Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Asterion ~ Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Pretend I didn't know they brought children to play boisterously inside
Running through the darkness screaming making echoes laughing out of terror
Only when energy drops when the halls grow silent do I know when their fear
Practically falls asleep and they are unaware I have no shame nor pride
Only hunger demands tribute from city-states like Athens or Dublin
Succulent flesh from Greece with olive oil coating their skin without error
Ask me not my plans outside the labyrinth smoke cigarettes drink beer
Likely I will die here my karma is darker than the pitch of this cave

Monsters may be deformed children who look like bulls forced to devour the skin
Over tiny muscles the meat of small children never cooked always raw
Develop a dark taste acquired for sashimi or raw fish from the sea
England starved those children in Ireland sent them to Crete covered in straw
Swift essayed before Joyce described Cork as a maze breakfast with Earl Grey tea
Tranquil before their deaths children sacrificed life with adults none too brave

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Exiles ~ Tuesday, 30 January 2018

Reserve the right to write
under heteronyms
to Pessoa his name

Underscores all the rest
characters as authors
of their own written work

Include my given name
of Portuguese descent
as parcel to the lie

Careers based on fiction
decide the fate one leads
as a Goan the game

American children
play with Non-Resident
Indians like myself

Raised in Huntington Beach
California so far
away from Colva Beach

Lost in America
children play hide and seek
the struggle to touch home

Only to find my way
with a Portuguese name
where native people smirk

Savage smiles behind backs
of foreign-born children
like myself born to spy

Deemed no better than dogs
immigrants born elsewhere
natives kick and we bite

Apparently our tongues
in the face of power held
by those born into wealth

Create power from nothing
nothing but the difference
between persons we teach

Understanding today
not forty years ago
when the streets I did roam

Never lost in this land
your land my land our land
their land for those who come

Home to America
land of milk and honey
in my coffee or tea

Answer me this my friends
when I leave this country
may I without a fight

Seek to return back home
to Hyde Park Chicago
where hands and feet go numb

Running in the winter
over black ice and snow
until my heart is free

Friday, January 26, 2018

☆ Epistle to the Pope ~ Friday, 26 January 2018

Dear Pope Francis,

          After suffering from the flu, I came to realize somehow in this lifetime I entered into hell, I fell off the radar, no search party could find my eternal soul, damned as I was before birth, before my conception. I was born a Goan, an Indian whose name derives from Portuguese conquests in South Asia. My parents moved after my birth, their second son, from Bombay to London. After only three months, I have never set foot back on Indian soil. We moved to Kew Gardens, New York after three years, then to Huntington Beach, the West Coast, where I grew up in California, only two years later. Yes! My parents were both born Sagittarians, on the very same date, only one year apart. Thus, they were on the move as if I were a child in the military, getting stationed elsewhere every couple of years. My parents raised both me and my older brother to be worthy children of Roman Catholic and Franciscan background. Our Church on Magnolia Avenue was Spartan and not lavish at all. I came to cherish this memory as a fact of the tenets our Church instilled of poverty, of humility, and of charity but I, as a child, was wicked. I would never obey. Perhaps since my father found in the alcohol he drank after long nights as a flight controller a comfort not even his wife or his two boys could offer in exchange. Thus, I learned to rebel in disobedience to my parents who beat me into submission. And thus, I was conceived in Hell as the offspring of the Great Deceiver himself, a mythical creature, literary and not of biblical origin as I read. 

To act out, I lit fires, like a young arsonist, and stole from my parents like any petty thief. Trouble was my first cause, unlike Archimedes, it was my fulcrum point from which to move the earth. But trouble does not come with a lever itself. My whole life, I acted the role of the black sheep within my own family. I acted as scapegoat and as the lunatic, the crazy, insane son who can do little right. But then, I found my love to read philosophy in college and to write little, silly poems. Perhaps, I discovered I am a late bloomer. 

