Sunday, September 17, 2017

☆ Wrongs We Like to Face ~ Sunday, 17 September 2017

Why is it some people come to a complete stop a dead halt in their tracks right at the finish line as if no one behind them would have to leap out of the path they blocked off another obstacle to keep your eye out for nimble-footed numbskulls value only themselves and consider the slacks going slower than they can run if by seconds not worth a second glance simply put road races may create the road rage felt on the expressway

Westminster Kennel Club trains their dogs better than these racing sweathogs entertaining from gate to finish line they get excited without doubt limber as a lumberjack at the barre to stretch their limbs and work their core insisting exercise makes him feel attractive to the opposite sex Ken doll looks makes Barbie think twice about taking a second look a chance encounter with GI Joe may be more his style but who's to judge or say

Tumbleweeds are more fun to chase than coyotes in the desert all dogs only seek meat to eat in order to survive canned Alpo isn't real foreign migrants might eat shredded horse meat but wolves want to taste living flesh after only three miles we all stop to turn off our cell phone apps which vex close by only three lengths finishers in Bucktown close but no cigar deal every disappointment with a cold stoic face indifferent to a crash

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