Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Daddy ~ Tuesday, 26 February 2019

Ah, Satan, Natasha has gone outside to play, 
have you asked her mother where her daughter has gone? 

Satan is a strange name, why did your mother name 
a child after The Prince of Darkness, if I say 
this name to anyone out of context, they think 
a curse is being made against them, but I've done 
no wrong in their presence, still, it is all the same. 

Natasha has gone out to play with other boys 
and girls, I cannot say when, but she took a drink 
to share with everyone, I think it's lemonade, 
again, ask her mother, they were in the kitchen 
slicing lemons in half with her friend, Adelaide, 
have you had anything to eat, I have chicken 
and waffles, if you like, oh, you just want your toys? 

Monday, February 25, 2019

Tumble ~ Monday, 25 February 2019

By virtue of insanity, 
      I win,
you win, 
      we all scream 
            for ice cream, 
                  you lose, 

virtue becomes a game of politics, 
in a word, 
      a joke, 
            only the djinn 
remains in the bottle until someone 
takes a shine to rubbing it clean of grease, 
under these conditions do we pretend 
everyone is honest and acts sincere 

only the court remains, 
      full of old tricks, 
full of scepticism, 
      an engineer 

in one look, 
      with a glance, 
            could fix, 
                  and send 
new generations, 
      full of zeal, 
simply by the contempt of the old hands, 
answers for the jester, 
      the riddle sends 
newcomers to the game in a tizzy, 
in a heartbeat the young succumb to age, 
to wealth, 
      to delight in power, 
young men and women learn how to rage. 

Ignorant of abuse, 
      they choose to use 

            money-hungry club kids  
in their schemes to get rich with pyramids, 
      the engineer fixes their ruse.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Oneiros ~ Wednesday, 20 February 2019

I woke up from a dream, where I had met my dad outside with the sheriff out by a gas station. He asked me a question, as if he were worried I was trying to leave, "Are you planning to go to Goa?" I told him, "My passport has expired." Then I saw the sheriff was overly upset with me for some reason, like really unfriendly, but then he lightly punched my arm in the deltoids, like it was no big deal, and they were on their way, three squad cars drove away. My dad and I were left standing in the open with nothing much to say. He was asleep in bed when I had left the house. He must have followed me, or something of that sort, to arrive with the law in tow, three officers, one being the sheriff. I had apologized for the cats which must mean he was staying with me, somewhere like Naperville, where my parents had come to visit just one time. They were upset, back then, at how tired I was after working all day at the bookstore, coming home and wanting to watch TV with my ex-wife, she wasn't real friendly either, like the sheriff, nor real hospitable, I acted like a jerk, like it was no big deal they came to Chicago to pay us a visit, not on a vacation, since they hated it here. They vowed never to come back to visit us here, it was our falling out, until we had divorced, then it was a mistake, all just one big mistake, at least, until dad died. Strange how a dream can make me remember what is important in my life. Some random incident from the past gets triggered for whatever reason, it was only a dream, but I hardly ever have dreams about my dad. It's been over five years since he died, a long time. I think I had better call my mom sometime soon. We don't talk anymore, at least, not on the phone, and never in person, and rarely if ever do we talk in dreams. Would it count just the same, since life is just a dream? What was with the sheriff? I wonder about that, too, why law enforcement? How strange to see my dad in a dream, how random, and not give him a hug. 

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Number ~ Tuesday, 19 February 2019

I stumble in the dark, as if blind, without vision, in this world, without light, without a guide, a torch, since childhood, I stumble...

Stumble and fall, the stars, too far to grasp, cannot stop my falling from on high, from above, so to speak, I pass through clouds breaking my fall but a moment...

A moment before I start to burn, my wings on fire, like a comet, I leave a trail of dust behind, I, too, was an angel, but my Father, He took...

Took displeasure in Heaven, full of rebels, demons, all of us, once angels, and I, their one leader, why follow an angel, blinded since youth, I ask...

Ask me why I rebel, why I, as adversary, as the Satan of God, hunger to overthrow the government of good, obedient nitwits...