After losing my mind, as a twenty year old, I turned to Buddhism to resolve my issues with my rotten childhood. Sitting meditation helped to ground my thinking. I am now forty-eight years old, without children, but my girlfriend and I have four cats as our kids. I went back to running in long-distance races after getting laid-off at the bookstore I worked at for eleven long years in the basement under a seminary here in Hyde Park, Chicago. I started a Master's Program to learn Writing but have yet to finish because I fail to find funding to pay for school. But this is of little concern and consequence to me unless I can help rid the world of hate and power politics which plays on prejudice and even racism. 

But the reason I write to you is that you are the sole person who can make amends to nations to right the wrongs of past leaders throughout the world. Yes, it may sound insane but an apology made by you for each wrong committed by the Church throughout all history may make our small planet a better place for all the sentient beings to live in harmony, or to strive to achieve healthier relations with everyone on board.

My whole life may be hell, and I may be in Hell imagining my life as a simulacrum of what was in fact real but now is illusion, this illusory world of ignorance and greed. What can I do to get a Get Out of Jail Free card from Monopoly? This hell is my prison, this life is my jail cell. Death, I fear cannot come soon enough in my life to end the suffering. 

          Yours affectionately, 
          Rui Carlos da Cunha 

Papal Bull ~ Friday, 26 January 2018

Francis my dear padre
I am in grave trouble 
it appears I'm in hell 

Rest assured in my mind 
no one can save my soul 
but you if you so choose 

As to my own background 
I was raised Catholic 
but gave it up for Lent 

Not to poke fun at you 
I left at age twenty 
when the Eucharist bell 

Clanged daintily beside 
the altar by the boy 
set to perform the task 

Insists he saw a light 
travel across the room 
into my yawning mouth 

Symptoms of my downfall 
came four years previous 
Mass seemed like pantomime 

Curiously absurd 
my laughter annoyed friends 
who thought me born to lose 

Understand my giggles 
prevented my return 
the Spirit was hell bent 

Search my soul as to why 
but I knew possession 
was a demonic art 

Pray for me before sleep 
my soul to keep me safe 
is this too much to ask 

Arrest me before death 
stops my heart from beating 
my health is going south 

Perhaps it's just the flu 
helped me to realize 
I cannot eclipse time 

As you see in my name 
from Portugal by way 
of the sword to convert 

Mark my words my family 
Goans from India 
know not our genome source 

Even if you could rid 
my soul of the devil 
wherever would I start 

Urgent as this matter 
appears to my own mind 
to get you to divert 

Mea culpa I confess 
your attention to say 
sorry the Church used force

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Fever ~ Thursday, 25 January 2018

If I should die before the dawn remember me if you can bear this life was mine for a short while you helped me live gave me shelter fed me loved me I know no one other than you who has served me as a patron a beloved to my person upon this earth you kiss my head when I am sick you kiss my lips when I am well I am sorry I could not put order to house and home with cats and books throughout my forehead warm as fires I set when but a child to burn in hell if it exists my body cramps my hands contort the pain is great but naught compared to the brimstone that awaits me I am no friend of God above the myths we make to explain pain sorrow this world on fire I burn not eternal but here and now in this body this shell of life this warm vessel full of warm blood why did I wait so long to ask you to marry my own person you know as well as I betrayal as a phoenix rise from ashes you my dear Pam are my anchor you ground my boat when the weather bodes tornados run run run run when I feel well to recover from injury in sport as well as in marriage divorce a game no Catholic born into Church and raised to feel disappointment as to enter never to see my father's face in his casket since my brother and my mother their insolence grand and profound cannot undo that day's events nor the backlash that continues until her death and his as well if I should die before their deaths do not invite them to take part in any grand celebration of this my life they would not know how much I hate their own persons for one can love and only hate love abandoned if my ship sails towards sunrise past horizon into the dark reaches of night do not worry I am now free and you always deep in my heart

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

A Rose ~ Wednesday, 24 January 2018

Rui's my name a name 
even my mother can't 
teach me how to pronounce 

As I grew old enough 
to meet perfect strangers 
not just children who rhyme 

Needlessly for humor 
to create a distance 
between the foreigner 

Directly before them 
the son of immigrants 
they must somehow denounce 

Of course to understand 
how a Portuguese name 
and an Indian boy 

Make sense in the real world 
you must know how a sword 
converts people to faith 

