Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Good Morning, Happy Birthday!!! ~ Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Uneven sidewalk,
looking through my bag, I fall
tumble to my side

now, I'm fifty-four
good morning, happy birthday
on my way to work

even the Metra
feels strange now from Evanston,
my first ride southbound

vengeance is zero
my palms scuffed, whom to complain
to, who must I chide

enjoy the train ride
sights and sounds, Cathy beside
me chats on her phone

nobody else cares
earbuds to block out all noise
I feel like a jerk

slip, fall, what a day
which way am I going, to see
not to see, I found

ignorance, a curse
crosses my lips, expletive
my voice speaks, not mute

deaf, dumb, and blind, truth
hides in knowledge, in neglect
attention, I own

eventually, mice
eat away to cut the thread,
when will I grow up

when will I become
the truth hidden in knowledge
faces show they know

as I grow older
honestly, I remain young
but unlike a pup

life throws obstacles
my way to avoid, deflect
if I take a blow

kindness falls like grace
manna from heaven, I live
I tumble and fall, cute

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