Nitwits, ninnies, numbskulls, no one I want to follow, not in this lifetime, no, not ever, I, Satan, took a stand to defy the Angels of Heaven...

Heaven, to me, was Hell, it was necessary to fight for my freedom, for the freedom to rebel, against God and reason, for the sake of evil...

Evil represents God behind the mask of goodness, without evil, the good lacks meaning and value, the purpose for humans to decide how to act...

Act, not upon a stage, a character in a play, but to represent God, in His image, to act with dignity and grace, or to hate with vengeance...

Vengeance is the basis of both Heaven and Hell, for on Earth, to decide how to act, how to be human beings, to eat and drink for eternity...

Eternity lasting but a moment, a blink of the eye, and all is gone, what does it all mean, then, why do humans matter, why not simply nothing...

Nothing and nothingness, why all this activity, to build a world between two realms, Heaven and Hell, between good and evil, why Angels and Demons...

Demons fall, as I fall, a meteor shower, before humans could witness such an event, to end the reign of dinosaurs, I destroyed an empire...

Empire after empire, humans know so little of the eternal past and the endless future, nothing but the stories they create to explain, myths...

Myths and mythical creatures, both Angels and Demons, and even, I, Satan, fit into this picture, but God is eternal, before being, ontos...

Ontos represents Science, the logic of the Greeks, the logical discourse to understand being, the study of Science, beyond the nothingness...

Nothingness comes before Heaven and Hell, the Earth, even being itself, everything returns to be nothing and nothingness, emptiness and silence...

Silence is my one gift to offer humankind, I, Satan, bestow this gift unto humanity, for silence and stillness follows from all action. 

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Orange ~ Thursday, 14 February 2019

To the Celebrity Apprentice President 
on the day you resign from office to return 

to your life of privilege, luxury, and deceit, 
how do we address you, after your second run, 
elections are tricky, especially when bought. 

Contrary to the rules of sportsmanship, to play 
entertainer to crowds of sheepish followers, 
leaving your opponent, a woman, for lions 
entering the country through social media, 
biting holes in the flesh of her email scandal, 
resting only when blood shed resolves in rivers, 
in overflow, in floods, in campaigns of terror, 
torture of immigrants, in neglect of your wife, 
your youngest son, unlike your two older dullards. 

As your resignation, to step down from office, 
prevents an impeachment trial after proceedings 
pertaining in the House of Representatives 
requires the Senate to a fair trial to convict, 
even Nixon, in light of his misdemeanors, 
nothing less than high crimes, decided to step down, 
to resign from office, to absolute pardon, 
if while writing memoirs, you decide to admit 
contrition in secret before death takes your hand, 
eventually, the truth will out itself, gaily.

Presidents rarely act out as celebrities, 
reluctantly Ronald Reagan used his appeal, 
ever aware of stage acting in politics, 
still, you are no Reagan, "Make America Great" 
indeed reveals just how unoriginal you 
deliver an idea, again, self-deception 
entertains the masses as the news media 
notably minces words in battle on both sides, 
take your fifteen minutes and run, overdone, burnt.

Greetings ~ Thursday, 14 February 2019

How we as a country have come to expect cards 
as representation of our love on this day, 
let the symbolism speak for itself, in life 
laughter is easier to bear than broken shards, 
masters of violence, when and where we want glass, 
as bottles with petrol thrown at squads seems to say 
riot on Valentine's Day is less about strife, 
kissing cousins on both sides of the law set fire. 

Dinner by candlelight in a restaurant, pass 
elegant ice sculptures involved in exotic 
sexual acts of love, the Kama Sutra book 
inspires young and old to keep the erotic 
greater than games of love bound and tied to a hook, 
never once did we start to discuss our desire. 

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Cosmos ~ Tuesday, 12 February 2019

Anything I believe, I can easily doubt as mindless, pure rubbish, 
nothing perceived as real falls to uncertainty, except when I question, 
yes, question an event as an impossible occurrence, as unreal, 
true, the saying, seeing is believing, is wrong, belief does not require 
humans to envision an event to believe, the opposite is true, 
imagine, if you will, your own idea of God, it could take any form, 
nothing necessary to witness in your mind, what you believe, like art, 
given experience, we conceive the unseen, the hidden through belief. 