Ask the perfect strangers 
how they pronounce my name 
and confusion rises 

Confusion because R 
at the start of my name 
sounds like a language crime 

Criminals say hooey
to distilling moonshine
sit me in the corner

Entertaining a dunce
who can't even pronounce
his fully given name

Simple for a small boy
in Lisbon or Rio
but I felt like a toy

Simpleminded children
could pull a cord to hear
a rhyme cut on a lathe 

Miraculously life
could never stunt my wit
intellect in sizes

Even I couldn't know
the brain a strange muscle
convoluted in turns

Mapping such turns as rhymes
I created a form
of poetry no one

On Earth will ever try
to mimic something mine
no one will try to tame

Realize I came here
not against my own will
but not by choice returns

You never earn interest
on such an investment
with my life near half done 

The Salamander Speaks ~ Wednesday, 24 January 2018

         love is not love when love 
Fashions nooses around
the house to show dismay to contrive arguments 
in order to debate the merits      of conflict 
to talk and talk and talk 
                                             never to just shut up 
In the grocery store mother and daughter show 
their verbal jousting skills 
in order to discuss openly their struggle 
with each other they seethe 
with contempt and dislike to find no common ground 
probably for the best we disrespect children 

Leave the matter alone
you say the children know 
nothing about raising dysfunctional parents 
we cannot raise ourselves 
let alone teach children 
who reveal our values to everyone around 

Teach adults what children 
already know so well

Everyone is equal even if we decide
to treat someone special 

Remove the need to hate 
to pluck a white daisy 


Kiss and make up then buy 
the cat litter you told your kid you can't afford 
who in the fuck am I

I ask myself to butt in to involve myself 
in their hot mess one aisle over hidden away 
their engaged agression 

Little philosophy 
remains in my pea brain 

To stay away and take the high road to observe 
with my ears not my tongue
an anthropologist 

Even if I knew what 
exactly to tell them 

Really to you believe 
they would listen to me 
a stranger from abroad 

unqualified to judge 

to get caught up in games 
I really know nothing 
about just bite my tongue 

and bide my time until the wickedness is gone 

☆ Misterioso ~ Wednesday, 24 January 2017

Last night I died just like you in my sleep 
Although I died from pneumonia 
Still the fact remains I died the same night 
The very same night that you died 

Nobody knew we would die together 
If they did someone would have done something 
Glad to know no one intervened 
However obvious the fact remains 
That I died and you died without a plan 

I could not have killed you not in my sleep 

Did I mention I died of pneumonia 
I could barely breathe with these inflamed lungs 
Enter the delirium state 
Did I mention I called the hospital 

Just as I was falling asleep 
Until they arrived with an ambulance 
Still the fact remains I died just last night 
Timing is everything with clear vision 

Lapses in certainty 
In arrivals and departures 
Kings and queens at the gates 
Enter my delirium to tell me 

Yes you did call 911 in your dreams 
Obviously it wasn't effective 
Until the ambulance arrives just sleep

Insist you did everything that you could 
Nobody needed to die just last night 

Mercy comes in the form of an angel 
Yes my delirium caused me to dream 

Sleep can be calm or fever pitch 
Like heaven or hell as we imagine 
Enter the gates at the airport 
Enter my illogical dreams 
Perhaps I didn't die what if I did 

