Monday, January 1, 2018

The Flywheel of History ~ Monday, 1 January 2018

When nothing changes time 
doesn't simply stand still 
we watched Old Capitol 

Hill burn in Hell because 
enough is enough more 
than we could ever take 

Even Old Nick couldn't 
stand by and let nothing 
happen let no bills pass 

No trust in the devil 
to take charge of matters 
when hell breaks loose pedal 

Neutral with a flywheel 
across the history 
of our beloved nation 

On New Year's Day we took 
to the streets to protest 
in the frost of winter 

Tea and cookies were not 
on the menu we sought 
to make something happen 

However we did not 
expect the capital 
to burn before daybreak 

In hindsight what we asked 
for what we demanded 
disappeared in a blast 

Nitrogen exploded 
underneath the buildings 
we were all taken back 

Glimpses of Guy Fawkes own 
Gunpowder Plot made real 
so much devastation 

Cannot but bewilder 
our own observations 
our nation was splintered 

Hungry for some action 
we realised the time 
to rise was misshapen 

As a five-sided square 
the Pentagon destroyed 
acoss the Potomac 

No one knew what to do 
we helped as responders 
to a tragic event 

Granted this could never 
occur outside fiction 
but we watched the attack 

Every single person 
looked on in absolute 
horror we stood awe-struck 

Simply by an endgame 
without arbitration 
this we could not consent 

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