Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Pivot ~ Wednesday, 22 May 2019

Strange, is it not, how a word like 'level' 
teeters in the balance on a fulcrum, 
ready to tip to one side, where a French 
article holds its place, or the other, 
notably held in check by a suffix,  
given for names in Hebrew, that means 'God', 
even the letter 'v' is upsilon 

in Greek, used on a Corinthian vase, 
simply used as an ancient majuscule 

in print, within the name for Perseus (ΠΕΡΣΕVΣ), 
take a moment to sit and breathe in words, 

nothing is constructed simply by chance, 
obviously, quirks in English exist, 
transforming words into visual puns, 

humans enjoy these language games, as words 
overflow from our brains, to roll off tongues, 
words create our very world, as one mind, 

argue you are an individual, 

watch me not raise a fuss, I stay level, 
only to realize, we fight one mind, 
rest in this equanimity, my friend, 
despite all the distractions presented, 

level up in contemplation, this world, 
illusory, until you regard mind, 
kindred spirits on this ephemeral, 
enigmatic planet, where mind plays games, 

liquid as water, a natural state, 
effective to destroy, erode, or shape, 
vulnerable, we wait for storms to pass, 
enter the mind, one with phenomena, 
level-headed, calm, ready to respond. 

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