Friday, April 14, 2023

Inheritance ~ Friday, April 14, 2023

That recovery
a game for adult-children
is lifelong struggle

History wages
two world wars on battlefields
few ever visit

As for Ibiza
nightclub capital of Spain
kids dance all night long

Taste the difference, life
easy to juggle with drugs
and mules to smuggle

Recovery lasts
one day at a time, sober
while on the wagon

Each person falls off
led astray, let your guard down
forced to solicit

Cancer, worse by far
as remission rings the bell
with wings for a song

Ovaries burn
in the crematorium
of fruitless women

Vas deferens cut
a seedless man is reborn
fatten the dragon

Empty the main drain
piss away the vinegar
no stranger to time

Remember the past
trauma provides all wisdom
fire burns plays the mime

Yes, there is no hope
outside suffering but sit
breathe in the limen

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