exit solar rays, sunbathing beauties outside

distance between points in space-time, to span light years

ask not what others won't fulfill as promises

message A K, Dean of Graduate Studies

enter with a smile, shake hands and leave for good, tears

slither down, serpents with L T, trust

sinister sucker punch servants, hits or misses

exit unworthy of assistance, no buddies

no friends keep in touch, pariah without a drum

give a crooked beat to a constable, entrust

each moment with care, say goodbye to art school lies

remind memory to remember just the good

trust no one again, billionaire fascists, ghost spies

orders of angels, earth, air, water, fire and wood

itch the elements, dogsbody, belly, to strum

not golden harp strings but catgut for violins

sinister sister, T plays in hell

plays for the devil, A K, the conductor

instruments ready, a chamber of violence

remorse for years lost, added suffering, the bell

endlessly ringing, wonderful, life's obstructor

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