Monday, May 30, 2022

This Luminous Splendor ~ Monday, May 30, 2022

Tell me, exactly what have you done by yourself
how you achieved this, this solitary effort
in which you make fun of those around you who lost
still your certainty, while you gloat over the shelf

Indeed your trophies, no one will deny you won
still somebody else who doesn't smell like Roquefort

Glorious in fame for he understood the cost
little do you know how we are all born again
or do you deny such uncertainty, my son
reject the scriptures set before you which you read
invoke his own name in moments of shock or awe
only you believe in yourself as your own creed
until you bow down to one greater than the law
survival implies and you infer amongst men

Ask yourself, why me, in moments of self-pity
no one answers prayers, you imagine this as true

Atheist, a brand you wear, Nike's on your feet
pretend that street life made you hard as the city
pretend you don't know someone guides you as you run
each day, over you, a halo of cool fire blue
ask yourself, why me, for you have the others beat
long misunderstood, you begin to see the light

for now it makes sense, beyond all logic, my son
objects of reason, you learned in school, in math class
right and wrong, ethics beyond the classroom, the law

Glory be to God, as He manifests in grass
obey his conscience, you witness in shock and awe
despite those whose lives you smite, praise him, honor bright

Nostalgia ~ Monday, May 30, 2022

Ask me if I knew whether happiness was love
love being sorrow postponed for good behavior
love being gentle as a cool October breeze

happiness, a dream deferred, happens with a shove
an older brother and a street full of his friends
pretend, mine as well, even St. Francis Xavier
pretends in Goa, the Inquisition will ease
yet another priest, to convert with a black sword

families travel west, immigrants with a zoom lens
ancestors baptized enunciate their new name
maybe Portuguese was easy like Konkani
illiterate gods observed their renown, their fame
lost on worshippers, lost along with their rani
in their servitude to the cross of Christ, their Lord
enormous churches dismantle Hindu temples
shutter Muslim mosques, whatever their faith, the priest

asked them their new name to pronounce in Portuguese
relatives who fled no longer she who trembles
entering marriage by force not a forced marriage

ask if survival is better than a great feast
like pork vindaloo, sorpotel, rice, if you please
ignorance of rape was probably not unknown
kin fell in with kin, no love without miscarriage
even to sort out cousins with different last names

even to sort out priests behind closed doors, the past
affects the effects of fools and saints, all the same
chomping at the bit, I learned what I had amassed
honor as a joke, study was to pick a bone

urgent as the sword, unhappiness was my choice
not to get along, my mom called me hedgehog, spiky
hair gave rise to names, appellations, sobriquets
as for my brother, he called me weasel, a voice
partly animal, spoken by others, no trust
particularly, as a teen with my psyche
yolks and whites scrambled, Asterion in a maze

forgotten in school, I found ways by acting out
attention getting, to stand out, the upper crust
made me disappear into drugs then into books
if mentors exist, I knew none, not in real life
like for suggestions, directions, not dirty looks
yes, I knew nothing, a holy fool with no wife

if I could begin again from the start, I'd shout
save me from denial, ignorance and its shadows

unhappy at home, only want to be alone
no comfort to them, my family, mom, dad, brother
happy in my head, lost in the world, with no nose
a prodigious snout but no talent, no great gift
particularly in music, a bone crone drone
pretend she is cool, Sheila Chandra, no other
yet how she could sing, no more, burning mouth syndrome

if I were happy, I could not see how a rift
not only divides but partitions a nation

if they were happy without me then let them be
trying not to fix what isn't broken, station
self at a great length, let go and move on, a plea

or a cry for help, they say, all roads lead to Rome
wounded as a child, to rebuild Rome in a day
no one expects this, no one delivers this good

wind my way back home, as a snake through adulthood
ask me if I care to taste Goa, a tea tray
yet so far away, I lost my chance, think I should?

