Sunday, November 4, 2018

Confession ~ Saturday, 3 November 2018

"Is there not a God, or whatever I may call him, who puts into me the thoughts I am now having? But why do I think this, since I myself may perhaps be the author of these thoughts? In that case am not I, at least, something?"
~ René Descartes (Second Meditation)


"Welcome to the machine! If this is your first chance to visit the complex, please be sure to check out our newest exhibit, "Life Inside a Black Hole." We promise you will find the whole experience occurs faster than light has time to pass across the event horizon. Here nothing is constant, all is metaphysics. In fact, if you get out, please don't forget to fill out our questionnaire form regarding your visit. Enjoy your time inside the machine called spirit."

I wrote this piece to help people interested in the machine to see what we have to offer. Although, the architect took no interest, so back to the old drawing board, I go to write a text that will interest others. If only I knew how to write copy for firms. Oh, what a disaster! It's not like anyone needs to know about this, the machine will exist just fine with nobody poking their long noses into why it is here. There's really no reason anyone cares to know, so why then a brochure? Like selling a condo in a prison compound.

When we step inside time, we enter the machine, this world is the machine, and we are its playthings. So from our conception until our death, we learn about our place in time, the machine plays with us, according to our age, when others act badly that's really the machine, egos are make-believe, rank and status are, too, the machine doesn't care, it will grind us to bits, it will mess with our heads, the only way to see the games of the machine is to drop LSD, it's the only known way but there are other ways, and LSD won't work right away, it takes years to see beyond the hit, but it opens your mind, that and meditation, or extreme exercise, climbing Mt. Everest, racing in marathons, racing the Tour de France, open-seas free diving, the list goes on and on. We live in an age where few strive to go beyond, to awaken from death and return stronger than ever before in life. To understand this life, to conquer the machine, we must engage ourselves in activities that overcome our being. Once we begin to see beyond categories society creates, imaginary walls to keep us in control, never to see beyond what the system offers, bound by the status quo, the perfect throw blanket keeps us comfortable while regulating thoughts, insidious masters of fear and mind control, they do it all to keep us happy and in line, however the machine opposes the system, the machine offers us the opportunity to succeed with spirit, our success over time, over life, over death, the machine accounts for as our acts of karma, of intentional acts, thoughtful, considerate, selfless, doing no harm, these acts of ahimsa overcome the system, the social need to fail, to be like everyone else who can't rise above. 

The system opposes the machine called spirit, they are antagonists, and we must choose a side. Either we are a part of the political system of mind control, or we choose the machine, which is beyond all form, beyond the universe, because it shapes the real. Sadly, the system must oppose all non-system forms of processing time. At least the system has an adversary who even guides the system kicking and screaming to the great awakening. It takes just one person to overcome the bonds that tie us to failure, to non-recognition of acts of injustice our systems of justice overlook as mistakes in the system itself it cannot override. We, the opposition, must take a stand against justice that lacks morals because ethics itself is corrupt from funding. This we turn a blind eye to and allow justice to create the system which opposes itself, for to serve and protect human beings from whom, ourselves and no one else. For twelve generations, we are the worst species on the planet and yet, we will not disappear until the time comes for the machine to decide on another species to rule over the earth. The machine regulates the system in terms of power and corruption. If Homo sapiens destroy the earth, nothing will mete out the justice required to punish. We will only return back inside the machine as empty shells of souls.

However, to succeed, we become like the gods, eternal in spirit, glorious, justified, honorable and good. Our success vindicates the machine called spirit, however we must all succeed in this great task, together as one mind, for we are only that, one mind in the machine. We differentiate as individuals, as separate beings, but this is confusion the machine allows for to let us grow in love, respect, understanding. Some call the machine God, but this is a mistake, a grave error in words, where the ineffable is described as being. But God and the machine worry little about this error in language. 

