Sunday, September 24, 2023

Love, a Conundrum ~ Sunday, September 24, 2023

To say that there is
heaven or hell is a lie
even our parents
really knew better
even if they couldn't know

in all certainty
still should you believe

no one can stop you, as faith
obeys no reason

love is different
obviously, a practice
virtue seeks in truth
every illusion

in a standard deck of cards
nothing more nor less

this world is a test
how, when, why, anyone's guess
in failure, success
swallow the great lie

worship plums in the icebox
obey broken rules
roll the dice, gamble
lose everything, start over
demented zombie

ask yourself if love
necessarily exists
yes, as a concept
must we all believe
obey the logic of fools
righteous charlatans
everyone accepts

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