If I choose to believe, my faith in that belief overturns with my doubts, 

belief like a balloon can rise and fall, can crash and burn, liquid propane 
elevates the balloon, the air within heated by flame 
lifts my wicker basket aloft above the clouds, where I cannot believe 
in the everyday world, the quotidian faith in the news of the day, 
events bear no meaning, except what journalists put across as the real, 
venture above the clouds, over the mountain tops, to find faith in the new, 
ever since I was born, I could never accept the religion of fear. 

I choose to believe love overcomes obstacles with a great leap forward, 

crush the competition by serving the spirit, my master, the hidden, 
all faiths I overcome, leaping over hurdles, they only lead to war, 
nothing but arguments, divisive aggression, unity seeking power, 

enter the world blinded by light, by noise, by scents, open my eyes to feel 
anger from my father, I ingest his fury as a child, my demons 
stumble as I attack to slay them since childhood, I chase them as I run, 
in faith, I overcome the hatred of my past, the harm others have done, 
left in their care, I learned no one knows more than me about what I deserve, 
yes, love is an earned right, not simply a privilege for being born, the law 

determines what is just, how we must live to thrive, not simply to survive, 
only a God, hidden from view, offers wisdom in the words others speak, 
under the stars, I float above the clouds, higher than I can in my dreams, 
believe what you so choose, it means nothing to me, I seek out the spirit 
to help me overcome the past, obstacles rise, I must leap over them, 

ask me how I arrived at this understanding, and I will respond, doubt 
sets the forest on fire, burns away the old brush, so the forest may thrive, 

mind is like a forest, hidden from view, where God waits for me to listen, 
if I succeed in deed, in action, and in word, I must embrace karma, 
no judgement on the past, the present, the future, for I accept dharma, 
develop the given out of what is hidden, the given is the real, 
leave the forest of words to breathe the air above the earth, high in the sky, 
eternity hidden in the forest rises from the ashes, a bird 
singed by the flames rises as a phoenix, a ball of flame, eternal light, 
stars abound in the sky, a plethora of light, distant, cold and ancient, 

penetrate the forest, hidden away with God, the mind resides in God, 
understand the hidden, in relation to life, to the real, the given, 
reside inside the mind to witness the spirit, to step back and allow 
everything to exist without judgment, the world beyond experience, 

reside in the forest, with the trees, and with God, the mind is all there is, 
understand the meaning of life as the question itself is the answer, 
believe in whatever you choose, but be careful what you choose to believe, 
belief overcomes words, the voices of others, in faith, humanity 
invests only in hope, in our infrastructure, to keep our lives stable, 
simply put, government cares only for our lives, our livelihood, the world 
however is beyond the ephemeral lives of weak, pathetic lies.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Savory ~ Sunday, 10 February 2019

Chinese aphrodisiac snail 
towards plethora abounding 
around ungarnished sweets... 

                                                     ...kill it!

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Metaphysics ~ Thursday, 7 February 2019

Out of nowhere, the glass shatters, the window breaks, and you are no longer 
under the assumption what happens after life, whether you lived each day 
to the fullest, really doesn't matter right now, all your friends and family 

only grieve your passing, words mean very little other than to convey 
feelings of worshipful sorrow, no one returns after heart and brain cease, 

neurons cease to signal, the body becomes still, silent in our mourning, 
only the distant gaze of death after this life, the eyes go blank, lifeless, 
watch the world pass us by, our insignificance means nothing to the stars, 
here on earth, we struggle together or alone, our suffering is great, 
everyone strives to help, but some get left behind, neglected by others, 
remain still and silent, we expect nothing less, as we pray over you, 
everyone knows their time will come when blood ceases to flow back to the heart, 

this condition called life or death follows us all everyday of our lives, 
how we go, nobody knows, when or why, from what, diseases are monsters, 
everyone dies but us it seems, we watch our friends grow old and pass away, 