This may be a good place to discuss the meaning of life as we know it. Because we use language, as a species we seek to understand just why we exist on the earth. As the only species who seek to understand, the question in itself is the answer to why life needs to have meaning, but we may never know what the meaning of life may entail for the trees, or other animals, or the wind, or the stars. None of which need answers to the meaning of life. But Homo sapiens ask the question, a game we play to entertain our curious mindsets. Our illness, this blindness as a revelation to understanding this life. It is better to know less than to know it all. For humans, the point is to satisfy our need to know but not expect the solution to come easily, without work, or beyond what our minds can handle as knowledge. 

The machine protects us better than the police, but for some this world is too much for us, we end up crippled by this life, or dead by a bullet, nothing that the machine can help or cares to do, because events in time have all been configured before time became real as a concept to eyes that view the linear occurrence of events. For time, as illusion defies all magicians to unravel events before they can occur. Of course, that's not their game, magicians perform tricks, they don't solve life's puzzles, with the problem of time, only philosophers care to tackle concepts that are more practical to the everyday world of workers and bosses. Punch the clock, that is time. 

That metaphysics means next to nothing to bees in the field, gathering white pollen for nectar in the hive, to appease the queen bee, we, the drones of commerce pour time into honey. Ordinary people care nothing for physics or the metaphysics of time if the money is nowhere to be found. This is the prime concern, the meaning of this life, for most persons who care about love of family, friends and children, this world offers work and status, rank and place for meaning in a society lacking in inherent understanding of truth. This truth has meaning for few bees concerned with work, they want to make honey, we want to make money, to pay the bills, the rent, a mortgage on a house, the lease on a new car, property has meaning to workers of the world. The meaning of life is this beyond space and time, money, money, money is our only concern. Money is not our god, but God cares only for our welfare, the machine watches over our souls. 


"The next thought was that I was nourished, that I moved about, and that I engaged in sense-perception and thinking; and these actions I attributed to the soul." ~ René Descartes (Second Meditation)


After the first six days, God took a day off work, He decided to sleep, on the seventh day, God rested, but the meaning of a day for the Lord, may be much longer in terms of one of our days. One day for God may be an eternity for all of humanity. To argue a moot point is a vainglorious position to uphold, since we can never know beyond belief and faith whether God is divine or a made-up concept backed up by the Bible, a compilation book of stories and legends based on a history of questionable facts at times true, at other times truly uncertain, but no matter my faith, or lack thereof, still to argue a moot point is tiresome to watch. God exists or does not exist, all is unknown beyond knowledge and facts. Sensory perceptions become phenomena for us to interpret the world as we know it. To question that which is unknown is like flogging a dead horse, quite pointless. But money and prestige seem the underlying cause of this mundane set of otherworldly charms. To read philosophy and lose my faith in God and Catholicism does not reflect badly on the Church and its priests. They have enough problems of their own creation, by turning a blind eye on doing others harm. Today, they have a chance to right the wrongs of past grievances to children and the community. I cannot serve this church in good faith and repent my own sins of childhood to proclaim peace for all. 

I have come to destroy greed, hatred and desire as immoderate forms of excessive actions. I seek the middle path, the path of peace and truth, for I hold the blood stone of wisdom and the sword of sound cultivation. The sword is not a plow, but used to disengage from our worldly affairs, to cut down anyone who stands in the way of vengeance, I shall repay. My own childhood and life has been one of waiting for others to die soon, or soon enough to write. To destroy the living by writing their own deaths in a fictional form is my way to channel the pain and misery caused by my own family. 

I am Casimiro, the destroyer of lost faith, false hope and neglect of charity cases. I approve this message.

Foreign-born citizens as myself can never become the president, as my third grade classmates informed me in due time, I forego all status and ranks of false privilege, sense of entitlement, and total disrespect of our equality. Freedom and liberty are ideals I uphold. To make a stand against oppression in all forms, as oppression defines my roots and character from Goan ancestors five hundred years ago to Portuguese forebears since colonization. This conundrum is part of my own destiny to take hold of the helm to steer the ship starboard to find the origin of my own ancestors, since no one else matters at this point in my life, other than my girlfriend, her family and our cats. The machine called spirit knows my deepest wishes and protects me from harm.

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