Sunday, November 18, 2018

Sliced Bread ~ Sunday, 18 November 2018

The funniest thing about poetry 
is that when you submit to editors 
what you believe is your best work 
and you're full of hope and excited 
to think that this may be the time 
I get published in a professional 
writing journal that next to no one reads 
or even knows about except other geek 
poets and writers, and then you get 
their cold as fuck rejection letter, 
anonymous, uninspiring, brutal 
ugly, heartless, diminished capacity, 
with your hopes dashed, you still think 
you may have a chance elsewhere 
or someday, somewhere along the line, 
because professional suicide is all but 
impossible in writing unless you've 
already made it as a writer in the big 
leagues, where they chew tobacco 
and spit wherever the fuck they want 
because the dugout is theirs and no one 
else's, and your pitch wasn't good enough. 

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