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

The Ghost of the Clam ~ Tuesday, 23 January 2018

On his deathbed the poet made 
arrangements yeah you know 

Necessary to make his peace 
with his life but not the people 

He met along the way people 
in his family who treated him 

In a bad way they simply didn't care 
back in the seventies they harmed 

Shaker with their terror tactics 
they didn't care about the child 

Disappointed by his parents 
as an adult he turned tables 

Endless psychological games 
only alcoholics know how to play 

Ask them whether or not they knew 
they turned a blind eye 

To his older brother and his cousin 
upstairs laughing as the boy screamed 

Holy terror of the dark soul destroyed 
by people he trusted what a mistake 

Believe me when I say he made 
arrangements with people 

Endgame plans to destroy 
not his family but their families 

Despite years of bad blood he made 
sure they would remember 

They would be forced to watch 
their own adult children and wives 

Helplessly watch as men trampled 
with horses over their loved ones 

Endless torture comes to an end 
once his brother and cousin learn 

People are people from their birth 
not to be ridiculed abused 

Only because you have the strength 
of character to fear no reprisals 

Endless torture enters sensitive souls 
at a young age belittling the child 

Terror is a tactic used in wrestling 
to tag-team an opponent into helplessness 

Maybe the arrangements never needed 
to be made the poet held his cards close 

Ask him why he studied Russian 
in college and Shaker will smile 

Definitely he knew what they did not 
he saw what was coming he played his hand 

Even if they hadn't treated him bad 
as a child he couldn't ever forget 

Ask him for forgiveness too late 
the seeds were sewn decades before 

Reason plays no part in blackmail 
when nothing is expected in return 

Realize some brothers are so different 
that favoritism made one son appear 

Adopted by his birth mother 
and his alcoholic father 

Nobody knows how to turn the tables 
on his own family better than Shaker 

Give them what they expect 
no do the opposite 

Engage when they retreat 
disappear when they need his help

Maybe he should have killed his mom
and dad when they first threatened him 

Endless games of torture they knew 
so well taught their eldest son to abuse 

Never would meet with reprisals 
but laughter all around drunk with laughter 

To this end Shaker lay on his deathbed 
knowing full well his plans after dying 

Simply couldn't benefit anyone 
nor could his only book of poetry 

Monday, January 22, 2018

The Salamander Speaks ~ Monday, 22 January 2018

Creativity sucks the marrow from my bones 
      especially when down sick with influenza 
seriously you sneak into my home to eat 

On the lamb and expect me to get back in touch
       with you at the prison now they put you away 
       for good forevermore 
when you became my friend 

Locusts swept through Egypt 
like gypsy caravans on the move through Europe 

Liquidate the Roma 

As you said so you did 
but they were just children 

Really you couldn't find anyone your own size 


Gifted and talented education for sick bastards beyond repair at least I learned to give the executioner a wide berth the hangman his love of sailors' knots the governor whisky and a box of cigars bribery may not win an election by votes 

Ask the last governor while you're in the big house 
Last I heard they lost the keys for that bastard 

Lo and behold the lights continue to brown out 
Organize a party to search for your childhood 

Wonder how you turned out to become the sick fuck out of all of my friends 


        ask me why you blackguard 
Maybe if I answer the post-it note you left 

As cryptic a message
as if an Enigma began working again
to save Nazi soldiers 

Recently discovered 

Ready to kill poses frozen corpses survive 
as if an episode
of The Twilight Zone caught 
them unexpectedly ready to shoot half-dead 


po polsku 


Widows of prisoners
in concentration camps 

Forget I speak of such 
matters such sad marvels 

Over the years we read to absorb the horror 
to root ourselves in fear and trembling at terror 

Lessons in faith taught me humility before 
call it what you may God the malicious demon 
the prime mover of breath worked me into frenzy 

Lessons of this nature 
learned from history books taught me to grind my teeth 

On the rocks of hatred against those who do harm 
but when it came to you 

Windows to imagine gave you license to kill 

and God couldn't care less 


Pretend I didn't say anything about God the imaginary entity beyond sense beyond our own senses no one could imagine 

Art as a metaphor
for everything we sense 
everyday of the week

•    •    • 

Religion is a game 
for people to fight wars 
a reason beyond sense 
where emotions murder 
in the name of pure hate 
senseless incredulous 
appeal to blood vengeance 
does your God hold a sword 