Sunday, May 29, 2022

The Dairy Industry ~ Sunday, May 29, 2022

Consciousness pours milk into a large glass pitcher
of being mindful, the body is all we know
not being born Black, I cannot assume to think
subtle as plain milk, that experience catches
consciousness off-guard, I am my body, I sense
in an instant, change, the internal lets me grow
only external stimuli perceived, I blink
unaware of time, try to get under your skin
still to understand, but no, the magma is dense
nothing but lava, we melt if we touch the ground
even being brown, South Asian, comparison
simply lacks the weight, contrast history unsound
such efforts are weak, wrong-headed, the origin

perhaps a mistake, to believe, our skin too thin
ours thick as a bear, suppositions of the past
urns full of ashes, skulls beside bones in the sand
remember our skin, divides us all by our race
submerged in the past, a lie no one thought would last

milk is for infants, newborns know nothing by sight
ilk divide in groups, alike in kind, based on brand
liminal thresholds, boundaries beyond any trace
kin recognize kin, what meaning beyond this life

in this one lifetime, we love or hate, praise or fight
not to do justice, not to act as one family
to divide by race, to divide by hair color
organized racists, take up the cause handily

as one family is incest, such is our squalor

little to believe, what is given is our strife
asked to get along, we sever ties, love is hard
reality melts the bonds of our servitude
guaranteed nothing, each day of life a blessing
everlasting faith, believe what you want, the cards

gleam in both your hands, light through a stained glass window
leave experience aside, faith is attitude
all about swagger, confidence without messing
silently around, slipping past insular gates
save this exclusion, the culture within Shinto

pretend I know God, seeing the world through God's eyes
if over my eyes the wool was pulled, I was young
to drink infant's milk the rest of my life, the lies
chosen to accept, everywhere I turn, dead hung
hunted as if prey, strange fruit, these United States
enough is enough, you are Black and I move on
relax, we still friends, even though you're dead and gone

Friday, May 27, 2022

Noblesse Oblige ~ Friday, May 27, 2022

Nothing but war, a mother's sons soon change
obey the commander-in-chief, he runs

Business as usual across the board
resort to recruiting conscripts, how strange
in a foreign country fighting a war
given basic training, men fight with guns
harness a rocket launcher in accord
to defend the border deep inside Z

Forget what Z means, we have come too far
under hopeless circumstances, to die
trust in the uncertain, faith forges bonds
under duress, war is not fun, we cry
reeling from comrades' deaths, no one responds
even when we signal we're outside V

No Bright Future ~ Friday, May 27, 2022

"Bring me a Bitter Butter Burger, dad"
recent marketing allows Bright Future
insight into taste and flavors kids like
glucose-averse kids enjoy a new fad
hoppy-flavored Bitter Butter Burgers
traditionally for frisky cougars

Fussing over an IPA to make
unwed bachelors turn a hungry eye
thoughtless of consequences, sales quarters
updated reveal unusual rise
relative to their demographic set
eclipsing last year's profits, a surprise

even for Bright Future, LLC, bet
holdings at Berkshire Hathaway scream, "Buy!"

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

As if to travel, travel in a caravel ~ Wednesday, May 25, 2022

If I were to die, as we all must one day die
for I must return to Goa, my lifelong goal

I know Chicago is nice for Chicagoans

whether the weather itself is nice, I could cry
except not for me, don't cry if I am soon gone
rest assured, this life is a circle in a bowl
except not for me, I must return for Goans

take seriously nothing but mangoes and sand
of course, I will die not before I mow the lawn

defenseless, the child disappeared long ago now
if I could survive, I would save this world from fire
except not for me, I must milk the sacred cow

ask me tomorrow, how time moves within a gyre
strange to lie in bed, coughing, unwell, death at hand

work, I must postpone, I must not get others sick
except not for me, as for me it is too late

ask me tomorrow if I have an appointment
lest I forget why I place brick atop of brick
lest I forget why I survived in the first place

manifest relief, my vision will not abate
unabated love, I beat the drums to my bent
suffer the future, for the present is long past
to say nothing lasts, time dissipates into space

orbit memories, little brown bear, panda bear
no one knows whence gone, hence I as a memory
except not for me, with too much to do, I care

decisively but not unlike Pope Gregory
authority born of character, status cast
yesterday down deep in an active volcano

dive into lava, boiling, toiling on the sea
in a caravel, the Portuguese whom I flee
except not for me, in Goa, eating mango

