Monday, May 2, 2022

Cloudburst Identity ~ Monday, May 2, 2022

Weatherman, Weatherman sing me a tune
everyone knows you sing the Blues, the sky
azure, your eyes tell no lies but your lips...
they miss the mark, oh why do you so croon
hungry to make a difference in no way
elevate to great importance the wry
rough fact of the underground, come to grips

Under duress, hiding, the disappeared
naked in the shower, your friends to pay
due respect, exploded in the village
emerge with a colleague to find shelter
refuge from the impending storm, still rage
gathers a fist, your life, helter-skelter
remain true to your principles, you feared
overcast skies, a tornado, you burst
under the limelight of the stage to wage
nothing less than civil war, disengage
desperation, status, for this you thirst.

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