Wednesday, January 24, 2018

A Rose ~ Wednesday, 24 January 2018

Rui's my name a name 
even my mother can't 
teach me how to pronounce 

As I grew old enough 
to meet perfect strangers 
not just children who rhyme 

Needlessly for humor 
to create a distance 
between the foreigner 

Directly before them 
the son of immigrants 
they must somehow denounce 

Of course to understand 
how a Portuguese name 
and an Indian boy 

Make sense in the real world 
you must know how a sword 
converts people to faith 

Ask the perfect strangers 
how they pronounce my name 
and confusion rises 

Confusion because R 
at the start of my name 
sounds like a language crime 

Criminals say hooey
to distilling moonshine
sit me in the corner

Entertaining a dunce
who can't even pronounce
his fully given name

Simple for a small boy
in Lisbon or Rio
but I felt like a toy

Simpleminded children
could pull a cord to hear
a rhyme cut on a lathe 

Miraculously life
could never stunt my wit
intellect in sizes

Even I couldn't know
the brain a strange muscle
convoluted in turns

Mapping such turns as rhymes
I created a form
of poetry no one

On Earth will ever try
to mimic something mine
no one will try to tame

Realize I came here
not against my own will
but not by choice returns

You never earn interest
on such an investment
with my life near half done 

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