Uvalde ~ Wednesday, May 25, 2022

I can say nothing for there is nothing to say

cast away the stars, no need to navigate now
ask the Creator, why do we need this, what more
needless acts of harm, set the alarm, pray away

search the universe for meaning, justice, kindness
ask the Creator, no answers, raise an eyebrow
yesterday, they died, no sense to violence, score

nothing to nothing, no one plays, no one wins, loss
only leads to more, more sorrow, more tears, blindness
this metaphor sees a window into the past
hinges on a door, the future opens by chance
in the afternoon, nothing in this world can last
nothing in this world, not children, not at first glance
gaze into crystal, a crystal ball, albatross

flies overhead, life hangs on a string, the arrow
obeys the archer with a crossbow in his hands
remember the Rime, the burden is mine, the crime

to see the future as it happens, the sparrow
hides within a bush, chattering amongst others
every child that dies, we bear the burden, the sands
reach to the bottom, the hourglass turns, not my time
every child that dies, they cannot speak these words now

if horns come in pairs, so do the tears of mothers
still problems persist, who will resolve these issues

no one bears the blame, mea culpa remains unheard
of course, the killers, who walks in the dead men's shoes
tragedies persist, all the world's a stage, eyes blurred
how to envision, for a bull is not a cow
if to grasp the horns, a dilemma is two-fold
nothing but blindness, the tears of mothers cover
golden rays of light, the sun in Texas, so bright

to think and to pray, hard work but for one so bold
one with character, impartial and objective

such a heroine, or hero, like a lover
as one full of care, how rare, yes, is such a sight
yesterday, the news, a shock makes me reflective

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Breaking All the Rules ~ Saturday, May 21, 2022

During adulthood, life is full of decisions
until a twig snaps, choices involve compromise
reaching out for help, showing weakness and not strength
involves acceptance, the scalpel makes incisions
neatly into flesh, surgeons know how best to cut
gutting a salmon, fishermen are just as wise

age before beauty, meaning shared by a wavelength
distance frames context, perspective lost in the past
until a twig snaps, past memories know not what
limits clear vision, the horizon of pure thought
tremble before dawn, the death-dealing blow of change
hindered by mistakes, choice trampled by the onslaught
opportunities, where rifts in space-time estrange
orderly process, nothing beautiful can last
demons bedeviled, in turn, spirit awakens

liquid into gas, the unforgettable voice
ignorant, drunken, strikes the ears with a whisper
forgotten in time, dragons devour fair maidens
each metaphor screams, distress addresses the crimes

inhabit a sense, belonging offers a choice
suss the connections, suspicions of a drifter

forget the word-bell, the next morning dawn rises
understanding chance, a harbinger of these times
limited motion, appeal to a higher power
limited choices, a selection from the cull

objective design, the ideal in the high tower
forgiveness pardons, clemency for a seagull

deliberate weights, balance scales with surprises
enter the courtroom, receive the sentence as 'life'
cloister a harem, nuns kneel to perform service
indeed, this is rude, crudité fromage in France
sinister sister insists as an incest-wife
insubordinate, defiant until the end
obey the whisper, unpredictable, nervous
notice the horses, ears twitch with excitement, prance
suddenly, a laugh catches God off-guard, ascend

