Wednesday, November 20, 2024

The Grief Process ~ Wednesday, November 20, 2024

The cousin of my girlfriend passed away
having a hard time with my emotions
experiences do not process grief

call my friends, so far away, just to say
out of the blue, by the way, I love you
ugly tears cannot fall in the oceans
learn nothing, move on, no sense of relief
deal with my feelings by writing these words

out of nowhere, wait for the other shoe
for everyone poops and everyone dies

maybe uncertainty and the unknown
yell at me, just to say, everyone cries

given the fear of death, may I postpone
insipid interest in the fallen birds
resting broken beneath giant windows
lifeless and dull, lives lost in a moment
for all the little birds in migration
restlessly traveling, pain comes and goes
in waves, at first acute, then a dull throb
endlessly, as a metaphor, unbent
needles dig through to bone, the sensation
diminished fifths, augmented fourths, tritones

passion decreases, this life makes me sob
as people come and go, whence to and fro
such questions remain unanswered, I ask
simply to wait for time to pass, to blow
eternally, as this dream wears a mask
detached from emotions, as from my bones

aging gracefully, a façade of cool
wake up before the death of my girlfriend
arrive at work late, I cannot pretend
yesterday, at church, I prayed, still a fool

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