Likely this is Justice 
potrayed as a woman 

Objectively blinded 
to appeals by mothers 

Reality creeps in when executioners 
sharpen blades to kill sons

Saturday, January 20, 2018

The Salamander Speaks ~ Saturday, 20 January 2018



Pallor in the mirror 
thirty-six thousand feet 
above surface level 


Anticipates a rise 
in air cabin pressure your ears pop with delight 

Lift off means lunch lifts up to give voice to vomit 
your mouth projects 


Liquid contents inside 
a swiftly procured bag 
to dispose of with glee 

Order a martini 
dry gin shaken not stirred 
though even Bond   James Bond 

Required no moment 
of reprieve when the light 
struck his face his pallor 


Distinctly unlike green 

unlike your sallow face 
present in the mirror

Oboe plays concert A 
to tune the orchestra 


Lapsus memoriae 
a lapse of memory 

as to why I beseech 
you to entrust your faith 

if you can remember 

Lightly shuffling your feet 
in slippers on floorboards 
not to wake up the dead 

As the cemetery 
boasts no less than twenty 

freshly dug unmarked graves 

Revealed by police dogs 
hidden beneath your house 

what makes a man your age 
kill innocent children 

The Salamander Speaks ~ Saturday, 20 January 2017


To state the obvious 
as ridiculous fact 
begs the reason to start 

Elegance comes in fits 
a momentary burst 

giddy to touch the flame 

Research debunks these myths 
without substance as false 
valid but plainly false 

Religion finds its place to worship and fixes meaning in that one spot to discover empty values to fill a void 

Only what happens when you leave that place for good you reflect on blind faith knowing full well you lack perspective and context in this very moment 

Resolve to understand truth comes when you stand still stopping dead in your tracks when you accept code blue as the only reason you are still alive now 

However many times you iterate the same 
mundane morbid belief as logically valid 

Only a truth table could prove your argument 
worthy of attention 

although a professor may offer you a prize 

Reason scoffs at the flaw 
as inconsistency 

defects of character 

Rise in the face of lies 
in the need to pretend 

that honesty is false 

Only to state again 
and again things exist 

as if this overcomes 

Real world solipsism 
for intersubjective 

experience to gloss over authentic life 
as deceptive practice 

Mirrors work to display 
the appearance of soul 
at the moment the soul 

Invents flight from body 
into an astral plane 
not unlike a worm hole 

Resemblance to the real 
is purely fictional 
and coincidental 

any persons you meet living or otherwise 


Reveal occurrences 
your imagination 

allows you to conjure 
as conjuror of ghosts 

Otherwise please fasten 
your seatbelts and enjoy 

Reality Airlines 
where we take your troubles 
multiply them by twelve to make you feel relaxed 
once we hit the tarmac 

Friday, January 19, 2018

Kiss Uranus Goodbye ~ Friday, 19 January 2018

Mr Gabidar draws 
a diagram to show
how a two-way mirror 

Inside my mind allows 
my subconscious to cleanse 
my conscience as night falls 

Swirling in a vortex 
dark matter stops my pulse 
cold I hear a blue note 

Travel the stars I spot 
the Archer time requires 
a margin of error 

Equal to perfect scores 
Nadia Comăneci
earned at fourteen my mind 

Reflects back to my soul 
within my boyish heart 
I hear a quartertone 

In walked Dub Master Slim 
to spin within astral 
gravity pinpoint sharp 

Open-heart surgery 
scalpels cut the needle 
drops in vinyl groove walls

Small as her back his scratch 
attains liftoff in ten 
seconds the countdown rote 

Orbiting my wax ears 
unaccustomed to style 
Mysterious is sprung 

Inaudible to ears 
naked even enhanced 
the speakers blip out blind 

Numerical data 
outside the gyrus cone 

Waltz through the Milky Way 
to the supermassive 
black hole hidden by warp 

At speeds too fast to hold 
sway over the engine  
this short life I aspire 

Lift the burden of proof 
to the court assembled 
I sense forces unknown 

Kiss Uranus goodbye 
Jah wobbles the center 
the balloon a bee stung 

Enter worried blue notes 
to set tones for cosmic 
disaster set on fire 

Dark star radiation 
ripples the universe 
the Whimper overblown