Sunday, September 17, 2017

To Love and Not to Love ~ Sunday, 17 September 2017

To be a man you must not slide down the slope to the bottom of the slide or fall from grace in love though it happens at times often enough you must live in each moment as if it were the only chance you get to stand tall or else you may become common standard less than a real man who won't ride voluptuously down to the bottom where you may teeter and totter endless vertigo in love with love itself as if inebriated

as if drunk with laughter pissing yourself stupid in a dank alleyway no longer lost nor found by love of the other the beloved as trust diminishes with years worn away by the tides you become a quick fall no longer a man no longer even human but something otherwise otherwise than human less than mortal you die in each moment slaughter the fatted calf you live carelessly sacrificed set aside now dated

tossed aside rotten meat rotten inside forget you have forgotten say only what will save you you lose integrity you lose sight of values lose sight of what once stirred inside whirling hormones as a teenager knows only what drives his blood what rages beneath his skin he knows he must rise venerated as truth as the sun encounters the horizon the hues elicited at dawn create the whole spectrum stand tall as a tree grows

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