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

For Blood Must Be Shed ~ Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Merely, a time bomb waiting to happen, no one
except maybe God, knows what I have planned, I wrote

a manifesto of my projected intent

Renaud Camus claims dialectical reason
explains the fiction of identity is right
particularly, far-right politics, a vote
lingers on the lips, impossible but hell-bent
assassinations of minorities chosen
close to home, whereby, to instill fear as a fight
eternal for truth, for justice, for our own place
murder in the plot, I won't deny my own game
enegy takes back what others simply won't face
nothing is evil, even if I die from shame
this war based on hate may be cold but not frozen

Monday, May 16, 2022

There, but for the Grace of God, Go I ~ Monday, May 16, 2022

Let's pretend the world is not on fire, burning trees
embers once houses to the ground, a photograph
this, all that remains, drive through the burning forest
smell the air, charcoal, the wood burns to ash, the breeze

plays with the embers setting the whole world alight
relax, it will pass, the Earth like Venus, a laugh
embrace the last days, dance and drink with all the rest
tremble before dawn, wake up to everything gone
even the rivers, the lakes and streams took flight
nothing but dead fish, desiccated in their beds
dry as Martian dust, let's pretend they will wake up

trust in Jesus Christ to save us from talking heads
how his miracle fed with no measuring cup
every one of us, how could we not rise at dawn

wonders never cease, so they say, let's be grateful
or let's celebrate, celebrate the end is near
rest assured it's not, no, not for billions of years
let's pretend it is, nothing counts, let's be hateful
decidedly not, the consensus is still out

illustrious star, so far away, nothing clear
still we navigate the universe full of tears

notice how we live, how we live for greed and hate
only a sermon, for the parish, the devout
tremble not to preach, to laugh and enjoy and teach

only this won't do, our house, the earth, is on fire
not true says the man, the President was a leech

fake news, his best phrase, forgive us, the news is dire
in this world, we watch the news to witness our fate
remind the ostrich, lift your proverbial head
even to ignore, but for a moment, the news

but for a moment, we let down our hair, relax
until the embers, floating in the air, unfed
restlessly gorge on, wait, without a throat, but how
no one knows but God, in the mind of God, we choose
in our destiny, vigilance fills in the cracks
nothing but potholes, after winter, we ignore
government once more, construction is the cash cow

take but a moment, a moment to clear-cut land
realize the fire, the fire comes from burning trees
even if we stop, clear the trees, the rape at hand
even to ignore, but for a moment, the breeze
still the embers wait, the mind of God knows the score

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Let's Pretend Such Is Life ~ Sunday, May 15, 2022

You can either be smarter than everyone else
or pretend you are less smart just to get along
undermine the truth to find a way to survive

concealing the facts in order to pass as false
as not gay or white whatever it takes to get
noticed as the same as others, as weak not strong

everybody knows the hoi polloi so contrive
in such a manner that the weak rule the masses
this is nothing new but something we all knew, bet
how the gods are gods together on Olympus
each serving their reign as lords of the mountaintop
reflecting the sky around a cloud, the nimbus

bestowing sainthood from darkness, lightning bolts drop
each to their own then, you may need reading glasses

smart, strange and not white, never to fit in, the air
made rarefied, thin, hard to breathe as in a club
as the sweat and smoke make stale the musty sweet stink
reeking underarms of dancers lost in their drink
thoughtlessly caught up in the thumping bass, the pink
everywhere but near and dear to your throbbing heart
remember my friend, live simply, without a care

trust no one but God, the voice of spirit unseen
how to live this life, each and every day, to start
at the beginning, as a beginner, a cub
not to a human, but among humans, a wink

everybody gets except you, laugh at the screen
visualize the same as different, as fragmented
each to their own then, possibilities endless
remind me to speak softly as words demented
yesterday by truth, carries a big stick, madness
obeys the right side, the rules of the road, the keen
noble blade, the edge of the precipice, to fall
eternally down, eventually vertigo

eclipses the drop, the perpetual becomes
like everything else, common, whatever you know
so evaporates into dust, a set of sums
embraces your life, unworthy and yet so tall

Loser ~ Sunday, May 15, 2022

From Sanderson Lane, Indian Wells Circle
really bent the spoon after my brother left home
onwards and upwards is his apparent motto
maybe I was not a real man made of marble

