Does a mirror reflect
in darkness without light
if it could would I see
Every detail of time
past present and future
as if on a flat-screen
Television my days
pass as if to reflect
on misbegotten youth
Adventures forgotten
the details lost hindsight
as memory is free
Invents fictional worlds
out of details my life offers
to mix and meld at will
Living out of denial
liars who won't affirm
their own actions deceit
Hang the devils with ropes
from rafters ignorant
of the damage they've done
Imagine a childhood
surrounded by serpents
rats and mindless oxen
Demeaning with the most
deliberate intent
brother who spits in broth
Devils laugh to my face
as a child my disgrace
found family first insane
Engage with memory
with parents and siblings
with rent and bling to fill
No one's coffers to share
the wealth of immigrants
bound to watch my defeat
Define my own response
the roar of a lion
never talk on the phone
Ever the son second
born the throwaway son
found lost in a basket
Casual casualty
laugher behind the back
in my face disgrace full
Erase humanity
this prophecy terror
befalls our times profane
If Moses were treated
as a child such as I
the Bible never writ
Troubles in Ireland
the Sands in the hourglass
falls my childhood so dull
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