Saturday, January 7, 2023

A Prayer for Dark Hype ~ Saturday, January 7, 2023

Dark Hype is her name and disruption is her game, change seeks out the spark

Absolute Zero, the hero of our story, fights not for glory

Resolute, "rent 'paid'", along with the French maid, dressed to impress, recast

Killer in his home, she gets the drop on Zero and, leaves not a mark

Hype is her last name, as Hype Dark is in Hyde Park, she plays Mr. Hyde

Yes, that Mr. Hyde, the bane of Dr. Jekyll, slate from a quarry

Parry and riposte, Absolute Zero worries not that his lost past

Emits the green glow of fireflies burning brightly in the heat of night

Pray for Mr. Hyde, for the movement of Dark Hype and, for the Dark Side

Realize, she waves a feather duster to brush his shade from the gloom

Argue to pardon a criminal of madness, how inane to blame

Yes, a mastermind, of stupidity, to catch a fool in a room

Exiting a safe, with nothing in her bare hands, what could be her game

Dark Hype as practice, training for the one big score, darkness without light

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