Success was a joke, somehow I was born to fail
at home, I lost touch with the sequence, my genome
no one understood why I was always blotto
drunk or stoned or high on LSD or mushrooms
erect an iron monument, as to detail
rest assured, I see where others lack attention
sober since today, my struggle to awaken
of course, was no joke, to overcome the tension
not only held me back from makin' da bacon

Left catatonic, in an asylum, the fumes
as toxic as bleach ingested by an inmate
nearly made me sane, feeling the pain of otherwise
except I was lost, trying to be an adult

India, a dream where I was born to create
not a difference there, but in the United States
difficult as spines on a hedgehog, my mother's
inspired name for me from a crew cut, no insult
as a language game, she sought only to describe
not to inflict harm through words but truth through her weights

Words balance the scales, a legal secretary
endlessly she sought work on this side of justice
left alone at home, a latch-key kid, I carry
love as transient, unlike Caesar Augustus
served as emperor of the Roman Peace, inscribe

Cuts onto a map, a legacy of empire
in my foreign-born capacity, I observe
rise and fall as charm, removed from authority
cleansed of my palate, I taste what I set on fire
left in the kitchen, I learned to cook with some verve
except with no skills, my inferiority

Saturday, May 14, 2022

What Are the Odds ~ Saturday, May 14, 2022

All I need is another drink
and one more line of coke

to get me through this wretched night
of drugs and drink and dope

thankfully, from stupidity
I was caught in the act

honestly I binged for twelve years
before my brain was wracked

entered into recovery
knew this was not for me

Mad as a hatter and barmy
making amends with glee

after I got my head on straight
tried to join the Army

decided I was wrong-headed
and sought out the Navy

How they laughed when they saw my face
I was a wreck for years

angels of mercy couldn't help
a sad sack full of tears

terrible with my decisions
I was still a winner

taught as a youth to ride horses
I put two thousand down

even a long-shot as Rich Strike
could win at Churchill Downs

reason told me eighty-to-one
could make a clown not frown

Friday, May 13, 2022

Schadenfreude ~ Friday, May 13, 2022

The greatest joy is to discover that sorrow
haunts our existence within misinformation
exacting revenge on others who have done harm

guarantees no one the luxury of wisdom
realizing change within leads to compassion
especially now this body is in decline
as others take part in doing wrong, so have I
to witness mistakes as they happen, to accept
even the slightest error by others or self
sets the world aright in attitude and judgment
transform the present with the suffering at hand

joy in misery, schadenfreude flips the room
only just slightly, the world remains distorted
yet, I hear laughter as echoes of the past lost

ignorance is deaf to the click of the lock bolt
still the doors opens, everything is luminous

transcendent and pure, the air refined as mountains
oblige me to breathe, just once, so that I may die

death is to unlock the bolt and enter the room
in awakening, I discover my sorrow
still I feel sorry for those lost on their journey
covered in the dust of desires and empty dreams
obliged to let go, focus and plan, to make time
visualize this line, see each possibility
emerge out of rock, a fountain within the source
remember the pain, collectively we share this

total investment, I feel sorry for others
how I envisage their dissatisfaction here
as both rich and poor know nothing of how it works
to watch it function from the start, all on its own

survival is all, all the body knows to do
objects penetrate beneath the surface of skin
residing in truth but not a truth we accept
restless to survive, we struggle in hospitals
of course, the waiting is the worst part, nothing else
works recovery as time itself like a sloth

haunted by the past, by mistakes, harm done, time lost
act as if karma is the worst threat to this world
understanding that the consequences catch up
not eventually but now into the future
this is what I mean when I say to plan ahead
still our governments do nothing but sign treaties

or they celebrate patting themselves on the back
understanding not whom they represent or why
reality burns here and there

