Friday, January 31, 2025

Behind the Red Curtains ~ Friday, January 31, 2025

Imagination is all that is real
make-believe makes reality a dream
art simulates as a reproduction
genius imagines beyond the appeal
ideological of politics
nothing melts faster than chocolate ice cream
actions without the need for production
the film industry and television
indoctrinates with codes set into bricks
orders to contain and control the few
now known as exclusivity belies

institutional prejudice as law
systemic injustice for centuries

attends to the need for supervision
liquid thoughts flow beyond power and hate
listen to the bass drum as a heartbeat

take a moment to step back and observe
how media shapes thought out of the gate
art interprets to overcome the lies
tranquility meditates on defeat

ignorance denies in order to serve
state functionaries as servants of greed

reality hides the truth while the spies
exhume the bodies to sniff out a cheat
aspects of the real remain hidden, swerve
left or right to overhear a false creed

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