Sunday, May 7, 2023

The Helical Ladder ~ Sunday, May 7, 2023

As a three-year old
we left London for New York
but that day, I died

Still it's all my fault
I was born and not stillborn
nor a miscarriage

An abortion lost
to the Hippocratic oath
I affirm my death

Took place in spirit
if not bodily murder
forsaken, I cried

How to live this life
without care, guidance, support
such was this marriage

Remnants of a past
when the essentials were it
to breathe my last breath

Enter a dark pact
with ha-satan to conceive
this life as espied

Even before birth
before conception, photons
beyond all space-time

Yes, speculation
creates this uncertainty
the principal crime

Ear down to the ground
listen for activity
the earth in motion

Asked to make amends
in the moment, at the time
an apology

Remember the pain
remains as a memory
the torture sustains

Obliged to tell lies
for defense mechanisms
what is this notion

Left as residue
this idea of a family
from biology

Drops from a stopcock
leaky, a broken condom
birth, a life in chains

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