Sunday, June 11, 2023

Ripple ~ Sunday, June 11, 2023

I see a picture
of me on the milk carton
with another boy

so is everyone
looking for me, I'm right here
way out in left field

even if John Smith,
the grounds keeper, said little
to nought to no one

even if his wife,
the naive, lonesome Dawn Smith
appeared not so coy

as a devious,
diabolical angel,
fallen with singed wings

pretending to be
good, honest and true, a lie,
I now know they wield

insight into death
as a plaything of children
who stare at the sun

causing the image
of that vast sphere to turn blue,
what machinations

to place little boys
deep beneath a baseball field,
where everyone sings

unsung praise for God
and country, viewing the flag
ripple on the pole

rip me a new hole,
where I may rest in peace, know
there is a tunnel

even as John Smith
drives a lawn mower above
me, dark as a mole

objects I can see
with a flashlight, my dad called
a torch, to funnel

fortune to this room,
where I can hear the crowds cheer,
under foundations

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