Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Daddy ~ Tuesday, 26 February 2019

Ah, Satan, Natasha has gone outside to play, 
have you asked her mother where her daughter has gone? 

Satan is a strange name, why did your mother name 
a child after The Prince of Darkness, if I say 
this name to anyone out of context, they think 
a curse is being made against them, but I've done 
no wrong in their presence, still, it is all the same. 

Natasha has gone out to play with other boys 
and girls, I cannot say when, but she took a drink 
to share with everyone, I think it's lemonade, 
again, ask her mother, they were in the kitchen 
slicing lemons in half with her friend, Adelaide, 
have you had anything to eat, I have chicken 
and waffles, if you like, oh, you just want your toys? 

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