Thursday, May 5, 2022

An Investigation ~ Thursday, May 5, 2022

Alone in the forest, the wilderness outside
sitting meditation becomes dedication

Determined to accept all problems to resolve
even a mendicant without an ounce of pride
dedicated by vows taken to overcome
ignorance, greed, and hate may seek vindication
called upon to just sit unperturbed, not involve
ascetic life with time spent with others at war
to say one way is right, the other wrong makes numb
in a sense the debate within dialectic
or the analysis of inquiry as art
not argumentation of methods eclectic

and irresolvable of contradictions tart
not with flavor but from vitriolic ardor
defending opinions without reason or thought

Determined to sit in the wilderness, alone
even a mendicant may find too much to bear
the weather in April as in August, a fraught
event day after day with predators at night
right or wrong no one knows, until the act is done
money earned by others matters not as time ne'er
interests a lonesome monk amongst the elements
nothing but the problem of birth and death, to delight
altruistically in processes of aging
to the schadenfreude of disease as pleasure
in misery or joy, with company boiling
over in distress, with no one at their leisure
nothing but change makes sense to passing elephants

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