endless greed, hatred, and misinterpretation
xenophobia based on false theories of race
insisting we are other to every stranger
struggle to accept the self without a mirror
the other reflects ourselves in opposition
examining self as opposed to the other
no recognition of the stranger as mirror
create gratitude for distinctions in being
entitled to end this charade of false insight

within I witness imagination in bloom
in writing these thoughts, I imagine a new world
that people embrace differences as okay
harness energy to overcome our problems
in self-government, our representatives do
not act as vested in the interests of people

misinformation guides the hoi polloi to work
in lackluster jobs, making measly pay for what
sinister owners, the left hand sees the right hand
involved in labor, watches, does not interfere
nothing in this world makes sense in distribution
for whom all this pain, this distance between beings
orders of structure reintegrate the chaos
reorganize light to navigate by the stars
make exploitation of the other possible
as if to cherish our differences was a sin
to destroy all tribes preordained by faith in God
in exploitation, we create systems of wealth
order precedes charm as to trap naivete
not within systems of honor but cruelty

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Nine Grades of Relations ~ Tuesday, May 10, 2022

How Ancient Chinese tactical executions
obviously warped within its moral compass
weaved a tapestry of innocence hunted down

Argues the ethics of the art world and the law
now we understand secret organizations
collaborate cells without a leader in charge
in fact, each cell knows its mission is suicide
effectively made to present the imbalance
no morality could accept consequences
that by intention take the lives of innocents

China now condemns such practices in their name
honor is at stake and anarchy is outlawed
in America, cells have killed friends of judges
not even close friends, but childhood friends all grown up
even VPO are uncertain how it works
simply influence the course of future events
even if persons directly involved still live

terror a tactic, political persuasion
as judges don't know what cases such acts apply
creates confusion, people die all around them
terrible indeed to imagine not fiction
if Bazhgim incites revolution in his verse
could he then be tried a traitor for poetry
as he wakes in bed to ZVED surrounding the man
lessons to be learned, Auden makes events happen

even a poet in a republic has rights
xenophobia warns against these immigrants
execute their rhymes before audiences read
critically each verse containing subversive texts
under the same law, judges must protect Bazhgim
the First Amendment demands free speech in fiction
in solitary, Bazhgim rots within darkness
of course, no one cares, he is a traitor to God
no one understood how politics took the law
seriously but these guānxi just disappeared

Saturday, May 7, 2022

Mistaken Identity ~ Saturday, May 7, 2022

They say I was born; I simply can't believe them
however admit, as I must, this world is strange
even a snowball, not me, has a chance in hell
yes, I'm alive but I'm not sure whom to condemn

such a misfortune, as I was born in Bombay
as they once told me; I forget when, pre-arrange
yesterday, the facts relevant for us to sell

I know this story, know it too well, it makes sense

when I say to you, the Portuguese came, you play
along, as you know of Goa, so long ago
sovereign of the seas, I am chicken vindaloo

born a Catholic, not Hindu, a cup of joe
or as a Muslim, though I have a beard I grew
recently again, since high school, in my defense
neither pounds nor pence, but dollars and cents, mayhem

Creation ~ Saturday, May 7, 2022

Before I was born did I review my whole life
each person may know of uncertain points in time
forgotten as such to conceive this life, a dream
of this thought to scorn, before conception, a knife
reviews events past as all moments in a flash
each person may grow out of primordial slime

I suspect as much that this theory is a scream

what a lark to think before the Big Bang a hand
accepted to cast the first stone in a pond, splash
she dives in the pool to reboot history, press

bottom where a red button lets the process start
objects become cool then heat up in a red dress
remember I said I reviewed my life in art
nothing but a blink of the eyes, ain't this life grand?

