Friday, May 10, 2019

Accountability ~ Friday, 10 May 2019

"...what it means to be black in white America."

what I cannot presume to know, 
however much, at times, I feel 
as if, as if I fit in with both black and white, 
truly, I know nothing, I know neither, 

if I understand one small thing, 
that thing... being... America, 

means neither black nor white, 
even the notion of America, 
as a country, as a nation, means nothing more, 
nothing more than murder, rape, genocide, 
still, black and white fight for their rights, 

to laugh at the perpetrators, their descendants, 
only means to laugh at myself, a descendant, 

bemoan the Age of Discovery, the Age of Exploration, 
enter the Age of Revisionist History, 

black, as the tribes of Africa, 
lacking knowledge of their own tribe, 
as the centuries pass, we create a people, 
create a tribe of uncertain background, 
kissing cousins killing their long lost kin, 

indigenous is not a recognized people, 
native before Europeans brought diseases, 

wonders never cease to amaze the dimwitted fools, descendants, 
however, to their benefit, they allowed poverty,  
in the lands of the First People, 
to flourish while they got rich by exploitation, 
even today, the white descendants show 

American pride as their own, 
make foreigners believe they are the best, 
even as they indoctrinate children, 
ready to feel no remorse or regret, no shame 
in the fact, they benefited from suffering, 
culpability is not an American value, 
accountability is not a concept that applies to them.

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