Thursday, May 4, 2023

Pellucidity ~ Thursday, May 4, 2023

send me back in time
to kill all perpetrators
of victim abuse

hunger to feel sane
learn logic to order thoughts
philosophy frames

events in context
perspective, studies in art
lines of focal points

transcend the darkness
unhappy childhood at home
meaning lost, no truce

how the war begins
with a clear declaration
end hostility

engage all parties
allies or antagonists
axis powers shames

notable systems
of overwhelming duress
finance broken joints

capture enemies
execute, leave for the wolves
history, my past

understand brother
to do no harm, a belief
in futility

transcend the absurd
within decisive action
flee stupidity

obliged to duty
keep in touch, no eye contact
the drishti you fear

for I am nazar
the evil eye who observes

forget your hamsa
more evil than ha-satan
for your life may veer

misdirected, try
to steer it right, clear off-course
you find your net cast

yolk stuck to your face
I blow away butterflies
their wings create change

leave the left-hand path
you belong with the vipers
in church, as they pray

enter the sanctum
in the presence of safety
where I cannot go

forge a bond in fire
for you made me what I am
a sword, warped and strange

to whom do I owe
the pleasure to be alive
my birth in Bombay

hold my hand, brother
watch that it doesn't fall off
keep them just for show

argue with mother
better laugh at the devil
with ears out of range

no point to this life
a foreigner treated so
they say what they say

demons of the street
this city deluded lies
with the blackheart crow

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