Friday, May 6, 2022

With Time to Kill ~ Friday, May 6, 2022

To imagine myself as Robert Frost
working my way through the forest
only never knowing at what cost

reading a poem, something is lost
on the reader as we deforest
a pristine world for energy
decide to clear-cut and not replant
silva ancient in its lethargy

decide to try double jeopardy
if I can get away with it as scant
versions of new evidence arrive
energy being most important
religion being our mortal drive
guaranteed of nothing to survive
ever-hearing a laughter so mordant
dare I ascribe it to divinity

in my wandering, I hear an owl
not the laughter without solemnity

as I am so far from the city

yesterday, I woke up to a howl
even now, I'm a bit jumpy
left alone in the wilderness
left to eat cold oatmeal, a bit lumpy
only to feel a chill, a bit grumpy
why do I feel I'm a bit of a mess

work for decades without any fun
only writing through the permafrost
of course, the forest fires, the blazing sun
desire for answers to questions hard won

And now the forest seems a holocaust

Eine Träumerei ~ Friday, May 6, 2022

Your attention, please. Here, on stage with the bright lights. Your attention, please.

On stage, the bright lights blind me. Your attention, please. I printed a page to read.

Under the bright lights. The heat on stage with darkness. The darkness below.

Remember I came up here. Your attention, please. For a reason, not striptease.

A moment to think. If I could just remember. What I want to say.

To say something, you, right there. In the audience. In the darkness, must I plead?

To just remember. What I now seem to forget. This is not a show.

Even if I simply stand. Stand at attention? Genuflect, down on one knee.

No, not politics. Except for the Supreme Court. Sorry if I sway.

To say that the Supreme Court. Is an abortion. Waiting to happen.

Is political. Is it wrong to speak frankly? Or should I step down?

Or should I continue down. This treacherous path. Deux routes, un lapin.

Not any rabbit. No, but the killer rabbit. The rabbit died, clown.

Pregnant with an abortion. Or with a fetus. Which is it, which will it be?

Leave me alone, please. Just me and my uterus. Oh wait, I'm a man.

Even a man can Oh, okay then, no. Anatomy for dummies.

Ask Biden to feel. Bodily autonomy. What right do they have?

Sucker punch the victims, right? Just ask the women. A woman, must one not span?

Even with all things. Being equal, not the same. The same is different.

Harness solar energy. Follow the money. The Court, Egyptian mummies.

Even if different. Treat women as they so please. Behave and act brave.

Remember, I have something. Something to tell you. But, just now, I forgot.

Even an old man. An old man such as myself. Is belligerent?

On stage, I'm a pugilist. Amateur boxer. In a war with politics.

No, that's not right, no. That's my dad beating his son. Me, and yes, not me.

Sucker punch a child, a boy. Voici un poète! A worthless life hustling tricks.

To offend or not. Heterosexual male. Comes by post, you see.

Ask me not to come on stage. The lights are too bright. I might even smoke some pot.

Give me a break, son. Who's leg you trying to pull. No, I don't smoke dope.

Even though so long ago. I lived life half-baked. Not invested in the hood.

Window to the soul. The eyes speak in metaphors. The soul, a fiction.

Illusions within the mind. Itself illusion. Metaphysics on a rope.

The end of its rope. Dangling as if from a tree. Strange Fruit sang Billie.

Holiday about lynched men. About Black men lynched. White men in hoods could.

Touch a stone, I cry. Touch a stone to make it bleed. Without contrition.

Horror, the horror, the heart. Of darkness off-stage. The audience cool.

Even if I were. But I am not a Black man. How I am silly.

Black is beautiful, a fact. But I am not Black. Not beautiful, no.

Right between the eyes. Two in the back of the head. This life I expect.

I expect to be gunned down. While running downtown. Like this, what a way to go.

Gun down Chicago. "This is Chicago [n-word]." A word I respect.

How did I forget to say. To tell you my dream. As a drummer, what a fool.

To think I could play. As I once did in a band. Forty years ago.

Like so many dreams I have. Pipedreams come to naught. Ex nihilo nihil fit.

I once played the drums. I once read philosophy. I once studied art.

Given the sign of Cancer. As a crab, I cry. This is Chicago.

How did I arrive? All the way from Old Bombay. Mango from Goa.

