Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Black Sheep ~ Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Account to whom what choice
did I have growing up
with hypocrite parents

Case closed never open
disguised so none could see
the lies behind our doors

Creatures of bad habits
drink to excess often
somehow make it to work

One and all loved father
but me his punching bag
pugilist without sense

Under circumstances
beyond my own control
I your second-born son

Nothing but second rate
under your roof I held
much promise for trap floors

Tamed as a wild monkey
you always said you found
me in a basket words

Absent of love malign
and malicious you chose
family on your own terms

By chance our paths diverged
you stayed near warm weather
I found all four seasons

If I mattered to you
I never knew you felt
anything but deep shame

Labels by the doctors
you took me to needing
no second opinions

If your sister were sick
I could be sick as well
nobody was to blame

Take genetics as fact
I was given no choice
thrown out like spoiled onions

You spoke often about
see red flags hear alarms

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