Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Little, Big Cat ~ Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Kindness is what the bully abhors,
impish, malevolent vermin
nurture by nature their inborn
disgust to see the good prevail, harsh
needles under their fingernails,
ergo, the bully tastes worms in
shit, hot cow dung inside a barn,
succulent as his own hot piss.

Is the bully sinful as he kneels
silently enjoying his cake?

What a bully never outgrows,
his need to debase, coal to stoke
anguish in his victims, the shades rise
to pummel nine lives from black puss.

Trapped within a vicious circle,
harmony abhors a victim,
even the bully knows he's wrong.

Bully perpetuates simple
underhanded methods to pounce
lightly with lethal force, fearsome
long arm, long paw, reach with paw strong,
yet, he knows kindness is stronger.

Abhorrent behavior accounts
brutal perpetrators as harsh,
hell-bent handsome demons who lost
orders of angels to meet rash
reactions of their past at cost,
subtle victims turn rage to anger.

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