Sunday, July 16, 2023

Why Buy the Cow? ~ Sunday, July 16, 2023

Little Red Rooster
wakes up each day before dawn
to crow at the sun

in the afternoon
he decides to cross the road
to the other side

tonight he wrestles
with the farmer's wife; she likes
he's a little cock

tomorrow he crows
as usual at the sun
and then has some fun

like the farmer's wife,
the farmer's daughters like him,
he has a quick mind

even though, one girl
wanted Little Red Rooster
to make her his bride

Red waits for Snow White
but her entourage of dwarves
were tough as a rock

even if the girls
twirl their pigtails at his beak
Little Red pretends

decency matters
when he gets the milk for free
he won't act unkind

Red knows people ask
why he needs to cross the road
if he feels chicken

obligations rise
the need to crow at the sun
to wake up early

obviously, Red
enjoys being a small cock
how he might thicken

slowly, in his chest
when he breathes slowly, the air
puffs his chest burly

trust in the struggle
the bantam cock loves a fight
sees how a tree bends

ever so alone
he stands on his stoop and screams
the hens wake with fright

rely on each day
to change and remain the same
Rooster sleeps at night

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