Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Apex ~ Tuesday, 6 August 2019

However much you adore your girlfriend, 
on the occasion she gives you a pet, 
when you open a crate from her brother, 

to hear the hiss of an alligator, 
only a juvenile, just a baby, 

cracks its eggshell to hatch in broad daylight, 
ask yourself if you have any small pets, 
right off, you must give them away, quickly, 
even if you feed your alligator 

furry rabbits, chickens, and other meat, 
only your dog or cat won't have a chance, 
remember this when they first start to play, 

yes, it looks adorable when its young, 
only, after a year, alligators 
understand nothing of morality, 
resolve your affection for your girlfriend, 

pretend you are going to keep your pet, 
enter the darkness of a park at night 
to leave the little critter in a lake, 

alligators may or may not survive 
lengthy winters in bitter Humboldt Park, 
life for Sasha the Snapper may be cruel, 
in a nutshell, August is the best month, 
given the tropical environment 
alligators call home, the heat begins 
to warm the water within the lagoon, 
only don't give yourself away, visit 
relatively late at night to say, "Hi!" 

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