Touched in the head as a child. Tortured, sensitive. This I must admit.

Sensitive, a boy. Laughter from both my parents. The 70s, smart.

You see, I was a mistake. Not an abortion. But a Roman Catholic.

Only if I were. But I am not, no longer. To wear a boa.

Understand, to dress in drag. To be a woman. If only in appearance.

Remember to say. To tell them of the darkness. Not the audience.

Ask them if they were tortured. The Ghost of the Clam. My disappearance.

They tortured a child. My cousin in a dark room. Not so obvious.

They laughed, my parents, they laughed. I came down screaming. Not a maverick.

Even if I could. I would not return to them. My so-called family.

Nothing was ever the same. Though I was not raped. I became dead to others.

They laughed at torture. At a child trapped in a room. A boy in distress.

I wish I could write about. Other things, move on. My calamity.

Our catastrophe. Unspoken, left in denial. I am the black sheep.

Now I train for marathon. Here in Chicago. With my sisters and brothers.

Prime for the scrap heap. My body weathered and worn. This I must confess.

Let me be an old man now. I am tired of life. I simply just want to die.

Even as a child. Already dead to the world. Broken, I come cheap.

As a massage therapist. But just a student. A graduate of massage.

Sent the paperwork. To the wrong destination. My life, a mirage.

Even if I could practice. Start over again. The dreams gone, but why?

Thursday, May 5, 2022

An Investigation ~ Thursday, May 5, 2022

Alone in the forest, the wilderness outside
sitting meditation becomes dedication

Determined to accept all problems to resolve
even a mendicant without an ounce of pride
dedicated by vows taken to overcome
ignorance, greed, and hate may seek vindication
called upon to just sit unperturbed, not involve
ascetic life with time spent with others at war
to say one way is right, the other wrong makes numb
in a sense the debate within dialectic
or the analysis of inquiry as art
not argumentation of methods eclectic

and irresolvable of contradictions tart
not with flavor but from vitriolic ardor
defending opinions without reason or thought

Determined to sit in the wilderness, alone
even a mendicant may find too much to bear
the weather in April as in August, a fraught
event day after day with predators at night
right or wrong no one knows, until the act is done
money earned by others matters not as time ne'er
interests a lonesome monk amongst the elements
nothing but the problem of birth and death, to delight
altruistically in processes of aging
to the schadenfreude of disease as pleasure
in misery or joy, with company boiling
over in distress, with no one at their leisure
nothing but change makes sense to passing elephants

Erroneous as Vagabonds ~ Thursday, May 5, 2022

In the grand scheme of things, nothing is what it seems but the voice of spirit
not as a deity, a god or a devil, an angel or demon

the voice is unaware of being understood as a force of nature
how when people converse about nothing worthwhile a phrase spoken merits
energy in hindsight as if to strike a chord to make someone listen

Given the speaker knows nothing nor remembers what she said, the daemon
reserves the right to hide within language alone for the plebs to wager
as a pledge or promise, as to uphold an oath, the spirit shines a light
not visible to eyes but only to the ear of someone so driven
delusions becomes real, not just words on the page but a spoken command

Schemes as constellations to navigate the seas by starlight as darkness
calls captains and sailors to seek the horizon beyond truth where the damned
hearken back to Seirênes awaiting them to hear their songs, noting the sharpness
entering their fortune, they recollect the past as to read Sein und Zeit
mention philosophy to itinerant monks on board to Nányuè
endlessly reciting sutras of the Buddha to memorize his words

of ontological inscape, being within interiority
forget a word or phrase, misread the transmission as the voice of YHWH

The Tetragrammaton in books of the Torah to confuse two canons
humble drones in their hive work together to clear the air of mistakes, birds
inaccurate chatter as sparrows in a bush lacking authority
notwithstanding decades of study, ancient tongues, both Sanskrit and Pali
genuine languages handed down by masters, patriarchs as salmon
swimming upstream to spawn, so many obstacles, distractions in Bali