Wednesday, June 1, 2022

An Old Married Couple ~ Wednesday, June 1, 2022

An old married couple, that's how we picture them, now that they're dead and gone

No one knew why they left, one day they took the car heading out to the coast

Old is a funny way of putting it, they weren't . . . old that is, they were young

Like they'd been together since they were little kids, they'd bicker over Spawn

Don't ask me about it, I never saw the film, but they loved stupid stuff

Maybe I'm wrong to call a genre "stupid stuff" but super heroes boast

An audience of nerds, geeks, Japanese cosplay performers, the unsung

Repertory actors, shy exhibitionists and extroverts alike

Really, just ignore me as I'm still unpublished, who am I to talk rough

If I judge from a point of envy or hatred, jealousy is my base

Exactly when did I lose the thread to follow my way out of the cave

Despite the fact they were . . . teenagers, nowhere near over the hill, the face

Carried them off the cliff, a murder-suicide, just old enough to drive

Old married couples live forever in the minds of loved ones, memories

Unattached to reason, to problem-solving goals, crop up at strange moments

Perhaps as a trigger elicits a breakdown, a time when I feel spent

Like after a long day working on a sentence, as my accessories

Explode during a storm, an electrical surge during a voltage spike

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