Friday, August 16, 2019

Anathema ~ Friday, 16 August 2019

Benedict, always speak well of others, 
even when you have nothing good to say 
never speak badly of anyone else, 
even if you have to lie, I suggest 
doing otherwise, for divisive speech, 
idle chatter and abusive language 
creates irreparable damage and harm, 
to engage in such acts fails a smart man. 

Arnold, you wield power like an eagle, 
remember, your aquiline nose gives you 
no more bearing than a Roman Caesar, 
of course, if you stand out, a crowd will mark 
less their presence, as individuals, 
decisively, than your own, as a threat. 

Kemp, you are a champion to no one, 
even on campus as your battlefield, 
maybe you fought on behalf of others, 
perhaps you serve as warrior, not mine. 

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