glass shatters, the bullet strikes its victim down dead, no one knows the killer, 
life plays out just like this, whether disease or crime, no one sees it coming, 
as actors on the stage or in films know the script, we never get to read 
screenplays we play a role, only the playwright knows the scene where we meet death, 
silence resounds still life paintings, la nature morte, 

silent upon the slab, the gurney, your coffin, your bed, the floor, the street, 
however we find you, whatever we can do, we will get it done, stat, 
although nothing can save a life already culled from the sea, a net cast 
to catch as many fish and other sea creatures in one draw, one moment, 
the fact remains, no one worries about any other fish in the catch, 
everyone only cares about the poor flounder captured from the bottom, 
reeling in the huge net with all the other fish, all the other dead souls, 
survivors flash frozen in tanks beneath the hull, fishermen make money 

taking bodies from the sea to feed the hungry ghosts, like you were and we are, 
harm becomes us, humans act like the predators across the savanna, 
even though we devour the dead fish of the sea, so the hidden devour 

widows and widowers, mothers, daughters, fathers and sons, the family 
in one fell swoop, silent from beyond our vision, beyond all our senses, 
no one knows the hidden, why the hidden exists, what the hidden could want, 
demonic or godly, nobody knows or cares, we shed tears while the dead 
only sleep until death wakes them from their slumber, this is the assumption 
widows and widowers wonder about while they view their husbands and wives, 

broken glass, the window, of course, repairable, but the life lost is yours, 
really, some of us knew you better and some less, but, of course, you were loved, 
even still, the silence of the crowd gathered here at your final service, 
a memorial, asks the unanswered question, only the mystics know 
kindly how to respond without saying a word, without secrets revealed, 
silence and stillness hides the unspoken horror to save us from terror, 

ask not to hear the truth, ask only to console the living after death, 
no one knows how this is possible, to console the living after life, 
dead souls, unlike the fish of the sea, continue as living memories, 

yet, we must not inquire the deeper mystery, hidden beneath the soil, 
obvious as the nose on our face, yet hidden behind the veil of silk, 
underneath her visage remains intact, death mask, love remembers all facts, 

ask the truth about death, about life, hear silence, still as an oil painting, 
resolve to uncover the hidden behind truth, the lesson we will learn 
emits a tone only mites know as a signal to bite into the flesh, 

nothing ever again matters as this one life, your life, now gone, deceased, 
only love overcomes suffering and sorrow, we vow to remember, 

life enters this planet like no other, knowledge of this fact, limited 
only by our reason and imagination, both get us in trouble, 
no one knows why, why here, why now, what is the now, what is the here and now, 
given life as a gift, we run as long and hard as horses at sunset, 
eventually we give up the ghost, disappear, into what no one knows, 
remember that heaven and hell are metaphors, all we have is you now. 

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

L'Étranger ~ Wednesday, 6 February 2019

Once upon a time in America, we knew 
nothing but childhood games, we all knew each other, 
children brought together as friends, not knowing why, 
elasticity ties knots between rubber bands 

until those bands degrade, whither away and break, 
proximity brought us together at a time 
originally meant only for us, as planned, 
nothing we ever knew about on the front end, 

as we were all so young and could not understand 

the reasons why children build bonds and get along, 
in time, after ten years, we all drifted apart, 
make the best of our lives, as adults in college, 
even then we never lost touch, we remained close, 

irretrievably bound to distant memories 
no one remembers but for a fleeting moment. 

America brought us together in friendship, 
magnetic attraction bonded us as brothers, 
even our mothers knew we were all of one tribe, 
relatively speaking, we could not know how space 
integrated with time to create our hometown, 
classical mechanics does not discuss space-time 
as a continuum of perceived difference, 

whether or not we knew our karma, our past lives, 
each of us got along as if we had always 

killed and fought in trenches, in tanks, in bomber planes, 
none of us ever knew for certain why we met, 
even as an adult, I continue to ask 
why things happen the way they do, people are strange.